UK to power on as France falls behind:Britain and Germany will be the only European economies in the world's topeight by 2030
Britain and Germany will be the onlyEuropean economies in the world’s top eight by 2030, experts say today.
While the UK slipped below France in thepast year, it will draw level again by 2021 and overtake it soon afterwards,according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research.
Britain is currently in sixth place in thelist of the largest economies in the world and while it will slip to eighth by2030, France and Italy will fall out of the elite group completely, the CEBRsaid.
It predicted that China will overtake theUS to take the top spot, while Brazil and South Korea will also rise in theinternational league table.
Mika, Brooklyn, United States, 9 hours ago
Brexit will be a chance for the uk to shineon the world stage. When it makes its own trade deals and acts in its own bestinterest as opposed to aging deals and policy pushed on it from theundemocratic EU, it will move up the list.
Old Cynic 60, Londinium, United Kingdom, 7hours ago
So unless Brexit actually happens Germanyand the UK will be only members in the EU making a positive financialcontribution to its budget. Remember Mrs May Brexit means Brexit and don'tdilly dally on the way.
Barry G, Hau Hin, Thailand, 7 hours ago
In this year alone nearly all the so calledeconomic 'Experts,' financial and research institutions have got theirforecasts totally wrong so knowing what might happen more than 5 years away islike seeing Pigs fly.
SOUNDOFSILENCE, SAN DIEGO, United Kingdom,8 hours ago
France are a lazy weak nation
Urbanfox, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1hour ago
UK - more employment (including that fromcheap migrant labour), lower productivity. France - higher productivity buthigher unemployment. Would have thought the pro-Brexit crew would prefer theFrench model. Unless we increase producitivity any reduction in immigrationwill reduce growth.
Great Briton, Great Britain, 1 hour ago
GDP: UK > France. Enough said.
True-brit, Burnley, United Kingdom, 7 hoursago
Surely once we have left the EU and are notcontributing all those billions of pounds a year to it then we will outstripGermany too. Add to that our increasing financial stability and standing in theworld when we can make our own trade agreements all around the world. We arestill rated quite highly now despite Carney trying to drag us down by introducingmore QE and cutting the interest rates shortly after w had our independence dayvote.
Parade, Sauvie Island, United States, 8hours ago
So, France is always on vacation.
Robert.R, Paris, France, 3 hours ago
Again people with non facts, France and Germanycontribute to the EU alot more than the UK.. even Italy contributes more. Theinformation os public domain look it up. No need to be jealous just because weare better in everything
IClaudius, London, United Kingdom, 1 hourago
Robert, in terms of net contribution andnet by population the UK pays more than France. France pays more than the UK intotal payments but this does not take into account the redistribution of moneysuch as via the CAP or the UK rebate - a lot more of which flows back to Francerather than the UK
Brian, NZ, New Zealand, 4 hours ago
Because of protectionism the EU economieshave been shrinking year on year. Because of this the rest of the World arereluctant to enter into FTAs and if they happen at all are hideouslycomplicated and have few benefits to anybody other than politicians who shoutand cheer about how many jobs will be created when in fact thousands of jobsare lost. Employment laws are being changed in many EU countries but may notget past the bureaucrats because they recognise that they are losing marketshare. The sooner the UK leaves the better and we join up with growingeconomies rather that supporting shrinking ones.