总理受了欺负 愤怒的加拿大民众呼吁抵制美国货 [加拿大媒体]


Are we willing to give up Coke and Pepsi?



U.S. President Donald Trump approaches Canada's Prime Minister Justin    Trudeau as he arrives at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec, June 8, 2018.    Canadians outraged by U.S. President Donald Trump's attack on their prime    minister have called for a consumer boycott targeting the United States.


While Trudeau himself has kept a low profile since the U.S. attacks,    Canadians incensed on his behalf have zeroed in on a pocketbook response.    How better to signal the national wrath than by cutting trade and travel    with the United States?

All kinds of targets have been suggested in opinion columns and postings on    social media, from companies that sell goods associated with Trump or his    family to a broader ban on U.S. vacations. The suggestions come not only in    response to the attacks on Trudeau by Trump and his aides, but to the    threat of a trade war that could hurt Canada's economy and sideswipe jobs.


But while Canadians will fight to a polite death for the right to consume    homegrown beef, beer and maple syrup over what they view as inferior American    alternatives, any move to mount a broad boycott could be tough going in a    country that reveres U.S. popular culture and consumer goods over all    others.

 "To suggest Canadians are going to stop drinking Coke and Pepsi is a    bit of a stretch, given we are so enmeshed in U.S. consumer culture. A    bottom line impact is not likely to occur," said pollster Nik Nanos.
"That said, this is going to be a massive    headache for U.S. companies doing business in Canada, both from a public    relations and consumer relations perspective."
Canada is the most important market for U.S. goods, importing a total of    US$98.9 billion in the first four months of 2018, according the official    U.S. data. Canada accepted 18.3 percent of U.S. exports, ahead of Mexico    and China, and is the top export market for 35 states.
That means Canadian store shelves look a lot like U.S. shelves, and    Canadians drink Starbucks while wearing Nikes, talking on their iPhones and    munching Doritos. U.S. food and entertainment franchises overwhelm domestic    offerings, and movie and music hits differ only slightly from across the    border.
Underscoring ties that bind the North American neighbors, the United States    is the top destination for Canadian vacationers — including hundreds of    thousands of retirees who winter in the sun belt. Canadians made 42 million    trips to the United States in 2017. Canada's population is 36 million.
While a consumer boycott is a natural first response,    it is the wrong decision, said Gabe Batstone, co-chair of the Canadian    American Business Council.
"Historically global peace and prosperity have    flourished when trade has flourished, so fighting U.S. industrial    protectionism with Canadian consumer protectionism makes good copy and    little sense," Batstone said in an email. "Cutting off your nose    to spite your face is rarely a great strategy."
I think a boycott will be mostly personal to manypeople. Forgo that Starbucks coffee (painful), buy at Rona instead of HomeDepot, buy a Honda or VW, not a Chevy. Its more an exercise to notfeel helpless in this situation. What is required now, on a more practicalnote, is that Canada's federal government needs to move quickly in increasingtrade and opening new avenues of trade with the rest of the world.Commonwealth, EU, BRIC nations, Emerging Markets. Mr. Trump has put us onnotice that we are at risk.


Ian St. JohnLeader
We shook hands. That means that Trudeau must haveagreed to do what I tell him to. Guess it comes as a shock to Trump that hisbrief cameo at the G7 doesn't give him control of the world.


Wendy DeWolfeLeader
I used to visit the US a lot but I haven't had anydesire to go near the place since the election. I have a long list of places inNew England where I want to visit but I'm not going back until after the greatpumpkin has been impeached.


Leavon LLaneLeader
This is funny, people here on a US owned companysaying they are going to boycott US products. So you all turned off Facebookand are not going to use Google products anymore? The line at Starbucks wasn'tany smaller. People are all talk, just another hashtag so people can feel goodabout themselves.


Tom WattsLeader
Yeah let’s stop buying less expensive across borderstuff and more over priced Canadian goods taxed 100% ! Smart ..


billy bobbyLeader
I am no activist and may not speak out when somethingbothers me. But I have to take notice that Trump has personally threatened ME& all of us - 'punish the people of Canada'. Come on now! Really? To makeus suffer? Lose jobs? Lose prosperity I worked hard for my whole life to earn??I want to send a message to the people of USA - to take notice & speak upin their country against this bully psychopath. The American public are theonly way to stop him....or at least make him think twice before constantlythreatening everyone & everything the is decent + good. We have to start bystopping this tariff war from escalating - we will suffer. Somehow we have tosend a message to America - the American public - not the American (Trump)government. Having any news agency report a negative side of Trump doesn't work- he has got good at calling all negative news against him fake. And theAmerican public believe him; not the truth. I will stop buying U.S. food asmuch as I can. This article is correct that our lives are intertwined with U.S.goods and I wont be able to not buy something U.S. made. BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TOGIVE UP A GOOD IDEA IF YOUR ACTIONS HAVE TO BE ALL OR NOTHING? If I cut out50-90% US goods - that will be noticed too. And if we all stop buying U.S. evena little - multiplied by all the people he just threatened - THE ENTIRECANADIAN POPULATION - we will be heard!! Lets try, eh!


billy bobby
I think Trump’s threads are nothing more than hot airat this point. Simply, if Trump would pose additional tariffs it wouldcounteract with US economy. Yet, we have witnessed Fed interest rate increasetoday with the intent of additional 2 rises in 2018 plus 3 more in 2019. Sincethe rate increases are for inflation control as a result of the strong economyany actions resulting in a monetary decline are improbable.


