为防止女童被强迫结婚,纽约政府将法定结婚年龄从14岁提高到18岁 [英国媒体]


More than 3,850 minors are known to have married in the state of New York between 2000 and 2010


The state of New York has raised the legal age of marriage from 14 to 18, overturning a little-known law that saw hundreds of young girls become child brides each year, often through coercion.


New York was previously one of just three out of the 50 states to allow 14-year-olds to marry without parental permission, the other two being North Carolina and Alaska. 


More than 3,850 minors married in New York between 2000 and 2010, with 84 per cent involving cases of child brides and adult men.


The new law bans marriage altogether for those aged 14 to 17 and requires 17-year-olds to obtain both parental and judicial approval before they are allowed to exchange vows. Judges will be given guidelines to help them decide whether a 17-year-old wishes to enter into a marriage freely.


Campaigners had fought for the change claiming child brides often have poor educational and job opportunities and frequently fall victim to domestic violence.


New York state assembly member Amy Paulin, who put forward the legislation, said that children are often trapped in unhappy and violent marriages because they find it difficult to access legal services and domestic violence shelters.

推动此次立法的纽约州众议院议员Amy Paulin说:因为难以获得法律服务和家庭暴力庇护所,儿童经常陷入不幸福和暴力的婚姻。

She said the old law was “antiquated" because "it reflects a time when everyone married younger," adding: "Times have changed. Child marriage is coerced marriage. It condemns young women to a life they did not choose.”


''Child marriage'' held in Surrey


New York’s Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo, who signed the legislation, said: “This is a major step forward in our efforts to protect children and prevent forced marriages, and I am proud to sign this legislation that puts an end to child marriage in New York once and for all.”

纽约州的民主党州长Andrew Cuomo签署了这项法律,他说:“这是我们在保护儿童、防止强迫婚姻方面所做努力的一项重大进步,签署这项法令让我感到骄傲,因为这项法令彻底结束了纽约州的童婚。”

The previous state law dated back to 1929 and did not provide guidance on whether or not judges should grant consent. While the law allowed a girl to marry at just 14, it did not allow her to divorce until the age of 18, while the new law mandates that if a girl marries at 17, she must also be allowed to divorce at the same age.


“We cannot solve the child marriage problem globally if we don''t first solve it here in the United States,” Fraidy Reiss, founder and executive director of the organisation Unchained at Last, told CBS News.

“如果我们不能首先在美国解决童婚问题,那么我们就不能解决全球的童婚问题,”Unchained at Last组织的创始人和执行官Fraidy Reiss告诉CBS新闻。

Ms Reiss was raised Orthodox Jewish in Brooklyn, New York, and was forced into marriage when she was over the age of legal consent at 19.

Ms Reiss在纽约布鲁克林一个正统的犹太人家庭长大,曾在超过法定允许的19岁被迫婚姻。

She said that while most people might not think of the US when they thought of forced marriage, it remains a reality that is often ignored.


“This isn’t something that is happening only in one insular community, this is a widespread problem in the United States.


“We really don’t know (how widespread it is). There has been no in-depth study done on forced marriage in the United States.


“Our clients come from every major religion, they’re Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh … they have come from Unification Church backgrounds and even secular backgrounds.


“This is a widespread gender violence issue, and the common thread we see is that the victims are almost always girls and that the perpetrators are almost always the parents and the family members.”


Unchained at Last aids women and girls to escape forced marriage in the US and is calling for a blanket ban on all marriage under the age of 18 across the country, where it remains legal with parental permission in all 50 states.

Unchained at Last组织的宗旨是帮助美国的妇女和女孩们逃出强迫的婚姻,呼吁全美国全面禁止18岁以下的人结婚,而现在的情况是在美国全部的50个州,18岁以下的人在获得父母同意的情况下结婚仍然是合法的。

Half have no minimum age for marriage when exceptions such as pregnancy and parental and judicial permission are taken into consideration.


According to a 2010 report by National Centre for Health Statistics, 2.1 per cent of all girls in the 15-17 age group in the US were in a child marriage, with the practice remaining more common in the southern states.


Amerika in advanced Country. the rest of the world had that law for centuries. 


18 should be the legal age in every country over in the UK i also read the story of a 34 year old was with a 14 year old and married her he would be jailed if he was in the UK 


This is of course good, but shockingly belated. How many people even knew that 14 was the age of consent anywhere in the so called developed world? 
But there is another point here - as soon as we change our laws we express outrage at any society that has not also done so. So for example until recently gay sex was illegal here in the UK, but just as soon as we changed our law on that, and more recently still on gay marriage, we condemned any countries that had not done so. It is arrogant in the extreme to expect every society to impose the same laws as we do


Such a scandal! It really is a scandal! And you people always accuse the Muslims of pedophilia and child marriage! Such a hypocricy is unbelieveble!


It''s a small step forwards, but 20+ US states still allow children to get married if they have ''parental permission'', which leads to all sorts of abusive scenarios. And this is not a theoretical risk - the numbers are staggering. Attempts to address these bizarre laws frequently founder because they offend traditional (read ''religious'') values.


Shocking and disgusting that it took till 2017 for that to happen. What is worse is that many states of America still allow children to get married. 


Things like this make me proud to be a New Yorker. May the other states in the unx follow suit, and make it legal for someone 18 years or older to be married. Because what the other states are doing is disgusting and promoting pedophilia, with the parents consent. The other states allow poor innocent little girls, to go into marriage before they''re ready, because of sick disgusting laws, and sick disgusting parents, who allow pedophiles to rape, and marry their little girls.




Your nation should be ashamed it took so long.


Congratulations New York, and welcome to the twentieth century.


You are proud that New York, Alaska and North Carolina were the only states where this was possible.


You should be deeply ashamed that it took so long, and looking for the people who made this possible.
