印度的城市化和膨胀中的中产阶级将填补中国经济增长减速的缺口,澳洲资源部长 乔希。弗莱登堡 Josh Frydenberg 做出如此表述。英国网友:“虽然中国放缓,但是印度会加速发展的”,乔希说。印度知道这一点吗?
The urbanisation of India and its swelling middle class will step in to fill the breach as China’s economic growth slows, according to the resources minister,Josh Frydenberg.
印度的城市化和膨胀中的中产阶级将填补中国经济增长减速的缺口,澳洲资源部长 乔希。弗莱登堡 Josh Frydenberg 做出如此表述。
Despite a slowdown in China and the International Monetary Fund cutting its forecasts for global growth for the third time in less than a year, Frydenberg said on Wednesday that the fundamentals of the world economy were still in favour of commodities.
The IMF downgraded its growth forecasts for China on Tuesday and expected Brazil, a large exporter of iron ore like Australia, to remain mired in recession in 2016 amid lower Chinese demand.
Future500 33m ago
The populations of India and China are now about the same, around 1.2 billion each.
But the Indian economy is one quarter of the size of the Chinese economy - so it does have space to grow, BUT not by selling them coal or methane gas you dimwit!
Australia and India can benefit for a much needed increase in living standards for the great majority of Indians (also Pakistanies and Bangladeshis) but ONLY if we have the products and services they actually need - not the one the LNP donors want to sell them.
This government, especially Josh Frydenberg, is simply living in cloud cuckoo land with its 18th century economic models.
这届政府,特别是 乔希. 弗莱登堡 (Josh Frydenberg),简直是抱着18世界的经济模型,生活在云间理想国的呆子。
rumtytum 48m ago
And when India disappopints us there are the Martians lining up to buy coal!
DARIEN 1h ago
Like Abbot, Frydenberg know his onions.
The LNP strategy of re-positioning Australia to become a full fledged member of the 3rd World is certainly on track.
The $A has now sunk to below that of Singapore.
This achievement is not to be sneezed at.
If Stephens and the LNP are able to maintain this level of economic competence and the dollar continues towards parity with the Malaysian Ringit it may mean that all those multi-nationals which make zillions in Australia but which Frydenberg allows to pretend they do in Singapore, will find it cheaper to actually pay some tax in Australia!
如果斯蒂芬(参议长斯蒂芬·帕里 Stephen Parry)和自由国家党(LNP)能够维持这个水准的经济能力,让澳元继续下跌到马来西亚林吉特的汇率水平,那将意味着所有那些在澳大利亚赚了无数钞票,但被弗莱登堡允许伪装是在新加坡赚钱的多重国籍者将会发现,实际上在澳大利亚交些税反而变得很划算!(反讽)
sevenoak 1h ago
Well, we have been talking about Modi India stepping in to replace China as world economy engine for nearly three years now. We have yet to see any sign of that happening. When China stumbles, we still can't find anything from India as a real substitute of China to support world economy.
petersview 1h ago
The urbanisation of India and its swelling middle class will step in to fill the breach as China’s economic growth slows, according to the resources minister, Josh Frydenberg.
Heaven help us with simpletons like Frydenberg in government. There is no "breach" to be filled. The world is awash with manufactured stuff. What is needed is NOT more cheap manufacturing. What we really need is a change of direction, from the endless cycle of "Make more, sell more, make more.....ad infinitum.
印度的城市化和膨胀中的中产阶级将填补中国经济增长减速的缺口,澳洲资源部长 乔希。弗莱登堡 Josh Frydenberg 做出如此表述。政府中出现这样的白痴也真是够了。根本就没有所谓的缺口。全世界被制造业商品充斥着。我们需要的不是更多的廉价制造业,而是方向的转变,从无尽的制造更多,消费更多的循环中解放出来。
sunbury1969 1h ago
ID5300270 2h ago
Oh well , if josh said so it must be true . Now there is a towering intellect if ever I've seen one ; about the size of a .... of a .... of a ... matchstick laying flat on the floor
Oh wait , make that half a match
photographofgeorge 2h ago
The underpants gnomes have more imagination than this lot.
