特朗普对华为的威胁将在2019年危及加拿大及全球科技产业 [加拿大媒体]

如果如路透社上周报道所说,特朗普可能会签署一项行政命令,禁止美国公司购买华为技术,那么这就远远超出了华为和5G 无线网络的范畴,可能会给全球科技产业带来负面影响。

Trump's Huawei threat a risk to Canadian and global tech in 2019


如果如路透社上周报道所说,特朗普可能会签署一项行政命令,禁止美国公司购买华为技术,那么这就远远超出了华为和5G 无线网络的范畴,可能会给全球科技产业带来负面影响。华为和中兴通讯(ZTE)只是中国技术的几个例子,中国技术不仅正在赶上世界上最好的技术,而且正在开始超越它。 切断中国发明的知识产权,尤其是在其技术领先的情况下,给世界造成的经济损失将很难计算。如果安全问题实际上是特朗普削弱中国技术优势的政治企图的一部分,那么世界会处于一个可能伤害所有人的分水岭边缘。 风险在于,一场新的技术冷战可能将世界分裂,迫使各国在两种日益不兼容的技术体系和政治体系之间做出选择。

Margaret Rowe
//they are now graduating twice as many graduates as the United States from university, but they're graduating five times as many STEM graduates," says Gordon Houlden, director of the University of Alberta's China Institute. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math// ... and here lies the answer ... US is just afraid :]

/ / 他们现在从大学毕业的人数是美国的两倍,但他们从 STEM 毕业的人数是美国的5倍,"阿尔伯塔大学中国研究所主任 Gordon Houlden 说。 Stem 代表科学、技术、工程和数学... ... 答案就在这里... ... 美国只是害怕: ]

Alex Zander
The American political obsession with lowering taxes for the rich is destroying its education system, wasting millions of promising young minds and allowing China to move into this growing knowledge and innovation vacuum.


Kevin Varielan
There's a difference between innovation, design and manufacturing standards in these two countries that is as wide as the pacific ocean. The US, Germany, Japan are the worlds leaders in almost all "tech" because they pour billions into r&d. China spends almost as much sending students and workers abroad who then steal the tech information from other countries. But they lack any real r&d of their own. you start to get a picture of a country that depends on others for most of their manufacturing and economic movement. If they was a sudden world wide ban on Chinese nationals and they were considered persona non grata their economy would tank in less than 5 years.

这两个国家的创新、设计和制造标准有着天壤之别,就像太平洋一样宽广。 美国、德国、日本在几乎所有的"科技"领域都处于世界领先地位,因为它们在研发方面投入了数十亿美元。中国把大量的学生和工人送到国外,然后窃取其他国家的技术信息,但他们缺乏自己真正的研发。你想象得到这个国家的大部分制造业和经济活动都依赖于他人。 如果突然在全世界范围内禁止中国公民入境,并且把他们列为不受欢迎人物,那么他们的经济将在不到5年的时间内崩溃。

mark moncton
@kevin Varielan Your racial remark is absurd. In 2017, 440,000 overseas students came to China to study from countries around the world, an increase by 35 % from 2012. China surpassed other countries to take up the number three spot among the world’s most-popular study destinations for higher education studies. Are you saying all those foreign students came to China trying to steal Chinese technologies? What can possibly steal from Canada, as China leads in technology in all respects? It has taken more than a decade for Canada to build a 400 Km high speed train from Toronto to Windsor, with cost 20 billion dollars and 10 to 20 years to complete it. Not a single inch of high speed rail has been done. In the meantime, China has already built the 25,000 Km longest high speed rail in the world with max speed faster than 500Km/h. The existing 25000 Km high speed rail in China is connecting all small and large cities. The high speed network in China will expand to 50,000 Km by 2020. Chinese students and tourists spend 8 billion dollars each year in Canada. Canadian exports to China in agriculture, lumber, resource and others with up-downstream supply chains can cause a million job losses in Canada. Canadian service, financial and cosmetic, medical are in large-scale in China. Canada export to China is set to increase by 300 % to 100 billion dollars in next 5 years, projected by Canadian business trade. All efforts had been made during the past 30 years are jeopardized overnight.

