China rising
The Great Man Theory of history simply says that great leaders with charisma, intelligence, wisdom and political skills immensely shape their country and the world through their monumental and game-changing acts and decisions. It was popular in the 19th century but from the 20th century forward, it had lost its currency.
The rise of Mr. Trump has somewhat pushed political scientists into digging it up from the archives, but with the agenda to stress to what low great powers could sink once they are led by ineffectual leaders.
Applied to Mr. Trump, according to an American political scientist, the Great Man Theory has a new version – The Great Jackass Theory. The body of Mr. Trump’s policy preferences, building a border wall, shunning immigrants, trade protectionism, abetting white supremacists and quarrelling with Iran and North Korea will transform America from a global leader into an inward-looking nation, if not a wingnut isolationist like North Korea, Mr. Trump’s pet peeve.
The results of the 31st Asean Summit in Manila proved that. After the summit was over, State Secretary Rex Tillerson was asked by journalists to assess the validity of Mr. Trump’s statement that the Summit was a success for “ me” and for “America.” Instead of playing full supplicant and agreeing with the statement of Mr. Trump, Secretary Tillerson ignored the question and merely said, “ Thank You,” to prevent a follow-through question from being asked.
American experts on trade and diplomacy said that the $300 billion in deals that Mr. Trump supposedly negotiated during the Summit were just words, not real deals.
“The principal takeaway from Trump’s big Asia trip: virtually zero on any issue that matters to Americans. Ultimately, that is the biggest win for China,” Ian Bremmer , president of the Eurasia Group, was quoted in the Politico magazine as saying .
“特朗普在亚洲之行的主要收获:在任何事关美国的问题上,几乎都是零。最终,这是中国最大的胜利”Politico杂志援引Ian Bremmer的话说,他是Eurasia集团的主席。
And while Mr. Trump was literally wined and dined, and our President Duterte serenaded him, the issue that mattered most to Americans – the US at the forefront of the global trading order – had been abandoned by Trump soon after taking office, by pulling the US out of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership.
At the Summit, while the 11 countries that remained with the TPP after Trump’s go-it-alone announcement vowed to strengthen and expand their trade ties, there was no solid action that the US took to start bilateral trade agreements with the 11 countries solidly with the TPP. Worse for the US, other countries may join in, including the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia to bring the TPP membership to 15 countries.
What about Mr. Trump’s big campaign promise to “rebalance” trade relations with China? After he was feted in Beijing before coming to Manila, Mr. Trump failed to take a single concrete step toward that promise of “rebalancing.”
As Mr. Trump descended into an all-time low at home – only 40 percent of voters say they will vote for Mr. Trump, and his approval rating is now down to 37 percent – China’s Xi Jinping is taking his country to a 21st century with China, not the US, as the dominant global power. Mr. Xi is quietly basking in Mr. Trump’s abandonment of the traditional US role of global leadership and the ceding of that role to China. With the US out of TPP, China is the de facto leader of that trading bloc and the policies laid out by Mr. Xi are all directed at propping up, and expanding, that leadership.
Put into operations in late 2015, The China-led and China-founded Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB) has 56 member-states and a $100 billion capital. It is a multilateral development bank just like the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, but its avowed mission of supporting the infrastructure build-up of fund-short member-countries has a side agenda of moving countries further into the China Axis.
The bank’s outreach involves moving Chinese engineers, Chinese construction methodologies, Chinese equipment and Chinese finance people into the member-states as part of the support group of AIIB.
China’s more ambitious foray into what is now known as geoeconomics is being pursued via the OBOR, or One Belt, One Road Initiative. The ambitious infrastructure build-up covers the regions China traded with during the Silk Road trade. A Eurasian Land Bridge will be built that would run from Western China to Western Russia via Kazakhstan. The Maritime Silk Road will build seaports, supported by roads and bridges, from the China Coast, then to Singapore to the Mediterranean.
中国正在通过“一带一路”(One Belt,One Road Initiative)的方式,进军目前所称的地缘经济领域。雄心勃勃的基础设施建设覆盖了中国在丝绸之路贸易中所交易的地区。一座欧亚大陆桥将从中国西部延伸至俄罗斯西部,途经哈萨克斯坦。海上丝绸之路将建造海港,由公路和桥梁支撑,从中国海岸到新加坡再到地中海。
The geopolitical environment favors Mr. Xi and China.
Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin are busy stirring up the nativist urges of their white population and are now contesting who would lead their imaginary Judeo-Christian world purged of races black, brown and yellow.
Mr. Xi speaks of continental integration under China’s leadership, with “new technologies, new business models, new business patterns and new products.”
As Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump bask in dark engagements, Mr. Xi is precisely defining the leadership terms of the 21st century and beyond.
OK, let us answer this question: How does that impact us, our country, in the broader sense? The answer is in plain sight. China is utterly pragmatic and its leadership is devoid of altruism. When it deals with us, it has national interest, not PH interest, on the agenda.
好,现在让我们来回答这个问题:这对我们,我们的国家,更广泛的意义是什么? 答案显而易见,中国是一个非常务实的国家,它的领导层缺乏利他主义。当它与我们打交道时,唯有(中国的)国家利益,而不是PH(菲律宾)利益。
this is the reason why Duterte is cozying up to China. Which is not a bad idea as long as China stop taking all of SCS. We should try to be neutral with all regional powers is the best.
