中国家庭挤在纽约小公寓里寻找美国梦 [英国媒体]

一位摄影师用心酸的画面,记录了一个住在纽约唐人街一套350平方英尺的公寓里的中国家庭跨越了十年的生活。英国网友:那么告诉我为什么这个故事就该有趣......? 看上去只是中国99%普通人过的日子而已。为什么要尝试在纽约折腾,要知道这是全世界最贵的城市之一啊。


A photographer has documented the life of a Chinese family living inside a 350 square-foot apartment in New York City's Chinatown with poignant images spanning a decade.


In 2003, Thomas Holton was with a local housing advocate when he met Steven and Shirley Lam and their three New-York born children Michael, Franklin and Cindy. The family lived in a fifth-floor apartment in a tenement building on Ludlow Street, according to the New York Times.



At the time Holton, born to a Chinese mother and an American father, had started photographing the streets and daily rituals of Chinatown in an effort to better understand his own Chinese heritage.


But what started as a traditional documentary project for his master's thesis at the School of Visual Arts quickly turned more intimate as he began an in-depth photographic look at the Lams' every day life in the cramped quarters.


Now 13 years later, Holton's work has become a book, The Lams of Ludlow Street, published this month by Kehrer Verlag.

13年过去了,霍尔顿的纪实已经编印成《罗德洛大街的林家》,这个月由Kehrer Verlag出版。


Catherine, Australia, Australia, 3 days ago
And I'll bet they're working hard, studying hard and one day, they will be our doctor, or lawyer, or employer. Good for them.


Lauralove, Virginia, United States, 3 days ago
Alot of people are mentioning that they aren't on welfare or are getting "government handouts". These are healthy people..... they aren't disabled (from what I can see)....... why would they?

Elizabeth, Los Angeles, United States, 3 days ago
You mean the government tries to take it away.


markhately - Ex-Pat, Los Angeles, United States, 3 days ago
So tell me why this is supposed to be interesting...? It looks just like how 99% of China live. And why try and make it in New York, it's one of the most expensive cities in the world.

那么告诉我为什么这个故事就该有趣......? 看上去只是中国99%普通人过的日子而已。为什么要尝试在纽约折腾,要知道这是全世界最贵的城市之一啊。

Greendolphin , Dallas, United States, 3 days ago
She sure is


MM, Cotton Bay Village, Saint Lucia, 3 days ago
Sweet pictures - brilliant to see the son in his dorm room at college - this is a great he's working family. The way the laundry is done is smart with the hangers over the bath, in going to copy. I live in a one bed in Manhattan with my partner and child, the apartment has been in my husband's family generations - we're tied here namely because my son gets superior autism services and schooling in Manhattan.

PattiT, San Diego, United States, 3 days ago
Admirable that they came to this country legally, and have so far sent two of their children to college..

LemonsAPlenty, Somewhere, United States, 3 days ago
Looks exactly like how they live in China.


CHILENA 1, sydney, Australia, 3 days ago
it look no different from China's way, it look a Chinese family house only difference there are three kids instead of only one



Sam777, USA, United States, 3 days ago
If I was struggling financially, and had a family to support, I would not settle in one of the most expensive cities in America. But that's me.


Macy, Vancouver, 3 days ago
Wow, and they still eat way better than me in my big old house. Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?


Nana Berry, Dallas-Fort Worth, United States, 3 days ago
So.... you are perfect, huh?


Mary Anne Farley, Sudbury, Canada, 3 days ago
Even before I read the story, I made a bet with myself that all three of these kids will be going to college and will be productive and law abiding Americans. When I was a kid living in Toronto in the 50's, I saw people like them coming to Canada after the war from Poland, Czechoslovakia, The Ukraine etc. and how they had nothing when they arrived after coming from war torn Europe but their kids went to school! It was such a good experience for a teen ager like myself to see such a work ethic and the experience definitely had a profound effect on me to this day.



Makis, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Would love to chuck all the snot nosed liberals in the NUS in these conditions and teach them the meaning of the hard work and sacrifice.

Hope and Change, Melbourne, United States, 3 days ago
Good for them. I'm sure they will be successful! America should give them a good shot.


susycav, nyc, United States, 3 days ago
It makes me feel a bit better about my apartment which has the world's worst tenant beneath us - techno music all day and all night!


Hacked, America, United States, 3 days ago
Living in those close quarters, I can imagine why the Lams are divorced now. I would throttle my husband if I had to be that close to every.single.thing.that.irritated me. LOL



Nigel, Boston, United States, 3 days ago
There's food on the table and they're looking good.

Leera, Los Angeles, 3 days ago
They will save $50,000 a year.

Joelm, Berlin, United States, 3 days ago
So is the "tiny house" movement a good thing or a bad thing?

William Lawson, New York, United States, 3 days ago
I know hipsters on the Lower East Side who live in far worse conditions than this. That apartment looks quite well maintained and clean compared to many I have seen.

Benny, London, 3 days ago
That apartment is in the middle of Manhattan. Its one of the most expensive real estate locations on Earth, No one is forcing them there Its not like they got off the flight and were forced at gunpoint into that apartment. Boo-hoo you aren't living in a penthouse. Even people with well paid jobs live with roomates. I don't recall I sob storyfeatiring me when I shared a tiny apartment with complete strangers. Move out of town and go somewhere cheaper.



Bea, New Jersey, 3 days ago
How many families of immigrants lived like this when newly arrived in the U.S.? People do what they can with what they have and forge ahead. These children will have a better life than their parents.

loreng, phoenix, United States, 3 days ago
Not surprised they divorced when they slept in the same room as their children the whole marriage. Sure the apartment was free but look what they've lost.

Phewz, Nah, Afghanistan, 3 days ago
They have it better than I did when I was growing up in NY not too long ago.

slubgodrewab, sydney, Australia, 3 days ago
Yeah. They will own the block in a couple of years.

kill bill 11, Orlando, United States, 3 days ago
America has vast amounts of land. Everyone could and should be able to purchase an affordable home in this country.



Sam, Atlanta, 3 days ago
The ultimate "tiny house." Not so great really.

PattyD, USA, United States, 3 days ago
Work ethic, strong family bonds, this is what made America great and, unfortunately, is slipping away from many. Bottomline? If this is me, I would move, well, in a New York minute. Many stay in big cities like NY and San Francisco where most single people struggle to make ends make. I would definitely find somewhere more affordable and make my living there. But to each their own and I have nothing but respect for them. Best wishes to a happy life!

DAZ, Los Angeles, 3 days ago
Respect. I'm willing to bet these kids are very good students and will grow up to be great examples of the American dream.

RedTango, Burbank, United States, 3 days ago
Three kids?