@ 凯文 • 瓦里兰,你的种族主义言论很荒谬。 2017年,来自世界各国的44万名留学生到中国学习,比2012年增加了35% 。 中国超过其他国家,成为世界上最受欢迎的高等教育学习目的地之一。 你是说所有那些来中国的外国学生都是为了窃取中国的技术? 而且鉴于中国在各方面的技术都处于领先地位,加拿大还有什么可偷的呢? 从多伦多到温莎,加拿大为了建造一条400公里长的高速铁路已经耗资200亿美元,耗时10到20年, 至今没有一英寸的高速铁路建成。 与此同时,中国已经建成了世界上最长的2.5万公里的高速铁路,最高时速超过500公里 / 小时。 中国现有的2.5万公里高速铁路连接着所有的大中小城市。 到2020年,中国的高速铁路网将扩大到5万公里。 中国学生和游客每年在加拿大花费80亿美元。 加拿大向中国出口的农产品、木材、资源以及其他具有上游供应链的产品可能会导致加拿大失去一百万个工作岗位。 加拿大的服务业、金融业、美容业、医疗业在中国都有大规模的发展。 根据加拿大商业贸易预测,未来5年加拿大对中国的出口额将增长300% ,达到1000亿美元。 然而,过去30年来所作的一切努力一夜之间都受到了损害。

Louis Pelt
@Kevin Varielan China's modern industries are still relatively young compared to those in more developed nations. That gap is quickly closing though, and China has already reached parity or even surpassed in a few areas.

@ 凯文 • 瓦里兰中国的现代工业与发达国家相比仍然相对年轻。 不过,这一差距正在迅速缩小,而且中国在一些领域已经达到甚至超过了这一水平。

Sukhbir Powar
Canada is already ganging up with the US against China. Weak, and unable to stand on its own. We're not global leaders in anything. We are merely hewers of wood and drawers of water.

加拿大已经伙同美国对抗中国, 软弱无力,无法自主, 我们在任何事情上都不是全球领导者, 我们只不过是伐木工人和运水工人。

James Holden
China has only got to that position by industrial espionage. They have been stealing tech for decades. All of their military stealth tech is stolen from America. There should be great concern that data will be harvested from 5G networks if the Chinese help build the infrastructure.

中国靠商业间谍活动才达到这一地位, 几十年来,他们一直在窃取技术, 他们所有的军事隐形技术都是从美国偷来的, 如果中国来帮助建设基础设施,人们应该非常担心5 g 网络的数据会被收集。

Louis Pelt
@James Holden All big nations conduct espionage. To say that China only got to its position because of it is false though, and neglects the tremendous amount of work they've put in. China went from the medi age to a superpower in only one generation, and that's not possible through espionage alone.

所有大国都从事间谍活动, 但说中国之所以能够取得今天的成就是因为间谍活动是错误的,并且忽略了他们已经投入的大量的工作, 中国从中世纪时代到超级大国只用了一代人的时间,而这仅仅通过间谍活动是不可能的。

John Oaktree
@James Holden LOL!!! For 50+ years western manufacturers have been outsourcing their manufacturing to China to take advantage of cheap labour and lax environmental regulations to bolster profits. But the Chinese weren't supposed to learn anything or profit from anything...

@ james Holden 哈哈! ! ! 50多年来,西方制造商一直将制造业务外包给中国,以利用廉价劳动力和宽松的环保法规来提高利润, 但却要求中国人不应该从中学到任何东西或者从中获利... ..。

John White
There is a sort of inevitability that China will become a world leader in science and technology. We are in an information economy and China has a much larger population than America and they are at least as well educated. India will also overtake America in the next couple of decades for the same reasons.

