脱欧后部长称英国“可以和加拿大及墨西哥一起加入太平洋贸易区” [英国媒体]


Britain ‘could join Pacific trade zone with Canada and Mexico’ after Brexit as ministers plot to boost exports outside the EU


Government is looking at joining Pacific trade zone after the UK leaves the EU 
TPP group includes Canada, Australia and Mexico but the US has withdrawn
Liam Fox lashed out at 'pessimistic' Remain supporters ahead of China summit  

Liam Fox在中国峰会前猛烈抨击“悲观的”的留欧支持者

Britain could join a Pacific trade zone with Canada and Mexico after Brexit, it has been revealed.


The Government has held informal talks about joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to stimulate exports outside the EU.
The move would make the UK the first member that does not border the Pacific Ocean or the South China Sea - and ministers believe it could send a dramatic signal about our global ambitions.


The proposals are being developed by Liam Fox's Department for International Trade.

Liam Fox带领的国际贸易部正在起草这一议案。

The TPP group lost its largest member when President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the agreement last year.


The 11 remaining member states include Australia, Mexico, Singapore and Canada.


Trade minister Greg Hands told the Financial Times there was no geographical restriction on Britain joining trade groups.


'Nothing is excluded in all of this,' he said.


'With these kind of plurilateral relationships, there doesn't have to be any geographical restriction.'


A defiant Dr Fox yesterday called on Remain supporters to use the New Year to end 'self-defeating pessimism' over Brexit.  


As he flew to China on a trade mission, the Cabinet minister said leaving the EU was not a 'time bob to be defused' but was in fact a 'great opportunity'.


Dr Fox said the hallmark of 2017 for him had been positive visits around the world to launch trade talks only to return home to a 'wave of negativism' from 'people who would rather see Britain fail'.


'The interest being shown in Britain overseas, and an increasing willingness to trade and invest with us, was in stark contrast to the self-defeating pessimism that is too often on show from certain politicians, commentators and media outlets over here,' he wrote on the ConservativeHome website.


'It is easy to get the impression that these people would rather see Britain fail than see Brexit succeed.' 


The Trade Secretary is on a two-stage visit to Beijing and Shenzen this week, promoting British trade and attempting to increase economic cooperation.


He will meet  Chinese Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan and the chairman of one of the world's largest insurance companies, Ma Mingzhe from Ping An.  


The visit to China comes less than a month after Chancellor Philip Hammond made his own visit to the country.


The UK Government has made massive efforts to court the Chinese, both before and after Brexit. 


David Cameron invited President Xi Jinping for a state visit in 2015 while George Osborne hailed a 'golden era' of relations.


Theresa May has been eager to continue relations and is widely expected to make a long-awaited visit to Beijing herself later this year. 


China is the UK's fifth largest trading partner in the world, with trade between the countries worth £59.3billion in 2016 based on the latest figures.


In the same period the UK exported £16.8billion of goods and services, making China the UK's eighth largest export market. 


Germany does very well exporting to China as a member of the EU . There is nothing to stop the UK doing the same.


Jacko Argyle英国
About time, there's a whole World wanting to do business!


They want to do Business on THEIR TERMS.


Scot Free加拿大
Great Britain remaining saddled to the inward looking little EU Protection racket while being locked out of the rest of the Big wide WORLD where 85% of the Global economy and 90% of global economic growth is, is like Christopher Columbus just sailing around the Port in Spain and not even leaving the Harbour.


sam, here英国
Looking forward to closer relations with our Aussie and kiwi friends. The way it should be.


People seem to be under impression we can¿t trade with rest of world whilst in the EU. We do already. How many things do you have in your house that were made in China.


It is now 18 months after the referendum and we are still talking "could" "perhaps" and "maybe". This lot are clueless


What are we going to sell to these countries that we can't sell to them now?


An Australian trade official was just interviewed and said that there were no such discussions and that the UK wasn¿t a Pacific Rim country anyway. He actually chuckled when the reporter asked about these reports.


And what exactly has Britain got to export? They've done away with most of the manufacturing industry, so what are they going to export? It's a legitimate question.


the high hat英国
for brexiteers, geography (like experts) is just something to be ignored.
