韩国人居然说中国是对我们和平的最大威胁 - 不是朝鲜 [联合国媒体]


China – not North Korea – is our biggest threat to peace, South Koreans say

韩国人居然说中国是对我们和平的最大威胁 - 不是朝鲜

China is the country presenting the biggest barrier to peace on the Korean peninsula, surpassing North Korea for the first time, according to a new poll of South Korean citizens.


In the survey, released on Tuesday by the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS) at Seoul National University, 46 per cent of respondents viewed China as “the most threatening country to peace on the Korean peninsula”, a dramatic increase from 2016, when 17 per cent said China was the most threatening.

首尔国立大学和平与统一研究所(IPUS) 周二公布的这项调查显示,46%的受访者认为中国是“朝鲜半岛和平最具威胁的国家”,较2016年大幅上升,当时只有17%的受访者表示中国是最具威胁性的国家。

Beijing saw THAAD as a threat targeting China, compromising the country’s national security by monitoring its military activities, rather than a way to deter or curb North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
China then embarked on an aggressive unofficial campaign to stop Chinese tour groups travelling to South Korea. Its boycott cost South Korea’s tourism industry 7.5 trillion won (US$6.7 billion) between January and September last year, according to data compiled by the South Korean national assembly’s budget office.


The Chinese government also targeted the Seoul-based multinational conglomerate Lotte – which had agreed to provide land for THAAD – by fining it for its advertising practices and shutting down a large number of its supermarkets in China for fire regulation violations. China has also intensified its customs inspections of South Korean companies.
“[The survey results] may also be a [simple] reaction due to a rapid increase in intimacy towards North Korea,” Choi said.

崔说:“(调查结果) 也可能是一种( 简单的 ) 反应,因为与朝鲜的亲密关系迅速增加。”

“An inter-Korean joint military committee will be activated soon to avoid accidental military collisions,” the September Pyongyang Declaration stated. “The two Koreas have agreed to enhance exchanges and cooperation.”
Meanwhile, 53 per cent of respondents said that South Korea must maintain a “neutral” position during the escalation of the US-China conflict, while 39 per cent and 8 per cent said Seoul must improve cooperation only with Washington and Beijing respectively.


As China grows stronger it is likely that countries in Asia (and then the world) will have to make a choice between China and the USA. Countries like Australia, Philippines and Japan are struggling with that choice but it would appear that Korea has made its choice. History will show if it's the right one.


The whole world hates your master and some other Western countries. Why are some Western countries the targets of terrorism? China has plenty of friends in Africa, Latin and South America. Angela Merkel has visited China 5 times since becoming Germany Chancellor in late 2005. How many times has she visited Japan? Is she not a friend of Japan?


If China was the biggest threat of peace, how about the US and the UK?


Chinese Imperialism is threatening all of Asia. It is time for more countries to stand against China
This is a good start


So, what's the big deal? If you want Thaad out, get the Norks to destroy their nukes and intercontinental rockets, and poof, they'll be gone. It's that easy.


China at 91 is probably within the margin of error with Japan at 90 and Russia at 88. Just shows South Koreans have Stockholm Syndrome.

91% 认为中国(不希望朝鲜半岛统一),可能处于误差范围内,90%认为日本,88%认为俄罗斯(也不希望朝鲜半岛统一),这说明韩国人纯粹就是斯德哥尔摩综合症。

Malaysian prime minister put it plainly why people in Asia don't take China as enemy. They traded with China for thousands of years and it will probably continue that way for another thousand years. But that was not the case with westerner, they came to Malacca in 1641 presumably for trade, they conquered the place two years later when they have their reinforcement arrived. In Vietnam they took twenty years to quell resistance because China tried to help but to no avail. In Philippine, Burma, India and elsewhere the story were the same. Westerners came with their religion, way of life, rule of law, but the consequences were exploitation and colonization. In modern time, they try another way to get the same things, they spread hatred to split and put wedges so neighbors distrust and fight each other.


I beg to differ. PEW Research Center:
''The Pew Research Centre found 70 per cent of people surveyed across 25 countries this year said they lacked confidence in Trump, compared with 27 per cent who said they trusted the American president’s handling of international affairs.''


Why can't the North Korean has nuclear weapons? The USA has the few thousand times more. You are brainwashed by Hollywood movies.


If I were a Chinese I would ask myself some questions regarding why so many East Asian people are so wary of China.


Dan Chui
If I were an Asian I would ask myself this question:
Can I trust US if they sold arms petroleum and iron to Japan when it was invading Asian nations, right through Nanking massacre and for three more years after Only stopped a few months before Pearl Harbour bombing


Frankly speaking, SK is taking China as its foe, they allowed US to set up Thaad that aims at China. Recently the President of SK said that SK would not remove US troops and military base from SK even they have united with NK. These ungrateful people can never be friends of China, they themselves know it very well.