Tunod Den
Mr.Ronquilo yapping his mouth like a gigantic idiot again. "Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin are busy stirring up the nativist urges of their white population and are now contesting who would lead their imaginary Judeo-Christian world purged of races black, brown and yellow." You do know that Russia is a multiethnic state right? or have you fallen to the idiotic narrative and "Truth" by Liberals around the World, or are you disputing the fact that the US is not at all united because everyone with agendas want to make the country into a Shopping Mall where everyone comes and goes? Rat-face Ronquillo, you are disgusting as this article is, glad that you are swooned by the Chinese and you thoroughly enjoy going from one friend to another like a beggar.
隆奎洛(本文作者)又像个傻逼一样喋喋不休。”特朗普和普京正忙着煽动本国白人的本土主义冲动,现在正在角逐谁将领导他们想象中的犹太基督教世界,清除黑人、棕黄色和黄色人种。“----你应该知道俄罗斯是一个多民族国家,对吧? 你是不是已经陷入了世界各地的自由主义者的愚蠢的叙述和“真相”,或者你在质疑一个事实,那就是美国根本就不是统一的,因为每个人都想把这个国家变成想来就来想去就去的购物中心? 阴险的人隆奎洛,你跟这篇文章一样令人作呕,
Arnel commented:
it simply "gulong ng palad" at work....
注:《以爱为名》(Gulong ng Palad)是一部流行于上世纪五十年代的菲律宾广播剧,八十年代改编成肥皂剧
Carlito Sacayanan
USA policy is that 'it has only its permanent national interest and no permanent friends'. It looks at our country as a prime real state from its military point of interest to project its power in this area.
Mariano Patalinnjug
Yonkers, New York
18 November 2017
These are those critical times when the whole world finds itself at a critical juncture in history, when a nincompoop of a United States President named DONALD J. TRUMP and a highly intelligent and prescient Chinese President named XI JINPING are leading their countries in opposite directions.
President Trump is obviously incurably ISOLATIONIST, and is now pushing the United States to a "FORTRESS AMERICA" protected in the east by the Atlantic Ocean and in the west by the Pacific Ocean. As he vowed on the campaign trail, he has virtually scuttled the TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP [TPP] which a global minded President Barack Obama wisely cobbled up involving economicallythe United States and Asian countries. Mr. Trump is not only "cool" to the NAFTA, but may actually intend also to scuttle it. He has railed against the United Nations, alleging that the United Stats is burdened with an unreasonable share of the financial resources it takes annually to support it. He has condemned the 27 other members of the NATO for allegedly reneging on their treaty commitments to spend 2% of their annual budget on DEFENSE--prompting German Chancellor ANGELA MERKEL to lament that the NATO could no longer rely on America as an ally. He has angrily taken the US out of the Paris Climate Accords. Just recently he has criticized the IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL.
In contrast, Chinese President XI JINPING is not only globally-minded, but appears ready and eager to fill the world leadership VACUUM that the United States of America is deliberately relinquishing under President Trump. It is a foregone conclusion that XI JINPING is bent and ready to implement his monumental "ONE BELT, ONE ROAD" project which overtly will tie up China economically with Asian,European and African countries--but which covertly will have geostrategic ramifications.
The melancholy requiem bells for PAX AMERICANA are now tolling ceaselessly, mournfully.
The jubilant trumpets heralding PAX SINICA are now blaring loudly, triumphantly.
[email protected]
Yonkers, New York
18 November 2017
当一个名叫唐纳德·j·特朗普(DONALD j . TRUMP)傻子美国总统和一位高智商、有先见之明的中国主席以相反的方向领导着他们的国家时,整个世界会发现自己处于历史转变的关键时刻。
特朗普总统显然是不可救药的孤立主义者,现在正把美国推向一个“堡垒式的美国”,东临大西洋,西靠太平洋。就像他在竞选活动中发誓的那样,他实际上已经破坏了跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP),这是一个全球思想的总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)明智地拼凑起来的,涉及到美国和亚洲国家的经济。特朗普不仅对北美自由贸易协定“很酷”,而且实际上可能也想要破坏它。他谴责联合国,声称联合国的统计数据所占的财政资源的不合理份额。他谴责北约其他27个成员国据称违背了他们的条约承诺,将年度预算的2%用于国防,这促使德国总理安格拉·默克尔(ANGELA MERKEL)哀叹北约不能再依赖美国作为盟友了。他愤怒地将美国带出了巴黎气候协定。就在最近,他批评了伊朗核协议。
”美式和平“(PAX AMERICANA)的忧郁安魂曲正在不断地,悲哀的敲响。
欢快的的喇叭宣告”中国治世“(PAX SINICA)曲调刺耳地,耀武扬威地响起。
Tunod Den
Glad you are the same as the author in mindset, the US has been declining ever since the past administrations of Bush and Obama, or are you just gonna blame Trump for that? the US cannot possibly maintain it's status without bigger changes, but like everyone else who is a Globalist, you enjoy going from one friend to another, like some idiotic bigger, and glad you ignored that those deals, the TPP, Iran Nuclear Deal, and Paris Climate Accords demand that the US shoulder the majority of cost while the corporations profit, good job Patalinjughead. People praise Duterte for following the interests of his country first, but when it's Trump trying to fix the state of America right now, you screech like a child denied Ice Cream.
很高兴你的思维和作者一样,自布什和奥巴马的前任政府以来,美国就一直在衰落,还是你只打算指责特朗普?美国不可能保持它的地位没有大的变化,但就像其他所有全球化主义者一样,你喜欢从一个到另一个朋友,很高兴你忽视了这些协议,TPP,伊朗核协议, 巴黎气候协议要求美国承担大部分成本。人们称赞杜特尔特是因为他把国家利益放在首位,但当特朗普试图重整美国的时(意指特朗普也是把美国国家利益放首位),你却尖叫得像一个孩子得不到冰激凌
Charles River
Only 40% will still vote for Trump. That's still a lot of dumb people!