Marilyn PennerInfluencer
It might be hard to "pull off", but if moreCanadians buy a little less and less still from the U.S., the U.S. employersand employees (a.k.a. voters) will pay attention. If we don't protest to theirwallets, no one will realize we are neither wimps, nor appeasers. Americansrespect those who stand up for themselves. So will other nations who have feltthe blast of the Trump. They might not cower if Canada does not.


Les McPheeLeader
Canadians should favor Canadian products likeFrench's made in Canada with Canadian crops. It is important to understand thatthe trade war that seems to be starting is not with the average American,American governors, their states or even congress. Thy are our friends in thisThe war is with Trump. We need to give the people on our side a chance to dealwith a president over his head. Lets not offend friends because of one personwho isn't the person he thinks he is. A boycott is premature.


Les McPhee
Over 40% of Americans didn't vote in 2016. Somebecause they never vote, some because they couldn't/wouldn't make a choice andsome,  millennials in particular, didn't vote because they're favouredcandidate wasn't picked to run so they stayed home and sulked. Not voting hasconsequences and those who didn't vote allowed this person to win the election.As far as I'm concerned, they're all complicit and they all deserve what'scoming. A boycott is exactly what is needed right now.


Jay Ross
Firstly sir you forget that Hillary won the popularvote and the electoral college voted Trump in. Why do you hate Americans somuch? The average on the street Americans are little different than us. Ourlast election was a 68% turnout slightly better than the US 60% and we gotTrudeau. It is the job of the Congress to rein in Trump and they are working onit. What does it make us if we declare trade war on an entire nation of friendsbecause on one out of control president?


Frank TaylorLeader了
It's now been 2 weeks we've been avoiding any and allU.S. products and produce and it is not difficult to do in most if not allareas. No Canadian should buy and American product or produce.


Tom Watts
At the news conference in Quebec he claimed he had aten out ten relationship with the other 6 members of the G7. Then he picked afight with Trudeau from Air Force One with his tweets.


Ari Litchfield
He's not only a bully but a craven coward and notvery smart either.


Garry HorsnellLeader
POTUS Trump has imposed tariffs in the U.S.A. onsoftwood lumber and on aluminum and steel from Canada and Trump is threateningto impose tariffs in the U.S.A. on autos from Canada. So why is Trump beratingCanadain leaders and bullying Canada? Why is Trump making Canadians suffer andtrying to ruin Canada? What is Trump trying to accomplish? Is Trump doing allthis just so he can get his way? How can anyone in Canada or the U.S.A. dealwith a POTUS like Trump who berates and bullies and does what he wants to gethis way? ...See more


Jerry HynesLeader
Trump,hurt poor Justin feeling!


Carole Lowes-Kotiesen
Nope. Trudeau has dignity and maturity relative toTrump. He doesn't go away in a snit..


James HickeyLeader
The easiest way to boycott the usa is to stop goingsouth for vacations. Almost one million people from Quebec go South each year.Start hurting Disney and they will make Donald Trump look like Donald Duck.


Robert MillerLeader
Wonder if these “dishonest and weak” boycottersreally believe they will have any lasting impact... Heinz... there are NO otherkinds !

不知道这些“不诚实和软弱”的抵制者是否真的相信他们会有任何持久的影响. ...(抵制)亨氏....没有其他的了!

Kijiji ManInfluencer
Like all bullies, Trump simply picked on the theweakest kid in the schoolyard. Shame on Canada for making the weakest kid ourprime minister


Kijiji Man
Having trouble following the news or are justignoring the tariffs Trump slapped on the EU as well so you can take a cheapshot at the PM of Canada?


Robert Miller
Dollars can go where they are deserved. As youprobably noted...the Huffpost doesn't like Trump one bit.


Robert Miller
You did hear, of course, that the wealthiest twoindividuals in the United States have allocated double of their typicalallotment to take down Trump. Heres how it will play out. Only the dumbestfools in the country will run with Trump. If they fail in their objectives, warwill break out. The US will be obliterated by their allies and foes alike.There will be a new world order that circumvents the US as they pay forreparations from nuking countries too late to be of effect. The Koch brotherswill retire to Europe. The Brits will try desperately to rejoin the EU. The EUwill take it's rightful place as a super power as they can actually get alongwith one another.


Garry HorsnellLeader
If Canada is a national security threat to the U.S.A.and is a U.S. enemy, maybe Canada shouldn't be selling oil from Canada to theU.S.A. but should get an oil pipeline to tidewater to sell its oil only toCanada's friends and allies.


Garry Horsnell
Trump wants a wall, I think Canadians should build adam.


Garry Horsnell
and make the U.S. pay for it through water tariffs

