J16D-中国正在构建自己的“野鼬战术” [巴基斯坦媒体]


Using the J-16/Su-30 airframe, the J-16D deletes some air to air combat gear for cramming in electronic attack equipment that includes electronic intelligence pods.


The J-16D's wingtips have built in electronic intelligence pods, which intercept enemy electronic signals like radar transmissions, for processing in the fighter's computers, which then tell the J-16D's jammers how to scramble, confuse and block enemy usage of the electromagnetic spectrum.


The J-16D is a J-16/Su-30 multi-role fighter optimized for "Wild Weasel" missions. Starting in the Vietnam War, Wild Weasels are fighters designed to take on surface-to-air missile batteries in a SEAD (Supression of Enemy Air Defense) role. Armed with anti-radiation missiles (which lock on and target radars by their electronic emissions) and electronic intelligence and electronic warfare jammers, they are designed to engage and suppress defenses, opening the way for traditional air attacks. 

Electronic Flanker


This comparision of the J-16D to the baseline J-16, done by noted aviation journalist Andreas Rupprecht, shows that the J-16D has removed its IRST sensor and 30mm cannon, as well as installing addition antennas.

依据航空记者 Andreas Rupprecht的报道来看,歼16D相较于歼16基本型,移除了光电探测系统和30毫米机炮,取而代之的是更多的天线。

The J-16D also two large ELINT pods on its wingtips, similar to those on the E/A-18 Growler, to collect enemy radar and electronic activity. Additionally, the J-16D has smaller radome, likely to include an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar optimized for electronic warfare, including signals collection and jamming. The J-16D will be fitted with large AESA jamming pods, a development of current jammers on JH-7A attack aircraft; its attack ability will come from YJ-91, LD-10 and other anti-radiation missiles.


The J-16D provides Chinese aerial operations with a fast, maneuverable and long range EW and Wild Weasel platform that can protect Chinese fighters and bombers like the J-10, J-11, J-15, J-20, J-31 and H-6K bomber. This will be an important requirement in combat operations in increasingly militarized areas like the Taiwan Straits and South China Seas. In combat operations, the J-16 would first use its jammers to disrupt the target and fire control of enemy air defenses, before firing its long range anti-radiation missiles, which are equally deadly against both mobile and fixed air defenses. As a fighter, it can still take part in aerial combat in self defense and to protect other aircraft against enemy fighters.


The CM-102 anti-radiation missile, first seen here at the 2014 Zhuhai Air Show, is a supersonic, 100km range air launched missile with an anti-radiation warhead that homes in on the electronic activity of enemy transmitters like radars. The CM-102 is one of the many attack options for the J-16 to destroy enemy radars and other electronic equipment as part of its Wild Weasel mission.


“野鼬”原本是美国空军的压制敌方防空作战任务(Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses,SEAD)的昵称。初期最有名的任务为1965年8月12日批准的铁手(Iron Hand,)行动。野鼬原是行动名称,美国空军规划这个行动进行北越防空导弹的侦测与压制任务,初期被称为“雪貂行动”:一种掠食性动物,总是深入猎杀对象的洞穴杀死对方(因为这个任务:要深入搜索)。这个名称后来为了易于区别而被变更,因为二战时美军已有雷达反制作战专用轰炸机,也称为“雪貂”。
这种反制手段(或说是特征)也被称为“铁手”任务。在战术上,铁手任务为殿后的主力打击提供了开路的压制攻击。此后,美军后来约定俗成将所有改装的电子攻击机都赋予“野鼬”的非正式代号,比如F-16CJ,EA- 18G等等,有时携带反辐射导弹临时执行电子攻击任务的战机如F-111、F-14等等也同样会临时被称为“野鼬”。尽管如此,实际上只有F- 4G的专用军方绰号是“野鼬”。


注释3——Radome雷达罩, 随着现代高科技的发展,雷达大量应用于飞机、导弹、航海等领域,雷达罩的运用也日趋广泛。雷达罩是电磁波的窗口,其作用是保护天线,防止环境对雷达天线工作状态的影响和干扰,从而减少驱动天线运转的功率,提高其工作可靠性,保证雷达天线全天候工作。雷达罩的存在,延长了天线的使用寿命,简化了天线的结构,减轻了结构的重量。雷达罩作为雷达系统的重要组成部分,其性能好坏直接影响到雷达系统的功能。可以说,雷达罩与天线同等重要。要求雷达罩对天线的电磁辐射特性的影响最小,并且满足战术技术指标的要求。

