泰国官方:中泰高铁建设明年全面开工 [泰国媒体]

曼谷6月2日——周五,交通部长ArkhomTermpittayapaisith 说道,随着今年投标任务,中泰高铁在泰国东北部的曼谷-呵叻线有望在明年早期全面开工。

Construction of Thai-Chinese high-speedrail to start fully next year: Thai official


BANGKOK, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The construction of a Thai-Chinesehigh-speed rail between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima in northeastern Thailandis expected to get fully started early next year, following biddings later thisyear, said Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith on Friday.

曼谷6月2日——周五,交通部长ArkhomTermpittayapaisith 说道,随着今年投标任务,中泰高铁在泰国东北部的曼谷-呵叻线有望在明年早期全面开工。

Arkhom, who co-chaired the 24th meeting of the Joint Committee onThailand-China Cooperation on Rail Project with Ning Jizhe, deputy head ofChina's National Development and Reform Commission, said the construction ofthe main sections of the first phase of the high-speed rail from Bangkok tonortheastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima will start in March next year.


The entire 253-km route between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima isdivided into 14 sections, two of which are considered minor sections located inthe northeastern province, including an initial 3.5-km-long section currentlyunder construction between Klang Dong and Pang Asok stations, which startedlate last year.

曼谷-呵叻线全长253公里,共分为14个路段,其中次要的两段位于呵叻省份,包括一段最初只有3.5公里长的路线,属于Klang Dong-Pang Asok路段,它们将于明年晚期开工。

Of the 12 main sections, six sections will be open to biddings inSeptember this year, followed by the construction scheduled to begin in Marchnext year, whereas the other six sections will be open to biddings in Novemberthis year, followed by the construction to begin in April next year, accordingto the transport minister.


Meanwhile, the 350-km high-speed rail between Nakhon Ratchasimaand Nong Khai, which is facing the Lao capital Vientiane across Mekong River,will be implemented by Thailand with China acting as consultants in terms offeasibility study and design, Arkhom said.


The feasibility study and design are scheduled to be finishedwithin this year so that the construction will begin next year, the ministernoted, adding that they will work hard to make both phases, or the wholehigh-speed rail from Bangkok to Nong Khai, operational at the same time.


Another bridge across Mekong River will be built to accommodatethe high-speed railway, which is designed to link southern China with Thailandthrough Laos.



Jf Howard Seen way too many projects begin and end abruptly longbefore completion, thus resulting in another local steal and concrete like,empty, monument. Hope this project does not fall into this catagory...


CK Steve Oh, you are the expert in economy?


Zed Alexander China?


Jf Howard CK Steve ...insufficient deposit, and subsequent cashheld in reserve... could result in incomplete contract performance, and furtherresult in another steal and concrete, like, monument. Check and Balance incontract budgeting is not only critical, but essential, which often enough, insome countries, fail for many reasons...

CK Steve。存款不足、资金不到位,会导致合同无法完成。检查和平衡合同预算不仅仅是批评,还需要评估,这样才够。在一些国家里,太多原因导致合同无法履行。

Sui WalterJf Howard Relax. This is notmalaysia.


Jf Howard Sui Walter ... actually nearly the same in bothcountries.

Sui Walter,事实上这两个国家没什么区别。

Kim Lim Cool Let time prove to us are we making wrongdecision?....since we can always refer to HSR project in Thailand.


Jack Peiffer Jf Howard ;Mindless and factless rants only show atotal and complete lack of logic and understanding! Look to China's exceptionalsuccess in infra-structure building, focus on the magnificent success inChina's high speed rail! More than the rest of the world combined! Keeping apost to the point instead of mindless projection is intelligent, foolishprojection is not.

Jf Howard,愚蠢和毫无事实根据的咆哮只会让人显得毫无逻辑和理解能力!

Jack Peiffer Kim Lim Cool ; Thanks Kim, there always seem to be thefoolish posts from those who know nothing, only post mindless babble.

Kim Lim Cool,谢谢。那些什么都不懂的人似乎总是要发表愚蠢的留言。

Jf Howard Jack Peiffer ...only saying hope it does not fallapart like many past projects...

Jack Peiffer。我不过只是希望这个项目不会像过去许多项目那样失败而已……

CK Steve Malaysia will be left behind


Clarence GO Not much they can do they don't have money to pay forit.


Terence Love Eastin Toh Malaysia, don't worry about us. We will get the costdown to our comfortable level and bring it back on the table, a level playingfield.


CK Steve Terence Love Eastin Toh Not so confident in our Drmahathir. He's not 20 years ago. Hopefully we can catch up Thailand.

Terence Love Eastin Toh,我们的马哈迪医生(译注:马来西亚总理)可没这么自信。他已经不是20年前的那个人了。但愿我们能赶上泰国吧。

Ben Hasideen Meanwhile in malaysia... HSR was dropped... n we areleft behind... our trillion debt is our main concern... n malaysian urge tocollect donation for helping goverment... n malaysian proud of it... only inmalaysia


Gareth Lloyd Looking forward to traveling on it one day.


Lim Boon Leong No mention of the cost involved... 🤔


Nancy Hobson My daughter spent some time in northern Thailand andthe people were so very poor


Nick Lion Don't follow blindly.. 
Ada kata cina; what my neighbor can afford, doesn'tmean i should have.. !


Max Gaddafi Very good news for Thailand


Cy Khoo what is the cost? as high as malaysia?


Rana Nasir Khan Good luck Th


Aniefiok Akpan Next year. 


Oleg Mroczek Go China Go!

