Wealthy Chinese are avoiding food scareswith their own organic farms
Han Xing did not become a farmer for themoney. He already had plenty, as the founder of a communications equipmentcompany. What he wanted was food not tainted by heavy metals or fouled withpesticide. He couldn’t find it in grocery stores.
So, like a rising number of wealthyChinese, he decided to grow it himself, signing a 20-year lease on a 13-acreplot of land where he now has eight greenhouses, a giant fish pond and pensfilled with more than 100 ducks, chicken and geese, the latter to defend theother poultry from local weasels.
Then there’s the greenery: cherry, peach,apricot, walnut and apple trees; an herb garden that sprouts cilantro,rosemary, mint and garlic; and plots of earth jammed with celery, tomatoes,broccoli, peanuts, strawberries, peppers, green onions, eggplants and grapes.
“We all felt food safety was an issue,”said Liang Hong, Mr. Han’s wife. “It’s better to have food from our own place.”
At Sun Garden, they grow corn to feed theanimals and harvest branches to fire the stove. “We have an eco-chain,” Mr. Hansaid.
“Outside rice and flour, we grow all of ourfood here,” his wife added.
Sansley 1 day ago
It is ridiculous that we often cannotdetermine where our food originates. As long as it is canned in Canada it canbe a "product of Canada." With so much heavy metal/pesticidecontamination in food products from China (and India) we have reason to be concerned.Tell us the bloody country of origin! After Chinese products repeatedly passspot check analysis maybe we can relax a little, but that seems to be rarelythe case now, and with >20% of their land contaminated this will not fixitself.
Doniam 1 day ago
So basically, they made their fortunescourtesy of polluting their environment
but have enough wealth to dodge to bulletthey fired while everyone else
endures. Such is the path that the wealthytred and it's happening here in Canada.
Then they emigrate here to escape withlittle or no regard for the culture they
are welcomed into. Hate to infuriate thepolitically correct but at some point you've got to come to terms with reality.
kidspeed 1 day ago
Read the food labels very carefully.Chinese locals know which regions are contaminated and don't buy produce fromthose regions. And what is not sold in China is surplus that gets exported toyour supermarket.
Demand country of origin labelling,including for all constituents of product.
JC12345 1 day ago
So they got wealthy by turning the air andwater poisonous and treating labour like slaves and now they use their illgotten gains to by Organic (and move to Vancouver).
9401doug 1 day ago
It would be nice if those rich enough toafford their own private farms could use some of their wealth cleaning up themess that is China. Put some of your wealth to use by cleaning up the land andthe air so everyone has access to healthy food. It will take decades to cleanthings up but you have to start somewhere.
Cynical in Toronto 1 day ago
Wow - importing soil from Denmark!Fascinating - and it makes sense. You are what you eat (and drink.)
Canadians should pay attention to this andtake care of what we have. Once it's gone, it's gone. I hope Canada does notbury tons of nuclear waste on the shores of Lake Huron ... it has to gosomewhere, but burying it in water-soluble limestone right on the edge of theworld's largest fresh water supply does not make sense.
Johnny Zero 1 day ago
You think its just the wealthy Chinesedoing this??? The top 1% have been doing this for years; their own privatefarms and livestock. Meanwhile, the general population is slowly poisoned byour corporate food suppliers and producers, who by the way are laterallyconnected to the pharmaceutical companies, which we depend on when we get ill.
Ultimate187 1 day ago
In China, quality control hasn't caught upwith quantity yet. This is true for almost all developing countries and is anormal part of modernization. China itself is huge and regulations areinconsistently enforced. Standards aren't maintained everywhere and that's aproblem. It's one of their greatest challenges today.
aquamarine999 1 day ago
They feed their livestock with corn?Animals generally aren't able to tolerate corn feed. That's why good meatsadvertise "grain fed" on the packaging.
The current reality where China makesconsumer good for the entire world is only sustainable if the rest of the worldcan find something to sell to China. Maybe it's healthy food. Transportationcosts will be a pain, and I'm not sure we all want to work on farms, but thismay indeed be the future.
Schmelter_ 1 day ago
“average consumers wereworried about food additives and pesticides. Now they’re worried about[genetically modified organisms]. But if you look at what causes people to getsick, it’s bacteria,”
The most powerful reaility in the story.