中国即将坠落的空间站也做了一些科研工作 [联合国媒体]


China's Doomed Space Station Did SomeScience Work, Too


China's out-of-control Tiangong-1 space lab didn'tjust host visiting astronauts.
The school-bus-size Tiangong-1,which is predicted to crash back to Earth on Sunday (April 1), plus orminus 36 hours, was designed primarily to help China perfect the docking andrendezvous techniques needed to build a big space station. But the craft wasalso outfitted with scientific payloads, such as Earth-observationinstrumentation and space environment detectors, according to the China MannedSpace Engineering Office (CMSE).


"Tiangong-1 has obtained agreat deal of application and science data, which is valuable inmineral-resources investigation, ocean and forest application, hydrologic andecological environment monitoring, land use, urban thermal environmentmonitoring, and emergency disaster control," CMSE officials wrote in a2014 statement. "Remarkable application benefits have been achieved."


For example, Tiangong-1 providedtimely observations during China's Yuyao flood disaster in 2013 and image dataduring a devastating Australian forest fire, Chinese officials have said. Suchinformation was made available to domestic and international commercial usersvia a paid data service, the officials added.


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A productive life


The 9.4-ton (8.5 metric tons)Tiangong-1 — whose name means "Heavenly Palace 1" — helped China's blossoming human space program perfectlink-up techniques as it works to piece together a larger space station forlaunch in the 2020s. Tiangong-1 also demonstrated short-term orbital living forcrews.


The spacecraft's main body consistsof two primary pieces: an "experiment module" and a "resourcemodule." Reportedly, there is a docking mechanism at each end of thecraft.


Tiangong-1 launched atop a CZ-2Fbooster from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Sept. 29, 2011. Serving asChina's first space station, Tiangong-1 was used as a target vehicle for threerendezvous and docking missions between November 2011 and June 2013:


·      Shenzhou 8 (November 2011)demonstrated the rendezvous and docking of two uncrewed space vehicles over thecourse of 16.5 days.


·      Shenzhou 9 (June 2012) carriedthree astronauts: Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang and China's first female astronaut,Liu Yang. They spent 10 days on board Tiangong-1 in a mission that uatedautomated and manual docking methods between the Shenzhou and the space lab.


·      Shenzhou 10 (June2013) was the last of the three Shenzhou missions to Tiangong-1. Thethree-person crew consisted of Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping.The mission lasted for 15 days, and crewmembers carried out space medicine andscientific and technological experiments. Wang performed scientificexperiments, and she taught a physics lesson to Chinese students by livetelevision broadcast.


Tiangong-1 had a design life oftwo years. After the last crew visit, the space lab was placed into anextended-application phase that included use for Earth remote sensing.Tiangong-1 churned out "hyperspectral" imaging products, collectinginformation from across the electromagnetic spectrum, Chinese officials havesaid.


For several years, Tiangong-1performed orbit-maintenance maneuvers and conducted other activities.


On March 21, 2016, space programofficials in China declared that, following an operational orbit lifetime of1,630 days, telemetry services with Tiangong-1 had ceased. That inability tokeep in contact with the space lab sealed its fate, leading to the upcominguncontrolled re-entry.


The space lab made its finalorbital adjustment in December 2015, according to a detailed look at its pathby researchers at the Aerospace Corporation's Center for Orbital and Re-entryDebris Studies (CORDS).


Powerball jackpot


Despite what you may have heard,there's not much reason to fear Tiangong-1'simminent fall to Earth, experts say.


"I would say that some mediacoverage has overstated the risk of Tiangong-1 harming people orproperty," said orbital-debris expert Andrew Abraham, senior member of thetechnical staff for the Aerospace Corporation.


China's Tiangong-1 space stationis predicted to fall somewhere between the latitudes of 42.8 degrees north and42.8 degrees south, the area shaded in yellow and green here.


"In reality, a few objectsthis size re-enter each year, and no one has been harmed by space debris todate," Abraham told "I have calculated the odds of youpersonally being hit by Tiangong-1 debris to be a million times less than theodds of winning the Powerball jackpot."


Based on Tiangong-1's orbit,experts predict the lab will re-enter somewhere between 43 degrees north and 43degrees south latitudes — basically, from Milwaukee all the way down toTasmania.


"Yes, the inclination ofTiangong-1 does place it over the majority of populated areas for short periodsof time. That being said, Tiangong-1 also flies over large areas with no people— oceans — for very large periods of time," Abraham said. "If I hadto place a bet, my money would be on an ocean re-entry far from populatedlocations."


Watchful eye


Keeping a watchful eye on theimpending re-entry is Mohammad Shawkat Odeh, director of the InternationalAstronomical Center (IAC) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). TheTiangong-1 ground track includes the UAE.


"We're following there-entry date to see if there is a need to take any precautions, such as to beready in case it will re-enter over UAE, or to close the air space at the timeof re-entry if there is high probability it will fall over UAE," Odeh


The IAC runs a network of threestations to record astronomical events within UAE skies. Each station consistsof sky-pointed astronomical cameras that automatically start recording once ameteor or a piece of space debris is detected.


As for lingering leftovers, theAerospace Corporation's CORDS website states that"it is highly unlikely that debris from this re-entry will strike anyperson or significantly damage any property."


If you do come across a piece ofTiangong-1, however, CORDS researchers urge you to leave it be:"potentially, there may be a highly toxic and corrosive substance calledhydrazine on board the spacecraft that could survive re-entry," theresearchers wrote. "For your safety, do not touch any debris youmay find on the ground nor inhale vapors it may emit."