注释4——ELINT, Electronic Intelligence (System) 电子情报(系统)的缩写。


War Thunder
Sunday at 10:55 AM 
I hope this will help people understand why Pakistan needs J-16...
when the enemy brings the prey.....you bring on the Predator

我希望这能使人明白巴基斯坦为什么需要歼16 ,这可以使你在空战中扮演捕食者的角色。

Stephen Cohen
Sunday at 12:06PM 
Su 30 MKI of India is the Bigger Predator as compared to J16
And RAFALE will be the APEX Predator in Asia -- till Japan gets F35


The Accountant
Sunday at 12:21 PM 
Grow up man ... just having the similar airframe does not make air crafts sophisticated ...
You are comparing J16D with mki which is a technology of late 90s and is not even equipped with AESA ... The only feather in the cap of MKI is its thrust vectoring ...


Stephen Cohen
Sunday at 12:26 PM 
ONLY SU 35 which China has bought recently is Superior to SU 30 MKI,J11 ; J16 are just clones
And here also we are Upgrading our SU30 MKI very soon,which will make it equal to Su35
And with PAK FA and RAFALE coming in --
IAF will remain qualitatively superior
to PLAAF ; No worries for us


Sunday at 12:30 PM 
If you say so, it must be true.
Are you implying that a Flanker upgraded with AESA radars, EW suites, MAW sensors, airframe enhancements with RAM & composite materials, and newer engines somehow cannot stand toe-to-toe with the Su-30MKI? With the same thought process, I could just as easily claim that a JF-17 is "qualitatively superior" to your Rafale because the Thunder is the self-appointed "APEX predator" in Asia.


The Accountant
Sunday at 12:30 PM 
Again some stupid remarks ...
Talk when MKI is upgraded as of now it is not ... So how are you claiming that MKI is supperior to J16D ...
Its time to support your evidence with one on one comaprison with
1) radar
2) EW suit
3) missiles equipped
4) jamming devices
5) engine thrust
airframe is same so no comparison can be done ... waiting for your answere ..

1 雷达
2 电子战组件
3 装备的导弹
4 干扰组件
5 发动机

Sunday at 12:30 PM  
Not sure about Japan but Israel has already got delivery of F35s


War Thunder
Sunday at 12:30 PM 
dude did you even bother to read the article?
or just conjuring up stuff from bottoms?
J-16D is a whole different kind of beast compared to your SU-30MKI and Rafale and no they don't match up in the same role which you didn't comprehend...
We are talking about SAM hunting here ...


Stephen Cohen
Sunday at 12:38 PM 
We all have our points of view ; The Chinese can claim anything,J11 and J 16 have Chinese avionics which are Never PEER REVIEWED by International Observers and experts,unlike Russian ; French and Israeli systems which are sold the world over and which are a Part of SU 30 MKI
Has J11 and J16 been in an Exercise with Russian Air force
Who else has seen their capabilities
J11 has exercised with ONLY PAF and that too JF17 ;
Not even the PAF F-16
Otherwise why did China buy Russian SU35 and That too with SO MANY Russian conditions attached to the deal 
China has still a lot of catching up to do in Avionics sector


The Accountant
Sunday at 12:54 PM 
Wowww ... no comparison ... just waue statements ... Lets find out contradictions in your statements:
1) J16 is reversed engineered Su27 ... now you are saying it is inferrior and not tested ... As per my knowledge reverse engineered items are copy and replica and offer same capability ... please make up your point ...
2) Russian equipements continously failed in front of western equipment ... You will find 1000s of technical articles on that ... in war russian equipments performed poorly against western ... so if apply this logic even you mki is nothing but a piece of junk ...
3) Do you think PAF is small airforce ... It is one of the world most mightest airforce ... Has one of the most favourable records against all adversaries including Russia, Israel and India ... So exercse with PAF is a learning of its own ...
Now don't derail the thread ... if you have any specific comparison to prove MKI is supperior or even at par with MKI then please share otherwise STFU ...

