抨击法国:为什么仇恨法国? [法国媒体]

为什么英国人喜欢讨厌法国人? 一个探索英国人和美国人为何如此热切抨击法国人的纪录片,已经在法国引起一阵巨大的轰动。法国观众不仅不感到羞愧,而且还非常的自豪,作为回击,法国人对美国人进行了抨击。

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Why do Anglos love to hate the French?


A documentary exploring why Brits and Americans are so keen to bash the French has proved a big hit in France, where viewers, far from feeling ashamed, have reacted with pride and hit back with bit of their own "Yankee Bashing".


French Bashing: A combat sport invented by Anglo Saxons to criticise the lazy, striking, effeminate, cowardly, unfaithful, seducing, impolite, unhygienic, arrogant, cheese-munching French.


This definition of the popular sport played by both Americans and British is given at the start of “French Bashing", a documentary by filmmaker Jean-Baptiste Péretié, which was aired on Canal Plus on Wednesday

这个美国人和英国人参与的流行运动的定义,在纪录片"抨击法国"的开头给出。这个由电影制作人Jean-Baptiste Péretié制作的纪录片,在星期三的Canal Plus(法国一个成立于1984年11月4日的付费电视台)播放。 

The programme captured the attention of a French public ever keen to understand what those Outre-Atlantique (法语,美洲)and Outre-Manche(法语,英国) think of them.


During Wednesday night’s screening the hashtag #Frenchbashing topped the trending charts on Twitter in France, as viewers discovered why exactly the Brits and the Americans love to bash them so much.



TrendsinFrance @FranceTrending
Guys #FrenchBashing is Trending top. source: http://hashgurus.com/image.aspx?q=%23FrenchBashing … 
9:52 AM - 10 Sep 2015
The programme explains the origin of many of the derogatory clichés mentioned above.


Apparently much of the anger from the other side of the Atlantic apparently originated in the 18th Century when France and the US competed to be the country that most upheld the principles of freedom and the rights of man following their revolutions.


Much has happened since then of course that has only fueled resentment from across the seas and helped confirm the unfair clichés of the French that many Americans and Brits still hold dear.


There was Charles de Gaulle pulling France out of Nato and the President Jaques Chirac's refusal to join the Iraq War of 2003 that lead to Tricolore flags being burned in America and French Fries to be renamed or Freedom Fries.


That stance, which even those who backed the war would find hard to fault now, was taken by many Anglos as proof of the legendary French cowardice dating back to the surrender in World War Two.



Then there was Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s sordid hotel sex scandal that led to him being dubbed “Le Perv” and taken as evidence that all French men are cheaters and unable to control their ravenous sexual appetites.


Then there’s the cartoon version of DSK - Pepe le Pew, a smelly French skunk that is desperately seeking to find l’amour” with a cat and won’t take no for an answer.


Then there’s the constant strikes, the struggling economy, the apparent refusal to reform, the pessimism, Fox News's famous 'no-go zone's in Paris and even the dog poo on the pavements.


The programme however ended on a moment when the eyes of the Anglo world looked to France with a certain degree of respect, when millions took to the streets in the aftermath of the January terrorist attacks.



Tenets • 5 days ago
Perhaps the problem is that the French really are superior.


Michael Bowles • 5 days ago
France is "Heaven on Earth" & Paris is the "Center of the Universe"...Why would one expect anything less than French Bashing from the Uncultured Ranks ...


Theophilus Ghoststone • 2 days ago
Oh what heaven it would be if all the world were France!


Marc Larivière • 4 days ago
So, the Crazy Frenchbashing continues... As if every reproach was valid and every nation and person had nothing to reproach themselves with, for that matter ! But let's not get into a mean counter-attack... Tu-quoque-ism is not very useful, and how to stop some people finding faults when they thrive on it ? (e g : Bill Maher )


"We are not amused !" but we can't help it...


cyclezealot • 5 days ago
Surtout, un problème chez les idiots xénophobes. Ignorez-les . Ils parlent pour seulement quelques-uns. La plupart qui vivent à l'étranger préfèrent la bonne vie. comme le montre ts http://blogs.wsj.com/expat/201...

最重要的是,这是一个充满愚蠢仇外情绪的问题。Ignorez-les。他们谈论的仅为少数法国人。大部分居住在国外,倾向于更好好生活。正如http://blogs.wsj.com/expat/201.. ts。

chatnoir50 • 6 days ago
PS .. No hatred (as the totally misleading headline suggests) only 'Frankness' and reality ...



mcKzoow  chatnoir50 • 5 days ago
You're a walking, tired cliche.


chatnoir50  mcKzoow • 3 days ago
And ... so nothing to contribute then?


Judging by your non-contributory comments in US it might even seem that you're a scotty nat (or National socialist) internet troll?


Marc Larivière  chatnoir50 • 2 days ago
Which countries' politics haven't been "coloured by a position of national preference over many centuries" I wonder if you have a clue ?

