中国政府对欧洲进口钢铁征收关税 [英国媒体]


Chinese government imposes tariff on EU steelimports


China’s move is likely to anger UK steelworkers and unions, who blame the country for much of the industry’s recent troubles


China has risked raisingtensions over its role in the UK steel crisis by imposing a 46% import duty ona type of high-tech steel made by Tata in Wales.


The Chinese government said it had slappedthe tariff on “grain-oriented electrical steel” imported from the EuropeanUnion, South Korea and Japan. It justified the move by saying imports fromabroad were causing substantial damage to its domestic steel industry.


Tata Steel, whosesubsidiary Cogent Power makes the hi-tech steel targeted by the levy inNewport, south Wales, was unable to say on Friday whether any Cogent products areexported to China.

塔塔钢铁位于南威尔士新港的子公司Cogent Power生产这种高科技钢铁,周五该公司没有说明其产品是否出口到中国。

David Cameron said 'It was right to blocktariffs on Chinese Steel' WITHOUT explaining why
The whole concept of the EU is that it is aTarrif free zone WITHIN Protecting the EU's jobs and industries ..not a a tradezone whereby one trojan horse country (Britain ) can go it alone and be a backdoor to dumped industrial and agricultural products.
I do not understand why the EU wantsBritain IN when it continually breaks not only EU rules and concepts on whimsbased on who is the Tories favourite dictator this week
If Britain blocked the EU tariffs onchinese steel it not oinly has led to the demise of British Steel BUT has beenthe cause of tens of thousands of jobs throughout the EU ..and has helpeddestruction of a european steel industry
THe Chinese don't just dump in the shortTHIS was a long term game to destroy both Euro and American steelindustries..They would be left then in a near monompoly position
Indian made steel is crap / chinese madestel is dodgy many live could be lost in the long run


First paragraph a bit misleading! Thetariff being imposed doesn't solely affect Tata. It's an EU wide tariff, inresponse to the EUs attempts to impose a tariff on the Chinese.
There reaction seems measured andproportionate to be honest!


Steve Bennett
No, Britain is the problem. The EU wantedto impose a tirriff similar to the 266% tariff imposed by the USA. Britainvoted against, resulting in yet another example of the 'Fuck You School ofCrapitalist business Academy'.
When will you people learn - The Toriescouldn't give a flying rivet about what happens to Industrial Capital. Anywayall of this is happening outside London - so it doesn't count. 40,000 jobs.Nothing. Peanuts. just wait till Honda, Toyota, General Motors, Airbus, JLR,Ford, Nissan and BMW (Mini and Rolls Royce) head for the door. You'll belooking at another 400,000. But they won't count either, because they are (a)working class (b) are outside London and (c) not bankers. ' I don't thinknationalisation would be a good thing...' Well I do. And I'd start with you. Ona zero hours minimum wage in Port Talbot, Middle class wankers.....they allthink the same . They either use their pricks or their elbows.


Have you read the article where Cameron isdefending his decision to block the eu from raising the tariff on Chinesesteel?


1. The US protects its markets againstChina's steel dumping with duties. 2. Cameron et al stymie all effrts be the EUto introduce similar duties to protect the markets of member EU states. 3. TTIPwill exacerbate the problem as the US grabs what market share the Chinesehaven't already. See:

1、美国为保护自己的市场通过关税阻止了中国钢铁的倾销。2、而卡梅伦等人从中作梗阻止欧盟对中国钢铁实行类似的关税。3、跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系协议将使问题恶化,因为美国占领了中国人还没有占领的市场份额。看 ... S_Metals_Sector.pdf

Please don't take our Donald, as he couldfix this with one phone call. You can have the complete failure Obama, anytimebaby, please take him.


You could describe most cars built in UK asforeign using that logic. BMW, Ford, GM, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Rolls Royce,Landrover are all nominally foreign owned.


The Chinese are now imposing Anti-dumpingtariffs. That is the only fact in your post. To suggest that the Tories haveconspired with the Chinese to wreck Port Talbot and the rest of the Britishsteel industry is truely not credible.


Don't forget the last government too withMiliband's insane green energy bill.


Barry Chadwick
China needs to sell product....the uk itcan ignore ..........................europe it cannot ignore.
Think again


Barry Chadwick
Nationalisation would be a mistake even ifwe were not in the eu.
If we wanted to put 1.5 bn into the nationsindustrial base there would be a thousand better ways than to have an armwrestle with the quater of the world that is China over steel.