AussieDon 2h ago
"India will step up as China slows.". Josh Frydenberg, does India know this?
photographofgeorge AussieDon 2h ago
Josh has been reading Nostradamus again
kreltogs AussieDon 1h ago
Please Josh, shut up. The Canadians and Brazilians,who are in recession, will get there first, leaving us still trying to convince India that coal will lift then out of poverty.
photographofgeorge 2h ago
Frydenberg = selling coal to India = more CO2
No imagination, no future, no environment, no innovation - just reductionist economic twaddle.
3timeloser 2h ago
A very charming, quite gentle, elderly man on the train this afternoon was explaining his shock at the Government's complete lack of economic policy and the increasingly bizarre statements emanating from our Resources Minister.
He said he was determined to visit Canberra when Parliament next sits. He said he would stride into the House of Reps at QT, take off his leather belt, and give Mr Frydenberg a furious strapping in front of the Australian people.
Glamorpig 2h ago
Isn't India the very country that 5 minutes ago needed to be "lifted from poverty" by coal, the very saviour of humanity? Now the poor are going to save our economy? Sure thing, Josh.
印度不正是那个在5分钟前还需要用煤炭“从贫困中爬出来”、人类的大救星?现在那个穷逼将拯救我们的经济了? 毫无疑问,乔希。(反讽)
Daisy06 3h ago
That's not what business leader are saying in Davos. Where is Morrison? Why is he not at the World Economic Forum?
那不是在达沃斯的商界领袖们所说的。 莫里森(Scott Morrison,财长)在哪?为什么他没有参加世界经济论坛?
kreltogs Daisy06 2h ago
Daisy, Morriscum is at home learning to use Joe Hockeys abacus.
黛西,莫里森人渣在家跟Joe Hockey(前任财长)学打算盘呢。
thespaniard48 3h ago
Josh should call Modi and tell him the good news
toekneeabbutt 3h ago
“Other opportunities in the region, particularly in Asean countries, particularly in India, will hopefully meet the hole that has been left by the slowdown in China,” he told Sky News on Wednesday.
Hopefully? Hopefully? And what's plan B Josh???
有希望?有希望? 那么乔希你的B计划是啥?(--- 指这个期望落空的情况下的替代方案)
This mob of shysters haven't got a single clue.
Jon Castellino 3h ago
China is now the (2nd) biggest economy in the world; it's true India will experience phenomenal growth but it's barely bigger than the Australian economy in real terms (7th overall) so it will have to do much heavier lifting, and given India's a democracy & not a police-state, certain states there will be hampered by corruption and Infrastructure constraints, resulting in slower growth.
中国现在是世界第二大经济体。 确实,印度将经历显着增长但扣除物价因素后它仅仅比澳大利亚的经济规模大上一些(排名世界第七位),所以它将不得不需要巨大的提升才行。虽然印度是一个民主国家而不是警察国家,但是某些邦依然会受到腐败和基建不足的限制,从而导致经济增速放慢。
Although shadow-banking won't be allowed to happen and it holds the Westminister system so there's a bit more transparency (than say the Mid-east, Africa or China). Don't get me wrong the society there still has problems with corruption and social views, but the fact that it has a media it's recently been making important social and value changes which provides hope it can play an important part in being a stable partner.
尽管影子金融体系在印度不被允许存在并且印度采用威斯敏斯特体系,因而带来更多一些的透明度(相比诸如中东国家、非洲国家、或者中国而言--竟敢黑我大天朝---)。(译者按:沿循英国议会威斯敏斯特宫所用之体制而形成的民主政府体制,主要被英联邦国家使用) 别误解,我的意思是那里的社会从腐败或者社会角度看仍然有很多问题,但一个事实是它有媒体,近来一直在对印度的社会和价值观做着重要的改变,而这将为印度能够在成为稳定伙伴上扮演重要角色提供希望。
Biggestbrotherofthem 3h ago
So how FREAKIN stooopid to sign CHAFTA!
ZarthMan 3h ago
Thanks josh for being part of this government that is now leading us into recession and is responsible for leading us into that same recession.
We will wreak our revenge, don't you worry bout that.