有钱买不到幸福——全球福祉指数 [英国媒体]


Daily chart


Measuring well-being


【导读:随着全球经济增长的下行趋势,许多世界上最大的经济体并没有将经济增长转变到自己国家人民健康福祉上。美国波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group ,简称BCG)最新发布《2016经济可持续发展评估》报告,采用The SEDA, or SustainableEconomic Development Assessment分析各国的民生福祉指数( Well-Being)。在其调查的全球163个国家和地区中,挪威再次高居榜首,荷兰和芬兰紧随其后, 加拿大和美国分别位居第17和第19位, 中国则位居全世界第73位。另据统计,全球人口中有超过一半的人居住在经济可持续发展程度较差的国家中。
在这份名为《2016经济可持续发展评估》的报告中,波士顿咨询公司从经济、投资和可持续发展三个维度衡量了各国的福祉指数,具体指标则包括经济稳定、教育水平、收入平等、环境水平、社会包容度等13项。波士顿咨询公司称,此举意在编制一项衡量经济“福祉”的宽泛指标,使政策制定者不再仅仅通过GDP、通胀和失业率等传统指标来衡量国家的发展水平,这将有望对各国将GDP转化为居民福祉。这样很容易知道在全球范围内哪些国家是高和低标准。美国将财富和经济增长转化为福祉( Well-Being)的福祉改善指数低于全球标准(wealth-to-well-being)。
中国此次排名73名,虽然只比去年上升了3名,但是福祉改善指数得分为97.5, 中国的福祉指数改善程度在所有国家中排名第二。报告称,中国近年来的经济增长方式有所进步,它正在使GDP的增长变得更加透明。报告还称,如中国、巴西、南非等国,当女性掌握更多的家庭经济大权时,孩子就会受益,因为会在食物和教育方面支出更多。】

HOW do you measure the well-being of a country’s citizens? Looking at wealthalone is clearly not enough: oil-rich states in the Middle East may have the highest levels of GDP per person yet they lag behind the West in terms of civilrights, education and a host of other quantifiable (and desirable) measures.Boston Consulting Group (BCG) attempts to answer this question with its “Sustainable Economic Development Assessment”(SEDA). This year’s report, published on July 21st,encompasses 163 countries or territories and looks at each country’s performance across three measures: economics, investment andsustainability. Economics is made up of income, stability and employment;investment comprises health, education and infrastructure; and sustainabilityincludes income inequality, civil society, government and environment.Altogether, BCG crunched nearly 50,000 data points.


The usual suspects occupy the top spots, with Norway reaching the maximum of 100 inthe normalised scoring system, as it has every year since SEDA was launched in 2012. It is followed by northern European states and other developed countries.Petro-states such as the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, two of the wealthiest countries in the world, come in at 25th and 26th respectively. The UnitedStates’ relatively poor standing at 19th reflects its high income inequality as well as its low health and education scores.


BCG also compared financial inclusion (the percentage of individuals aged 15 orover with a bank account) against each country’s SEDA score, revealing a clear relationship.The report's authors found that countries with higherfinancial inclusion generally had higher well-being than their peers at a similar income level. The relationship between financial inclusion andwell-being is most closely connected to good infrastructure (telecoms andelectricity), civil society (gender equality) and government (strong regulationand the rule of law).



guest-snmojen Jul 23rd, 02:21
Itis not a coincidence that Iberians fared betterthanthe peoples they pillaged in the New World.
TheIberians' legacy are Museums, Castles, and Churches.
Itis not a coincidence that Anglos and the greatnationsthat they spawned fared equally over thecenturies.US, Canada, Australia and New Zealandareupstanding nations just as the UK.
TheAnglos' legacy are investments, innovation, technology, brands, Fair Play, atrue middle class(notBolsa Familia on the stipends dole one), andmorebalanced societies with higher GDP per capitathanthe Iberian ones.
Recommend 18


guest-ajawlnos in reply to guest-snmojen Jul 23rd, 12:35
The"Iberians" (Spain and Portugal I guess you meant to say...) leftanother legacy: people. The Anglo empire literally killed every singleindigenous in North America so as to repopulate the entire territory withEuropeans, including their traditions and living standards. Even though Spainconquered a 3 - time larger territory (which took us even less time than ittook the UK) by killing and and endless number of people, we did not establishour own culture in South America but rather managed to merge the two of them.You just need to go to South America and see what people look like over thereand compare it to EEUU and Canada. The same applies to Australia, and NewZealand. you keep you GDP per capita if you want, it's all yours.
Recommend 10


Readand Share Jul 22nd, 19:04
Theangst coming out of America must cast doubt on the validity of this map. Aswell, I suspect many non-western countries rank lower simply because "wellbeing" here is defined by western sensibilities and priorities -- andmeasured accordingly. Not terribly useful, or even pertinent.
Recommend 16


guest-ajawiwom Jul 22nd, 21:53
More propagandic bull-crap. Funny how the countries colored in green only consistsof the Western allies.
Recommend 7


1flybillionairein reply to guest-ajawiwom Jul 23rd, 03:38
It is funny. South Sudan and Mali should be at the top of the well being list weknow something is wrong when Norway is being praised! Damn western hypocrites!
Recommend 11


AngusCunningham Jul 22nd, 18:00
The SEDA map looks suspiciously like Anglo-Saxony plus where rich Anglo-Saxonsventure most.
Recommend 10


WTEconomist Jul 22nd, 19:13
Life expectancy and the age adjusted death rate is a non-subjective stat that isless likely to be fudged. It stands in for a host of other things. Fora large share of Americans who followed in the wake of Generation Greed lifeexpectancy is going down. For others it has stopped going up. Suicide andsubstance abuse are the reasons, as reported here. Thatshows what's going on with well being.
Recommend 9

期望寿命和年龄调整后的死亡率是客观属性,不太可能被捏造。它代表了很多东西。 对多数美国人来说随着“贪婪的一代”到来预期寿命正在下降。对其余人来说预期寿命也不再增长。自杀和药物滥用是其中的原因,报道如是说。 这表明了福祉将要发生些什么。

Endorfin Jul 23rd, 01:40
Would the author kindly explain to the readers how French Guiana is rated +80 on theSEDA Well Being score, yet does not appear in the SEDA report?
Recommend 5


Calnetoin reply to Endorfin Jul 23rd, 04:06
itis not an independent country. Most likely it was assigned France's score
Recommend 7

