如果Iphone、笔记本电脑被提高关税,美国可能成为“最大的输家” [联合国媒体]


US likely 'biggest loser' if iPhones, laptops go on tariff list


Additional tariff on the devices would make little impact on China, analyst says


US companies are set to bear the biggest losses should American president Donald Trump proceed with a 10 per cent tariff on laptops and smartphones made in China.


However, in a call with analysts, Barra admitted that Trump’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminium were among the “headwinds” GM faced and had cost the top US automaker US$1 billion. China was GM’s largest retail market for the sixth straight year up to 2017.

但在与分析师的电话中,Mary Barra聊到特朗普对进口钢材和进口铝型材提高关税的问题,这是目前通用汽车公司面临的困境之一。这将有可能导致公司直接损失10亿美元。到2017年止,中国市场已连续6年占据通用汽车公司总销售额的榜首。

Some US$250 billion worth of tariffs have been slapped on goods from China and duties are set to increase from 10 per cent to 25 per cent on another US$200 billion worth of goods not already on the list. The move is part of measures to reduce trade deficit with China and alleged theft of American intellectual property and forced transfer of technology, according to the office of the US Trade Representative.


Cupertino, California-based Apple, which already lost 20 per cent of its value in a tech market rout since October, risks further losses when tariffs on its devices come into effect on January 1 next year.


Earlier this month, chief executive Tim Cook said Apple was happy with its performance in China, where revenue grew 16 per cent to US$11.4 billion – the fifth quarter in a row the company has had double-digit growth in the market. However, Cook also announced that the company would no longer be reporting iPhone sales numbers — or sales numbers for any of its products — on future earnings calls, sparking speculation that iPhone sales are declining.

本月初,苹果公司首席执行官Tim Cook表示,苹果公司对其在中国的销量感到满意,苹果公司目前在中国的营业收入已提高了16%,达114亿美元。这是该公司在中国市场连续5个季度实现了2位数收入的增长。但是库克宣称今后苹果公司将不再对外公布iPhone和其他任何产品的销售数据,这引起了人们对iPhone销售量下滑的猜测。

China is welcome to do it. It will show the world the kind of country it is.


Blue Ginger
A country that hits back when attacked in a trade war.


David Wong
Mr. President trump, your are best President of the United States of America. 4 more years.


flying saucer
This is just going to make some people switch to another brand


James C
Could it be a bluff to make China make the first move? As if he is digging in his heals? Like he is willing to risk it all.

