On Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to China one of the big questions has been whether he will upset the Chinese leadership by mentioning their abysmal human rights record. (So far he’s touched on the subject gingerly using delicate language.) But while in China Mr. Trudeau’s government did say something very pleasing to Beijing – and equally displeasing to Japan and the United States.
On Wednesday Canada announced that before the end of this year it will apply to join the Chinese-founded Chinese-led and Chinese-headquartered Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. The Communist Party-run Global Times newspaper described bringing Canada on board as a “political coup.” And that it is.
Fojar38 9 hours ago
"The goal should always be evolving the long-standing international order to accommodate China – but with the aim of forcing China to evolve into one of the pre-existing international order’s model citizens."
Nonsense. The basic assumption of the West's policy towards China for the past two decades has been accommodation under the assumption that China will democratize and help uphold the global order.
Instead China went from an ethno-revanchist autocracy that was poor to an ethno-revanchist autocracy who is rich. The same aggressive imperialist hyper-nationalist core is still there and now much more powerful.
Engagement and accommodation has failed. The last thing that the world needs is MORE accommodation of China and Canada shouldn't be enabling China any further than it already has.
We can talk to China once China changes to accommodate the world rather than the world changing to accommodate China.
Bud Tugley 4 hours ago
Join the bank? No.
On another note did anyone else gag at the glib condescension shown by Trudeau when he told the assembled businessmen in Bejing that China the biggest trading nation on earth could gain some international respect if only they listen to him and his suggestions for improvement?
Was up 2 7 hours ago
What a pile of crap. Lol on the backs of the poor. These guys are as crooked as any body in the west. Lol
JC12345 2 hours ago
"There is also a worry that this is a precedent: Instead of being restrained by existing international institutions China is taking steps to build competing structures of global governance that it can dominate."
JC12345 3 hours ago
"The concern is that this is going to be an organization run and led by China for China."
I think that is a very valid concern. The paragraph beginning with "The best outcome..." describes exactly why Canada should have engaged in much more discussion with its own citizens before deciding to join this organization.
If power within the organization is proportional to funds provided then clearly China will run it and the concerns of other members will be as the squeaking of mice.
China seems bent on global economic domination. They are hardly unique in that. But it would behoove smaller nations like Canada to while they still can become as independent as possible rather than trying to rushing to become just another one of the ultimately helpless cogs in the wheel.
JPM6 9 hours ago
We'd missed the crucial time-window to join AIIB as a founding member with Harper government.
For their own economic interest UK EU and Australia are very "down-to-earth" pragmatic in their economic and foreign policy towards China. UK Germany France Italy and Australia had leapfrogged Canada by joining China's initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as founding members. They can tender bids to favor their countries' high-tech transport and other infrastructure building technologies for the big-pie in Asia Pacific Eurasia African continent infrastructure development projects of a global Silk Road initiative. UK stands to benefit from AIIB bringing to the table with their exceptional international banking monetary and financial system; which will benefit AIIB to adhere to the Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Internal Monetary and Financial system.
On International level Canada can compete and contribute in AIIB on many fronts: Bombardier's Aerospace and Transportation Canadian Clean Water technology Canadian Telecom High Technology Canadian Nuclear Power Energy ... but we missed out on the window of opportunities when it counts.
In an era of global economic co-operation we need to architect our own Canadian new approach in our economic and foreign policy to Asia (and China in particular) to breakthrough from our self-righteous "straight-jacket" mindset and model of "Us-against-Them". Somehow we are still by-and-large emxded in the post WWII cold-war era mindset when dealing with previous Communist/Socialist regimes — Riding the coattail of US foreign policy of a cold-war antagonism confrontation isolation and containment with a perpetual "Presumed Enemy".
If Canadian economic and foreign policy are based on a condescending moral high ground who else in the world except the Western countries whom we can do business and get along with?
Tom Z 6 hours ago
The answer to the question is: YES
1) Bretton Woods is finished.
2) U.S. controlled IMF ADB and World Bank have run its course and cannot grow further. The U.S. absolutely controls these.
3) The AIIB is democratic and not controlled by any one member no matter how much are their contributions. Once such a rule was approved we saw membership by western countries rose. If Canada wants to increase trade with Asia we must join AIIB.
4) The U.S. Federal Reserve have conducted reckless monetary policy the past 2 decades resulting in economic bubbles bank collapse trade upheaval and housing devastation. It therefore have relinquished its leadership role. It is time for the world to establish a new reserve currency with new rules for growth stability credibility. Not tied to American hegemonic agenda. The AIIB is an institution towards achieving it.
wkl 7 hours ago
Why not? The World Bank and IMF have been a failure in developing third world countries into success stories. The World Bank used to give loans to African countries with high interest rates which they couldn't pay back. These countries had to cut back health and education budgets to pay off the loans. This is why debt forgiveness was such a big story a few years ago.
The World Bank motto should be “Dreaming of a world in poverty”.
The Chinese are not stupid. They know that we will be suspicious of the AIIB. This is why the Bank is setup so that the Chinese do not dominate the decision making. With the exception of the United States and Japan every major country has already joined.