The world’s carbon-dioxide emissions have stabilised
But they need to fall to have a real impact on climate change
IT COULD be a rare piece of good news in the battle against global warming. The International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s most prominent energy forecaster, said on March 16th that carbon-dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels have remained flat for two years in a row. Emissions from the world’s two biggest polluters, America and China, have been falling. The world has not seen such a lull since the early 1980s.
The IEA’s provisional findings will fan a debate about whether global emissions have peaked. China, after all, is trying to rebalance its economy away from heavily polluting industries towards services. But analysts say two years is too short a period to be considered a lasting trend. What is more, the IEA is relying on data that many economists question. If China’s official growth figures are exaggerated, then it would not be becoming less carbon intensive as fast as it seems.
The IEA said the world’s energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide stood at 32.1 billion tonnes last year, for the second year running. This is the first time they have remained flat during a period of economic expansion in more than 40 years. Fatih Birol, the IEA’s director, says the three main drivers were a big growth of renewable-energy use in global power generation, led by wind turbines; a switch in America from coal-fired plants to natural-gas-fuelled ones after the shale revolution and a government-led effort in China to curb emissions due to concerns about pollution as well as climate change.
IEA表示,去年的能源相关的碳排放量是321吨,与前年持平。与此同时,经济增长,这是过去40年都没有的情况。IEA的主管Fatih Birol表示,三驾马车分别是,可再生新能源的开发如风力发电;美国的页岩气革命;中国政府领导的产业转型。节能减排不但可以降低污染,还能改善气候。
Mr Birol says the rapid deployment of renewables is good news; it tallies with the IEA’s best-case scenario for tackling global warming and shows emissions are “decoupling from economic growth”. But he expresses concern that the progress will be ephemeral: the low prices of natural gas and coal may undermine new investment in wind and solar power. They may also slow the trend toward improved energy efficiency.
The IEA’s most contentious finding is that emissions from China, the world’s biggest polluter, dropped 1.5% last year. Some experts will see this as evidence that China’s emissions will peak within a decade, if they haven’t already. The Chinese government, though, has insisted its emissions will continue to grow until 2030. In a report this month Fergus Green and Nicholas Stern of the London School of Economics said the official projections should be taken with a pinch of salt, since the government prefers “to under-promise and over-deliver.”
IEA最有争议的发现是中国这个世界上最大的污染制造者,去年的排放量降低了1.5%。有专家认为,若中国的碳排放顶峰应该就在近10年内,即使现在没达到也不会高太多。不过,中国政府的计划中,依旧坚持他们在2030年前不会减少排放。来自伦敦政经的 Fergus Green与Nicholas Stern说,政府发言不可轻信,他们喜欢“少做承诺,超额完成”
Richard Black of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, a British think-tank, says the improvement in China represents a “huge turnaround”, and that its replacement of coal with renewable energy is likely to continue. However Michael Levi of America’s Council on Foreign Relations notes that the United States is still emerging from a period of deep economic weakness, China is restructuring and India is quickly developing, so the conditions that have brought emissions to a standstill may swiftly dissipate. He says that carbon dioxide emissions will need to fall to have a meaningful impact on climate change. “The first step towards reducing emissions is stabilising them, but it’s still only a first step.”
ECIU(英国的智库组织)的Richard Black说这些改善代表着中国正在“大转身”,可再生能源大量代替煤矿应该是长期行为。美国外交关系委员会成员Michael Levi指出,美国经济仍在疲软中,中国正在产业转型,印度也在飞速发展,眼下的排放停滞的条件并不充分。二氧化碳的减排对于气候的影响意义深远,第一步已经走好,但这仅是开始。
I am always struck by the fact that the US is with China the biggest polluter and it has about a quarter of the population of China. The GOP climate deniers have an awful lot to answer for. What a dreadful party.
"But they need to fall to have a real impact on climate change".“我们需要实质性的对策来应对环境变化”
What a lot of hogwash.
There is absolutely no scientific evidence, other than from lefties, that man has had anything material to do with climate change.
Any more than the absence of man in past millenniums had any influence in stopping the massive cooling and warming periods.
Like the massive sheet of ice that covered the entire North American continent and, without any influence from the absent man, melted completely.
Way are there so many idiots, who do not understand that C02 is plantfood, and not a toxic gas.....Historicly, C02 levels are low.....every time, in the past, when C02 concentrations where much higher, life and nature trived on it...new species came to life...forrests grew ( we need that now..)...and by the way. climate IS change....ps : the world has been cooling for the last 17 years, despite the rise in C02...
Spot on!!
China, America, EU and India should reduce pollution. Then problem solved.
So you have never seen factory exhaust vents before?
Pollutants are those that can be seen from from exhaust vents, my boy. Not CO2
Moran ya Simba
Global warming has taken a pause for a decade and a half by now...