India bringing modern technologies from around world for armed forces: PM莫迪:印度为军队引进世界各地的现代技术 LEH/ N
江山如画 2020-07-10 阅读(83)
Forces must shun imports, go for ‘Make In India’, says Gen Bipin Rawat比平·拉瓦特上将:印
入戏太深 2020-05-14 阅读(70)
What are some incredible facts about the Indian armed forces?关于印度军队有哪些令人难以置信的事? Quora读者的评论:Avinav Pr
不回头 2019-04-30 阅读(145)
What are some incredible facts about the Indian armed forces?(2)关于印度军队有哪些令人难以置信的事实?(2) Quora读者的评论:Di
许你一诺 2019-04-30 阅读(213)
Chinese materials find way into army bulletproof vests中国材料用在了印度军队的防弹背心上NEW DELHI: China companies
普通小姐 2019-03-17 阅读(454)
Army to decide time, place of response: PM Modi on Pulwama attacks莫迪总理就普尔瓦马袭击事件发表讲话:印度军队将决定何时何地作出回应
再美也不温暖 2019-02-18 阅读(110)
Kargil martyr’s son joins dad’s battalion卡吉尔战争一名烈士之子加入了父亲生前的军队MUZAFFARNAGAR: Hitesh Kuma
五毛网 2018-06-13 阅读(87)
Get leaner and meaner, new Defence Planning Committee tells armed forces新的国防规划委员会要求精简军队节约开支TNN | Upd
五毛网 2018-05-08 阅读(46)
India increases deployment of troops along border with China near Tibetan region印度在靠近中国西藏地区的边境派驻更多军力
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(28)
Indian troops fire across LoC in presence of UN observers, 2 injured联合国观察员在场情况下,印度军队向控制线开火,造成2人受伤。Th
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(39)
Defence ministry approved purchase of 41K LMGs, 3.5 lakh carbines国防部批准采购4.1万支轻机枪和35万支卡宾枪HIGHLIGHTS导读
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(35)
NEW DELHI: The Indian armed forces over the next decade want over 400 drones, including combat and
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(52)
Defence ministry clears mega purchase of weapons for armed forces印度国防部批准为武装部队大规模购买武器NEW DELHI: The d
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(36)
Budget 2018: Govt hikes defence budget by 7.81%, but it's just 1.58% of GDP & lowest since 1962印度201
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(35)
India-China ties a 'cold war-like' bond in making: US expert美国专家:中印正处于“冷战式”关系WASHINGTON:
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(118)
China opposes Indian military intervention in Maldives中国反对印度军队干预马尔代夫BEIJING: China on Wednesday oppo
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(50)
'Indian Army must tone down harsh rhetoric', says Chinese media, on Army chief's comments about Chin
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(37)
Army keeps close watch on Chinese troops, infra build-up in Doklam印度军队继续密切监视洞朗的中国军队和基础设施建设NEW DELHI:
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(63)
NEW DELHI: The Indian armed forces have lost as many as 35 aircraft, including 11 helicopters, and
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(55)
India should control its border troops: Chinese military中国军方:印度应约束自己的边境部队BEIJING: Highlighting the D
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(29)
Is China afraid of India?中国怕印度吗?资料图美版知乎quora问答:Gruham Bendakaluru, Farmer at My Farmland (2013-prese
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(55)
Construction begins for 150km road that will make it easy for armed forces to reach China border印度开建
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(44)
Can India defeat China in a full-fledged war?一旦爆发全面战争,印度能打败中国吗?美版知乎Quora网贴翻译Soumabrata Dutta, Indian
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(40)
As China aims for 'world-class army', Asia starts to worry中国目标是“世界一流军队”,亚洲开始担忧BEIJING: C
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(54)
India pumping in more soldiers, weapons on entire eastern front印媒称中印谈崩,印度向东部前线派更多军队和武器部署NEW DELHI: I
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(39)
纪录片:中国—世界强国的重生(一)youtube评论 [美国