印度繁荣的生育产业一瞥 [卡塔尔媒体]

印度希萨尔——怀孕和分娩对于任何年龄的女性来说都会产生负面影响,但是自从成为母亲后,Rajo Devi Lohan比大部分的其他妇女在重获健康上都要来得艰难。卡塔尔网友:我无权决定他人怎么使用自己的身体,但是有点常识还是好的。特别是医生,因为是他们让这种事情变得可能。

Inside the world of India's booming fertility industry


As the stigma associated with being childless persists, some elderly women in India risk it all to become mothers.


Hisar, India - Pregnancy and childbirth take a toll at any age, but Rajo Devi Lohan has struggled to regain her health more than most other women since becoming a mother.

印度希萨尔——怀孕和分娩对于任何年龄的女性来说都会产生负面影响,但是自从成为母亲后,Rajo Devi Lohan比大部分的其他妇女在重获健康上都要来得艰难。

After she had given birth eight years ago, the Indian woman was diagnosed with cancer. She has had three operations to repair a ruptured uterus and to remove tumours, many rounds of chemotherapy, and still suffers from stomach pain.


Lohan was 70 years old when she gave birth in 2008, becoming the oldest mother in the world at that time.


"The doctor didn't tell me anything about the dangers and I never felt that there was any danger," Lohan says.


A doctor who is now treating Lohan believes that her health problems could have been caused by fertility treatment and pregnancy.


Stories of elderly women having babies in India have made international headlines in recent years, including a 72-year-old who set a new world record when she gave birth in April.


The doctor responsible for helping these women get pregnant says it is every woman's right to have a child regardless of their age.


But the ethics surrounding such births are increasingly coming under attack.


Critics insist that doctors, eager for fame and fortune, are putting lives at risk - from the elderly mothers and the young women who provide donor eggs, to the children themselves.


At least two young Indian women have died after donating eggs.


Yeah, like India needs any more smelly people.  There are already 1.2 billions of them.  They should be promoting childlessness instead.


Anonymous E
BrownAndAsianCanadia :)


You are Asian?  I am sorry to hear that.


Deni Lack
With more than 1 billion population and still a 72 yo wants to have a baby. This country has a problem. 


This is due to people viewing children as possessions. Sanctity of life is disregarded as old-fashioned. Children suffering from the deluded acts of their parents and communities have always been part of the human condition but it being tradition doesn't make it right. Stop the narcissism and adopt!


Cathy Smith
Yeah, that's what they need--a few more million mouths to feed when they can't feed the ones that are already there and expect the world to take up the slack for their stupidity.

现在的人口他们已经养不活了 ,还要生出更多人来挨饿吗,难道要让世界为他们的愚蠢行为买单。

You are the reason for the extinction of your race.


I met a Haitian uber driver in Boston. He has 11 children. Each of his children have 4-5 children. He wants his grandchildren to do the same.


Kylie Marie Summerling
Remember when there used to be influenza outbreaks to thin out the population? Oh for those days.


Yup, now you guys have Zika lol


Erika Seshadri
I'm not one to tell someone else what they should or should not do with their body, but for crying out loud, a little common sense would be good. Especially from the doctors, since they are ultimately the ones who can make it happen. 


Mike Ore
They are profiting from this, government should make it so they lose their license.


Douceline de la Hay
Most developing nations have large number of people who are illiterate, live below the poverty line and have little or no knowledge about family planning. Getting their children married at an early age increase the chances of producing more kids. Those people are unable to understand the harmful effects of overpopulation and lack of ignorance prompts them to avoid family planning measures. Thus they will never escape poverty and have increasingly negative impacts on the environment.


Mike Ore
Those doctors only care about lining their pockets human greed.


Chris Tine
She actually DID have someone elses' baby...


Mike Ore
Modi needs to get his head out of his A and make some laws banning this type of sh'it. Sooner or later the government will try to starve the pop or start off by killing or creating a virus to lower the population.


MODI is the best thing to have ever happened to India. He has made more progress in 2 years than the previous governments did in 60 years. He is addressing issues like sanitation and providing basic eminities to the remotest of Indian villages (in addition to things like foreign affairs, increasing jobs, etc.) He will address population control soon. 


Bella Bay
The best word I can think of is, DISCUSTING! She is so self centered! She probably won't live to see him grow up. So unfair to children who will end up without a mother! She is a freak having a baby like this. There are so many homeless children in the world, we don't need  old hags having a baby!  