中国将成为世界科学技术的领导者,这是不可避免的。 我们处在一个信息经济时代,中国的人口比美国多得多,而且他们至少受过良好的教育。 出于同样的原因,印度也将在未来几十年内超过美国。

Chuck Lee
When Huawei purchased the important chips from American companies to assemble her equipments, Huawei agreed to the terms of American sanctions on Iran. A few banks found out that were not the case and reported Ms. Meng’s dishonesty to the American government, which was her arrest started.

当华为从美国公司购买重要芯片组装设备时,华为同意了美国对伊朗的制裁条款。 一些银行发现事实并非如此,并向美国政府报告了孟女士的不诚实行为,从而开始了对她的逮捕。

Danny Smith
Ms. Meng’s dishonesty Her dishonesty, what gall!!! Who lied, illegally invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and how many millions have died? And you have the temerity to talk about Ms Meng.

孟女士的不诚实,她的不诚实,真讨厌! ! ! 谁撒了谎,非法入侵了伊拉克和阿富汗,又有多少人死去? 而你竟然还有胆量这样谈论孟女士。

Nicolas Krinis
Time to rethink our globalist manufacturing strategies and exclude China and take the lessons we've learned and apply them in the future, e.g., only let them manufacture components of devices and spread this out to other countries to the point that they don't even know what they are working on.


Manny Fredrick
If we had a choice to align ourselves with a super power (and we probably don't) China would be the worst choice. Like it or not, our life style is as close to American as you can get. Anyone in Canada want to live the Chinese way?

如果我们可以选择与一个超级大国结盟(我们可能不会这样做) ,那么中国将是最糟糕的选择。 不管你喜欢与否,我们的生活方式已经尽可能接近美国了。 在加拿大有人想过中国人的生活吗?

Danny Smith
USA POTUS bad. CHINA good. That is what history tells us, don. US over 50 illegal invasions of sovereign nations, over a century of military plundering of other countries' wealth, including a century in China.

美国总统不好, 中国好。 这是历史告诉我们的, don。 美国有超过50次非法入侵其他主权国家的记录,对其他国家的财富进行军事掠夺的历史超过一个世纪,包括对中国长达一个世纪的掠夺。

Ian Easson
Never forget that Huawei was one of the major factors behind the bankruptcy of one of Canada's technological giants (Nortel Networks). They hacked into our computer networks, downloaded the designs for our next innovative products, made clones of them, and then sold them for precisely one third less than we did. (That is not to say that they were the only factor in Nortel's downfall. The utter corruption of top management was just as important.) - Ex-Nortel employee in Division 7 (Systems Engineering Division).

别忘了,华为是导致加拿大一家科技巨头(北电网络)破产的主要因素之一, 他们侵入了我们的计算机网络,下载了我们下一个创新产品的设计,复制了它们,然后以比我们低三分之一的价格出售, (这并不是说它们是北电倒闭的唯一因素, 最高管理层彻底的腐败也同样致命) - 前北电雇员(系统工程部)。

Roderick Wilson
Huawei is what Nortel would have become had Canada been supportive and protective of our technology industries and our intellectual property. We practice hard core protectionism when it comes to milk and cheese, but not when it comes to innovative technology.

如果加拿大一直支持和保护我们的技术产业和知识产权,北电就会成为华为现在的样子。 当涉及到牛奶和奶酪的时候,我们实行严重的保护主义,但是当涉及到创新技术的时候,反而不会了。

Terrance Van Gemert
@Ian Easson.. Nortel failed on its own accord in not innovating and sticking to the same process over and over again as it was easy to do..

@ ian Easson. . 北电自己失败了,它不能创新,因循守旧,一成不变,因为这样是最容易混日子的。

Scott Wilson
You can probably test Huawei 5G equipment until you are blue in the face and find no evidence of spy technology but all they have to do is a software upgrade down the road and presto.

你也许可以测试华为的5G 设备,直到你脸色发青,也找不到任何间谍技术的证据,但他们所要做的只是顺便来个软件升级,然后就搞定了。

Alexei Chan
@scott Wilson On the other hand.....all social media like Google, Facebook, Twitter and others run by US have "back door" setup in their software by NSA.... You don't believe this....ask Edward Snowdon (He is now In Russia) when he was employed by NSA!!