所以说别歪楼了,如果说你想做些什么特别的比较来证明你的苏30MKI更好请移步其他帖子,闭肛吧(原文Shut the fuck up)

Stephen Cohen
Sunday at 1:02 PM 
OK ; you believe what you want
We believe that OUR SU30 MKI is Better than PLAAF planes ( Except SU35)



The Accountant
Sunday at 1:10 PM 
thats like a grow-up brave man...


Sunday at 1:13 PM 
None of what you've mentioned disproves any existing data about the J-11B/D/16's avionics. Just because a system isn't an open book doesn't imply a lack of capability.


Does it matter if it hasn't? The Rafale has never exercised with the Russians and yet that seems to be an exception to your golden rules of Internet aviation.


The question should be: why were the Russians so eager to sell the Su-35? Why did the Chinese ask to retrofit them with their own avionics? Why are the Chinese building the J-11D, J-15A, J-11B, & J-16 when the supposedly-"superior" Su-35 could fit all those gaps?


Are you sure? The Chinese have deployed AESA radars on the J-10C, J-15A, J-11B, J-16, and J-11D, in addition to their 5th generation aircraft, surveillance platforms, and a few helicopters. There are multiple research facilities that compete with each other for military contracts. Do the Russians have the same level of flexibility when it comes to avionics selection & bidding?



Stephen Cohen
Sunday at 1:25 PM 
Rafale has exercised with Indian SU30 MKI and USAF F 22 and Eurofighter

阵风已经和印度的苏30 MKI,美国空军F22和欧洲台风训练过了、

It was China which pursued Russia for several years and AGREED to all
its EARLIER IPR violations and agreed to stringent conditions
such as Not Reverse Engineering SU35 and Not selling the Clones Like J 11 and J 16
If China is building Various variants ; it is precisely because it wants to catch up
with the West on its OWN without Russian assistance


Your J20 and J31 are at least Five years away


You need a Credible Fourth Generation fleet against US ; Taiwan and Japan
And All J11 ; J16 etc also help as Test Beds for J20 and J31


They are just Chinese claims which can be taken with a Bucket of Salt
In your Recent exercise with Russia you Brought SU30 MKK ; H6 ; JH7
and NOT J11 ; J16



Sunday at 1:33 PM 
An exercise (in which the avionics of the respective aircraft of each nation would be limited) is an expression of political goodwill, and at time an opportunity to exchange notes on tactics, skill, & strategy. Under artificial circumstances, it is extremely difficult to gauge the full capabilities of a platform's avionics, especially when we do not have the result of such exercises.


The trend of the reports of the deal is heavily suggestive that Russia is far more eager to sell than the Chinese are to buy. In fact, the willingness of Russia to sell the Su-35 in light of earlier IPR violations highlights that eagerness.


That's not how military purchases work. As demonstrated with prior Su-30MKK/MK2 purchases, such assets are bought in accordance to their capabilities & price. The fact that so few Su-35s are bought, and concurrent production of more advanced J-11X variants, is indicative that the Chinese view the Su-35 as a stop-gap until its own J-11D/16/15 come into service, or as a platform to increase the quantity of their fleet.

你所说的并不是这次军购原本的样子。先前的那批苏30MKK/MK2 显示,中国一向要求,买来的这些东西要有与之相匹配的能力和价格。事实是,在购买了如此少量的苏35的同时大量生产更为先进的歼11改进型,只能说明中国购买苏35只不过是歼11D/歼15/歼16大规模入役前的权宜之计,又或者是只不过是作为四代机群质量上的一个补充。

J-20 entered initial operating capability in December 2016.


You need to brush up on the J-10A/B/C, J-11B/A, J-15, J-16, & Su-30MKK/MK2.


You don't mass-produce "test-beds" in quantities exceeding 200.


Claims? You do realize that every other statement that you've made of the Russian & French aircraft are also 'claims', no?


The Su-30MKK was purchased over 16 years ago, and so was the JH-7. The J-11B & J-16 are entering service & being mass-produced now (the J-11B entered service in 2008, the J-16 in 2014).

苏30MKK已经买来超过16年了,同样年代久远的还有歼轰7,歼11B和歼16才现在才量产入役(歼11B2008年入役,歼16 2014年)
