Iran says it has finalized a cooperation agreement with China that would allow Chinese traders to use the Iranian territory for exports to Europe.
The agreement was signed between customs officials of Iran and China. It is expected to take an ambitious plan by China to revive the ancient Silk Road one step closer to reality Iran’s IRNA news agency reported.
Preparations are currently being made to implement the agreement in the near future the news agency added. Accordingly Chinese goods will be shipped to Iran’s southern ports and will be thereon transited to Europe by land. The route that has been envisaged for the scheme will be much shorter that the ancient Silk Road IRNA added.
伊朗国家通讯社还称,伊中两国准备在不久的将来实施该协议。中国的货物将运往伊朗南部港口,并将在陆上转运到欧洲。 该计划设想的路线将比古老的丝绸之路短得多。
The preliminaries for the project were agreed on during a state visit to Tehran by China’s President Xi Jinping in January.
Arnel Alcomendras3 小时 前
This is a positive step for both great countries. This is what truly civilized societies do as they make the world a better place to live.
God bless Iran and China.
Another positive step for both of these great nations. Whilst the US has become a laughing stock and the EU a failed project other nations are preparing for the future. Well done to both nations for making a mature decision.
Eschatologist8 小时 前
PRC has a lot of excess steel/cement capacity that could build this High Speed route very cheaply and cut out the suezbosporusenglish channel longer and much more expensive route. A Ro-Ro Caspian route via Russia into Baltic is much more secure/reliable as it involves only TWO stable transits IRAN & RUSSIA. No need for Azerbaijan and Georgia. But the ice is melted and the Northern shipping route may prove to be even cheaper before any major outlay is made.
ARIAN> Eschatologist8 小时 前
You are right ! Maybe against ice and naro volga the must digg deeper and make the River Volga wider for ships up to 20 mt !
ARIAN9 小时 前
I love chinese people and the culture they are the same as Iranian and ancient persia.
jmarioneaux9 小时 前
See folks that is what happens when you work together and not bully like America. Good job Iran and China for doing this.
Y10 小时 前
That is excellent news!!!!
Get them to come and build Chabahar and the North South Corridor!!!
hb10 小时 前
It's a great idea it's never too late hopefully the the cost on roads related such as repair accidents and other things which is better known by experts is being in the package.