学生上交作业称波兰移民“偷走了”英国人的工作机会,之后校方为此道歉 [英国媒体]

英国一所中学的学生上交作业称英国人的工作被欧盟工人“偷走”,之后校方为此道歉 。



A secondary school has apologised after a worksheet handed to pupils featured the suggestion UK jobs were being “stolen” by EU workers.

英国一所中学的学生上交作业称英国人的工作被欧盟工人“偷走”,之后校方为此道歉 。

Year 8 Geography students at Walthamstow Academy in north east London were handed a booklet earlier this month titled “essential knowledge” in which a section about migration implied Polish migrants came to Britain for “free healthcare” and “better schools”.

本月早些时候,位于伦敦东北部的沃尔瑟姆斯托学院(Walthamstow Academy)的8年级地理专业学生收到了一本名为《基本知识》的小册子。在这本小册子中,有一节的内容是关移民的,内容暗示波兰移民来到英国是为了“免费医疗”和“更好的学校”。

One Polish mother whose 12-year-old daughter was given the document said: "I found it deeply shocking and offensive that they targeted only one nation while talking about immigration.


"It is really disturbing that they are giving children biased information that isn’t based on any statistics."


After receiving a number of complaints the head teacher at the school apologised “wholeheartedly” for the offence caused and acknowledged that parts of the worksheet were “inaccurate and insensitive”.



Nicholas Hatton founder of the 3million a grassroots organisation representing EU citizens in the UK told The Independent it was "really shocking" that the material had been distributed to pupils in the first place describing it as a "dangerous document".

代表着3百万英国欧盟公民草根组织的创始人尼古拉斯·哈顿(Nicholas Hatton)告诉《独立报》“非常令人震惊的是”这些一开始就被分发给学生的资料是“危险的文件”。

"Whoever has written this is tapping into prejudice that are not factual. These arguments have already been discredited by academic reviews" he said.


“There’s no mention of freedom of movement. It’s imbalanced and has clearly been written by someone who doesn’t understand the fluidity of the job market.


She said the knowledge booklet had already been re-written to be "more explicit in the credence we give to the views argued by some".



BenB 2 days ago +15
Now the Brexidiots are spreading their foreigner-hate even among children in schools... the kinds of characters who produce this inflammatory material should be kept well away from children.


Buyer&Seller 2 days ago -5
But it's okay for all the Libtards employed in education to brain wash kids to be good little socialists this just starts to redress the balance.


(译注:NFZ=Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia:The Polish National Health Service)

Sturluson 2 days ago +4 -1
The depth of Brexitoids Trumpesque oafish ignorance is hard to grasp by the more educated half of Britain which despises Brexit and all it stands for. It is a scandal that kids are exposed to this kind of poison.



Greebo 2 days ago +2 -4
Back in 2004 the unemployment rate in Poland was indeed around 20%. Brexiteers would argue that it decreased to 4% only because the remaining 16% moved to the UK.


NationalExtinctionEvent 2 days ago +5
POLAND has shortage of workers - every one going back will have a good job and fair wages some in factories that were in the UK ...


oisinthered 2 days ago +10
This is appalling. The teacher(s) who wrote this should be disciplined.
This is what comes of the marketisation of teaching where there is little training of graduates nor clear in house training on diversity.
Would this be Stella Creasey's constituency?

这太令人震惊了。写这份材料的老师(们)应该受到处分。这就是教学市场化的结果,毕业生接受到的培训很少,在多元化问题上也没受到清楚的内部培训。这些人会不会是斯特拉·克里西(Stella Creasey)的支持者吗?


Lafaucheuse 2 days ago +12 -2
Brexitland! The Head's apology adds insult to injury. Who was responsible for this worksheet? Has he/she been disciplined? made to apologize to the Polish parents and children? Sent to an anti racist course? What?
I am afraid the new face of Britain is not pretty. Just change the word Polish with Jewish see what it looks like.


Eastern European 2 days ago +9 -1
Welcome to Nazi Little Britain. Time to leave EU ASAP. The head teacher remind me very much your PM. Both ain't got slightest idea how to govern. The head teacher should show some remorse and resign


Leo de Tanagra 2 days ago +7
Anyone who wrote this garbage should be run out of any contact with children. And they say that education is dominated by Trotskyists!


kaalus 2 days ago +7 -1
Poor housing standards with dwellings lacking basic amenities?
The author of this document has clearly not been to Poland or any other European country for that matter. On average house size in Poland is about double that of UK. Triple glazing underfloor heating open plan living have been standard for decades now. Polish people coming to the UK are shocked at the squalor we're forced to live in.


general morales 2 days ago +9 -3
It is very important that the identity of the person who wrote it be identified and exposed. It is all lies and they should not be allowed to teach lies at school.


Stefan Blommaert 2 days ago +6 -1
"Sorry" is only "sorry" when it is meant. From what we have experienced with and seen and heard of the UK and of the British (yes this is a statistical thing which means that there are Britons that are different; they just do not seem to be in the majority) over the course of the last two years one can safely conclude that this "sorry" is just another one for the appearances. Hypocritical nonsense as we have now grown accustomed to.


Buyer&Seller 2 days ago +1 -9
I can't see the problem looks to have hit the nail squarely on the head what's the matter does the truth hurt?


Hera 2 days ago +6
Not read the text then it isn't the truth Polish immigrants benefit the country.


LadyVader 2 days ago +12
Well apparently truth doesn't stick with you... If you read with understanding you could absorb that those leaflets were "fake news" disconnected from reality. Several studies have confirmed that immigration brings MORE to the UK than immigrants take from the services. But I bet you still don't see... This is called - no no blindness - but prejudice.
