因不满美国的老旧装备,菲律宾将战略盟友转为俄罗斯? [菲律宾媒体]


ThePhilippines’ president doesn’t want US submarines because he says they’ll‘implode’ — so he’s turning to Russia

菲律宾总统不想要美国潜艇,因为他说他们会“内爆”- 所以他正在转向俄罗斯。

President of the Philippines RodrigoDuterte bashed the US Friday for warning his country against purchasing Russiansubmarines.


He criticized the US for onlyproviding hand-me-down weapons systems, arguing that if his country were to buyUS submarines, they would probably “implode.”


The Philippines is a US ally, butDuterte has been pursuing a foreign policy independent of the US, forgingcloser ties with rivals like China and Russia.


“Is that the way you treat anally and you want us to stay with you for all time?” he asked. “You want us toremain backwards. Vietnam has 7 submarines, Malaysia has 2, Indonesia has 8. Wealone don’t have one. You haven’t given us any.”

“你这样对待一个盟友还期待我们一直跟你站一队?”他问道。 “你希望我们保持落后。越南有7艘潜艇,马来西亚有2艘,印度尼西亚有8艘。唯独我们一个没有。 你还什么都没给我们。“

Duterte’s latestoutburst was triggered by a warning issued Thursday by Randall Schriver, the USDepartment of Defense Assistant Secretary for Asian and Pacific SecurityAffairs.


“I think they should think verycarefully about that,” he said, referring to the Philippine government’s interest inacquiring Russian submarines. “If they were to proceed with purchasing majorRussian equipment, I don’t think that’s a helpful thing to do [in our]alliance, and I think ultimately we can be a better partner than the Russianscan be.”

“我认为他们应该仔细考虑这个问题,”他说,指的是菲律宾政府有意获取俄罗斯潜艇。 “如果他们继续购买俄罗斯主要装备,我认为这对我们的联盟来说并没有帮助,而且我认为最终我们会是一个比俄罗斯人更好的合作伙伴。”

“For a nation with maritimeterritory specially island nation, its national defense is incomplete without(a) submarine,” Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said earlier thisyear,according to thePhilippine Star.