@ scott Wilson 另一方面,所有美国运营的社交媒体,如谷歌、脸书、推特和其他社交媒体,都有由美国国家安全局安装的"后门"软件。 你不相信这个... 问问爱德华斯诺登 (他现在在俄罗斯), 他曾经受雇于国家安全局!

4 years ago Edward Snowden revealed the evidence on who was spying on everyone, everywhere, all the time. Now, we see little or nothing of what Snowden revealed. Instead, we have government allegations about some other country somewhere and its phone makers and marketers. 5G competition has our own tech companies competing, not with better technology, but by lobbying for more tariffs and bans. ...and Snowden's evidence goes down Winston Smith's memory hole.

4年前,爱德华 • 斯诺登揭露了到底是谁在任何时间任何地点监视所有人的证据,然而,现在我们几乎看不到任何斯诺登揭露的内容, 相反,政府开始指控其他国家的一些电话制造商和运营商,让我们自己的科技公司参与5 g 竞争,不是用更好的技术,而是通过游说来设立更多的关税和禁令, 斯诺登的证据就要被温斯顿 • 史密斯的忘怀洞(小说1984内容,指篡改历史)所淹没了。

Dave Ryan
To me the fact is that the US education system seems to be failing the country in that it no longer produces the best and brightest, specially in science and other STEM jobs. This has been a long time coming and to see it in play all one has to do is walk the campus of any major science based program and see what nationalities you see around you.

在我看来,美国的教育体系似乎正在辜负这个国家,因为它不再培养出最优秀和最聪明的人才,尤其是在科学和其他 STEM 领域, 这是一个漫长的过程,想要看到它上演,你只要走进任何以科学为主课的校园,看看你周围都是哪些国家的学生。

Tim Stevens
They have capitalized on our greed. While we hunger for their junk, they take the money and buy our real estate and our businesses. It's time to start fighting back.

他们利用了我们的贪婪, 当我们渴望得到他们的便宜货时,他们拿走了我们的钱,买下了我们的房地产和我们的公司, 是时候开始反击了。

Bea Jason
Cut off China from Western technology and Western money. And China will become nothing.

切断中国与西方技术和资金的联系, 中国将一无所有。

Richard A Petrella
While everyone is frothing at the mouth to find a "good guy", the reality is that neither are... isn't it ironic that the US calls Canada a "national security threat" so they can threaten us with punitive tariffs, while China is arresting Canadian citizens as "national security threats", as a punitive measure to show the US... Canada is just a stooge punching bag in the middle...

尽管每个人都在吹毛求疵地寻找一个"好人",但事实是,两者都不是... 具有讽刺意味的是,美国称加拿大为"国家安全威胁",因此他们可以以惩罚性关税威胁我们,而中国却以"国家安全威胁"逮捕加拿大公民,以此作为惩罚措施,向美国示威... 加拿大只是中间的一个傀儡出气筒...

Todd Chomeczko
People in North American nations are paying huge sums for access to training and education while the Chinese government provides inexpensive access to training and education. This superior investment in the education of its people will soon make China the world's technological leader. The high price of North American education will eventually weaken our nations.

北美国家的人民正在为接受培训和教育支付巨额费用,而中国政府则提供廉价的培训和教育, 这种对人民教育的卓越投资将很快使中国成为世界科技领导者。 北美高昂的教育费用最终会削弱我们的国家。

john dowson
major error in believing we need to stand shoulder to shoulder to the USA. we need to start looking to our own interests. the USA has used us for decades and will continue to exploit us it’s time to put them in there place and say "enough of your bulling"

认为我们需要与美国肩并肩站在一起大错特错, 我们得开始考虑自己的利益了。 美国已经利用了我们几十年,并将继续剥削我们,是时候让他们回自己该呆的地方,并跟他们说"受够了你们的欺压"

Joe Green
The facts are not just that they produce more engineers and scientists than the USA, but that these people are much better treated compared to engineers and scientists in the West. In the West, the top job is not that of a scientist or engineer, its that of a lawyer. That pretty much explains everything.

