在周六希拉里 克林顿猛烈抨击联邦调查局对新的邮件发起审查的行为,其他的民主党领导人也同声附和说联邦调查局在选举之前的这个举动是“前所未有的”和“深深令人感到不安的”。受联邦调查局此举鼓舞的唐纳德 特朗普则是紧紧地抓住重燃的邮件门议题不放,以此提升公众对克林顿可信度的怀疑。
Clinton pushes back against ‘unprecedented’ new FBI review
Hillary Clinton lashed out Saturday at the FBI’s handling of a new email review, leading a chorus of Democratic leaders who declared the bureau’s actions just days before the election “unprecedented” and “deeply troubling.” Emboldened Republican rival Donald Trump seized on the reignited email controversy, hoping to raise new doubts about Clinton’s trustworthiness.
在周六希拉里 克林顿猛烈抨击联邦调查局对新的邮件发起审查的行为,其他的民主党领导人也同声附和说联邦调查局在选举之前的这个举动是“前所未有的”和“深深令人感到不安的”。受联邦调查局此举鼓舞的唐纳德 特朗普则是紧紧地抓住重燃的邮件门议题不放,以此提升公众对克林顿可信度的怀疑。
Rallying supporters in Florida, Clinton pressed FBI Director James Comey to put out the “full and complete facts” about the review into a cache of recently discovered emails. Clinton backers panned Comey’s letter to Congress about the new emails as severely lacking crucial details.
希拉里的支持者们聚集在佛罗里达,克林顿要求联邦调查局局长詹姆斯 科米(此人为共和党人)公布所有有关审查最近新发现邮件的事实真相。克林顿的支持者们抨击科米给国会的信缺少关键的信息。
“It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Clinton said. She accused Trump of using the issue to confuse and mislead voters in the final leg of the campaign for the Nov. 8 election.
The controversy over Clinton’s email practices at the State Department has dogged her for more than a year. The former secretary of state has often been reluctant to weigh in on the matter — and defensive when she’s been pushed to do so.
But Clinton’s approach to this latest flair-up is markedly different, underscoring worries that the matter could damage her standing with voters in the election’s final days. Clinton advisers have been rallying Democratic lawmakers and other supporters to her defence, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Earlier Saturday, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said there was “no evidence of wrongdoing” in the new email review and “no indication this is even about Hillary.” But Comey, who enraged Republicans in the summer when he announced the FBI would not prosecute Clinton for her loose handling of official email, in fact said the new trove appeared to be “pertinent” to the Clinton email investigation. He did not explain how.
在周六的早些时候。克林顿竞选总干事约翰 波德斯塔说在这些新邮件中并没有“违法行为的证据”以及没有“迹象表明这和希拉里有关”。但是这位因在这个夏天宣布联邦调查局不予起诉希拉里草率处理官方邮件而惹恼共和党人的联邦调查局局长说,事实上新发现的资料显示与克林顿的邮件门调查有关。但是他没有具体解释。
A government official told The Associated Press on Saturday that the Justice Department had advised the FBI against telling Congress about the new developments in the Clinton investigation because of the potential fallout so close to the election. The official was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter and discussed it on condition of anonymity.
Justice officials concluded the letter would be inconsistent with department policy that directs against investigative actions that could be seen as affecting an election or helping a particular candidate, the official said.
Landing with a thud, the email issue again threatened to undermine an advantage built by Clinton, the Democratic nominee, over Trump and raised the possibility that the Republican might be able to seize late momentum.
Trump told a crowd in Golden, Colorado, on Saturday that the FBI’s review of Clinton email practices raises “everybody’s deepest hope that justice, as last, can be properly delivered.” His crowd cheered Clinton’s email woes, which Trump has taken to calling the biggest political scandal since Watergate.
The FBI is looking into whether there was classified information on a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced ex-congressman who is separated from longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Comey, in his letter to Congress on Friday, said the FBI had recently come upon new emails while pursuing an unrelated case and was reviewing whether they were classified.
联邦调查局正在调查这台属于安东尼 韦纳这个已经解职的前国会议员的设备里是是否有机密信息,他已经和克林顿的长期助手胡玛 阿贝丁分开了。在科周五米给国会的信中说,他在追查一件与邮件门无关的案件的时候发现了这些新邮件,现在正在审查这些新邮件是否有机密信息。
A person familiar with the investigation, who lacked authority to discuss the matter publicly and insisted on anonymity, said the device that appears to be at the centre of the new review was not a computer Weiner shared with Abedin.
As a result, it was not a device searched for work-related emails at the time of the initial investigation. The person said “this is news to (Abedin)” that her emails would be on a computer belonging to her husband.
The person added that if the emails included those related to Abedin’s work with Clinton at the State Department, they are expected to be duplicates of what she had already turned over as part of the initial investigation.
Trump mused aloud during his rally about whether Clinton was “going to keep Huma,” adding that Abedin has “been a problem.” He hurled insults at Weiner, warning again that the former congressman posed a national security risk because of his access to information through his estranged wife. Abedin, a close Clinton confidant who is a near constant presence in the campaign, was not travelling with Clinton on Saturday.
New York Rep. Gregory Meeks suggested the FBI chief might be trying to sway the election and called for him to disclose what he knows. Clinton herself said of Comey: “Put it all out on the table.”
纽约众议员格雷戈里 米克斯暗示联邦调查局局长正试图影响选举,被要求揭露他所知道的东西。克林顿在谈及科米时说:“把一切都摆到台面上来。”
Long term, the development all but ensured that, even should Clinton win the White House, she would celebrate a victory under a cloud of investigation. Comey, who was appointed in 2013 to a 10-year term as FBI director, would still be on the job if Clinton wins the White House.
Congressional Republicans have already promised years of investigations into Clinton’s private email system. And that’s only one of the email-related episodes facing her in the campaign’s closing days. The tens of thousands of confidential emails from Clinton campaign insiders that were hacked — her campaign blames Russia — and then released by WikiLeaks have provided a steady stream of questions about her policy positions, personnel choices and ties with her husband’s extensive charitable network and post-presidential pursuits.
In his letter to congressional leaders Friday, Comey wrote only that new emails have emerged, prompting the agency to “take appropriate investigative steps” to review information that appeared pertinent to its previously closed investigation into Clinton private email system.
Clinton’s campaign is hoping the issue will fire up its base of voters who feel the secretary has been unfairly targeted in a litany of investigations, but it could also revive some Clinton fatigue.
Given a political gift from the FBI, Trump’s challenge now becomes avoiding any big missteps that might overshadow Clinton’s troubles over the campaign’s final days. If history is a guide, that won’t be easy.
Inside Trump’s Colorado rally, his supporters worried whether he could stick to his message about the emails.
“It scares me,” Howard Sanger, 56, of Parker, Colorado said of the prospect of another Trump gaffe. “But I feel like his inner circle will stop him.”
“这让我感到担忧,”霍华德 桑格,科罗拉多州帕克地区56岁的公民,谈及特朗普可能会犯错误。“但是我觉得他的团队应该会阻止他发生那些错误。”