埃及,沙特阿拉伯,阿联酋以及巴林在6月5日与卡塔尔断绝一切联系。埃及外交部已宣布结束卡塔尔公民在埃及的免签证入境 – 这是埃及针对卡塔尔的断交风波而做出的最新制裁手段。卡塔尔网友:我是阿拉伯人,我可以肯定的告诉你们现在阿拉伯非常腐败,愚蠢,像部落的人一样无知,落后。
Qatari nationals will have to apply for a visa in an embassyabroad in order to enter Egypt, foreign ministry says.
Egypt, along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, cut tieswith Qatar on June 5 [File: Reuters]
Egypt's foreign ministry has announced the end of visa-free travel forQataris - the latest measure taken against Doha in the Gulf crisis.
埃及外交部已宣布结束卡塔尔公民在埃及的免签证入境 – 这是埃及针对卡塔尔的断交风波而做出的最新制裁手段
Qatari nationals will now have to apply for avisa in order to enter Egypt, the ministry said on Monday.
"It does not make sense to keep makingexceptions for Qatar and giving it privileges in light of its currentpositions," said Ahmed Abu Zeid, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman.
埃及外交部发言人Abu Zeid说:“根据目前的情况,我们不认为应该继续给予卡塔尔公民继续拥有免签的权利”
The restriction will not affect spouses andchildren of Egyptian nationals, as well as Qatari nationals who are studying atEgyptian public universities, Abu Zeid said.
但同时Abu Zeid也表示这项禁令并不会影响埃及人民的配偶以及孩子,以及在埃及公立大学学习的卡塔尔公民。
Media reports quoted sources at CairoInternational Airport as saying that the decision would be implemented as ofWednesday or Thursday.
Egypt's state-run Ahram Online publication saidearlier on Monday that the move would affect not only the holders of ordinarypassports but also those with a diplomatic or special travel documents.
TheGulf crisis
The development comes six weeks after Egypt,along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, cut ties with Qatar on June 5 andimposed an air, sea and land blockade on the country.
The quartet accused Doha of supporting"extremists" - an allegation that Qatar denies.
四个国家共同指控卡塔尔支持恐怖主义活动 – 随后卡塔尔否认这一指控。
More than two weeks after the Gulf crisis began,the blockading countries issued a list of 13 demands that included the closureof Al Jazeera Media Network.
The move was condemned by various internationalrights organisations, the United Nations and heads of states.
raisul islam
Jews raping egyptian its not their achievment, its the fault of egyptianthemselves. The general mass egyptian are worthy to be raped by Israel. becausethe dont have a courage to stand up against the current corrupted and evilnexus of military, judicial and police buerocracy. Its not only the duty of MBalone. Without MB general egyptian should stand against tyrranny. And sisiimposed ban on entry for Qatari national, ok its time to qatar to kicked out 3lakh egyptian from Doha.
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
Roble Yusuf
Abdulfitna AlKhasisi can not even feet his people who live below the poverty and he is bussytalking about Qatar.
Mohsin Wadee
Saudi's little poodle barks again.
Terrence Caldwell
What a joke! Who is holding their breath to go to Egypt? And just lookat the queue of Egyptians wanting to go to Qatar.
Qatar has a population of only a few hundred thousand. How many of themwould like to go to Egypt and for what reason? Ask the same question aboutEgypt - an impoverished country looted of its wealth by the military,bureaucracy and corrupted judiciary and police. The unemployment rate is veryhigh and going up and up. If not for the lavish donations of the Saud andEmirati family and Qatar they would have gone bankrupt by now. Ask any Egyptianwhether they would like to go to Qatar or stay in Egypt. You'll see what Imean.
No smelly Qataris allowed!
Egypt is a poor dictatorship and very unsafe and unstable. It was hardlya tourist haven to begin with as 2 German women had their throats slit justlast week. Sisi is a brutal savage that overthrew a popularly electedgovernment at US/Zionist behest and is now in panic mode as the insurgency isgrowing and even the corrupt military is restive. Egypt lives of begging aidand this will only hurt Egyptian economy. Egypt is facing huge over-populationproblems with 100 million people with the vast majority under 18 years and 80%unemployment. Even removing 10 cents bread subsidy caused riots and over 100deaths. Egypt needs to bring back Dr.Morsi's elected government, kick out theZionist scum and open Rafah crossings. Sisi will share the scumbag Sadat'sfate, just a matter of time.
Ali Diallo
they will just lose Qatari tourist (money) .. idiot decision
Who wants to go to a rubbish country.. all it has is empty pyramids..terrorists. .. beggers.. authoritarian rule...
Qataris should instead go to Iran, Lebanon, and Turkey. They will havemuch better time and be safe..
Very good comment, Kish island is beautiful and only 65 kms away. Qatarairways can use the modern airport there as a hub. I spent a week there and theDarius hotel is amazing and better than anything on the planet. Sunsets on thePersian Gulf from Kish are breathtaking. Also Iran is the most stable andsafest country on the planet.
Who would anyone want to go to Eqypt with all the political unrest nowdays, and anytime the people there are all a bunch of mummy mounters.
I am an Arab, and I can tel you that Arabs at the moment are verycorrupt, stupid, tribal ignorant backwards people.
They will keep destroying themselves and let others destroy them as longas they are in this state of backwardness and corruption.
Sad, but true Harry, I feel sorry for Arabs as how low they have sunkdue to puppet "leaders". All corrupt scum that need to be hanged.
Roble Yusuf
Why Qatari should go to the poor Egypt at the first place? Who caredabout the Egyptian visa ? Ahahaha!
What else these puppet rulers can do? all is puppet-ism ....