事实不仅仅是他们比美国培养了更多的工程师和科学家,而且这些人比西方的工程师和科学家受到了更好的待遇, 在西方,最高职位不是科学家或工程师,而是律师, 这很好地解释了一切。

Gary Barratt
trump is the only one standing up to the chinese


Margaret Rowe
If an US, Canadian, UK, German firm would have come with the SAME technology but at a better price, everybody in the world would be in. So, the problem is simple make better products and nobody will buy the Chinese ones So, math, fresh air, discipline, good engineers ==> better products :]

如果一家美国、加拿大、英国和德国公司能拥有相同的技术,价格也优惠,世界上所有人都会加入。 所以,问题很简单,先制造出更好的产品,那样就没人买中国产品了。所以,数学,新鲜空气,纪律,加上好的工程师才等于更好的产品。

Vladimir Smejkal
Is Canada part of the US strategy 'America first'? Only lunatics can believe that these days. Our government should start developing our own economic and political strategy by re-uating our ties with about every important country around the world. China's technological advances are seriously inconvenient only to the US and its geopolitical interests, so let them deal with it. Our national interests are our responsibility and even with the elephant next door, we should find our way to prosper...

加拿大是美国的"美国优先"战略的一部分吗? 现在只有疯子才会相信, 我们的政府应该开始制定我们自己的经济和政治战略,重新评估我们与世界上每一个重要国家的关系。 中国的技术进步只会给美国及其地缘政治利益带来严重不便,所以让他们去处理吧。 我们的国家利益是我们的责任,即使隔壁有一头大象,我们也应该找到繁荣的道路...

Louis Nie
Chinese government has the right to spy on it’s civilians by using their banking info, social media and search engines. Under the Chinese law, all companies no matter if they are state owned or not are Obligated to cooperate with the state and provide the state any data if necessary. The Canadian government should understand the Chinese rules before using any of their technology.

中国政府有权利通过他们的银行信息、社交媒体和搜索引擎来监视他们的公民。 根据中国法律,所有公司无论是国有还是非国有,都有义务与国家合作,必要时向国家提供任何数据。 在使用中国的技术之前,加拿大政府应该了解中国的规定。

Carey Turner
An American firm said the Huawei he installed was 1/4 the price of a similar US manufacturers.


Tyler Kruger
Canada could create its own tech company and not need to import stuff made in China. Problem solved. Next.

加拿大可以创建自己的科技公司,不需要进口中国制造的产品。 问题就解决了。 下一个。

Steve Grant
see....all based on fear.....and fear will also be used against us to try and convince us that the chinese are evil but if you want to find evil....just look at the people keeping us locked in the low tech oil and gas paradigm......they would rather make money and destroy the environment in this archaic paradigm than go through the trouble of creating a new one.....in the last one hundred year every aspect of our lives has evolved but the energy sector.

看... 一切都基于恐慌... 并且恐慌也将被用来对付我们,试图说服我们,中国人是邪恶的,但如果你想找到邪恶... 只要看看那些把我们锁在低端技术的石油和天然气公司... 他们宁愿破坏环境去赚钱,用这种老套的技术,而不是克服麻烦去创造新技术... 在过去的一百年里,我们生活的每一个方面都在进化,除了能源部门。

Dwight Williams
You CANNOT remain a leader in technology without public investment in research. The kind of stuff that may not pay. The kind of stuff that public-funded research is good at. China is making those investments. America is giving the wealthy tax breaks.

如果没有研究方面的公共投资,你就不可能保持技术领先地位。这种东西可能不会有回报, 这是公共资助的研究所擅长的领域。 中国正在进行这些投资。 美国却在给富人减税。

richard silliker
That's fine with me. Maybe the Americans will steal some tech from the Chinese. Then we will have the tech treats.

我没意见。 也许美国人会从中国人那里窃取一些技术, 然后我们就可以享受高科技了。

Walter Vrbetic
Most of the Five Eyes group don't trust them... Canada should think long and hard about using them.


Robert Lee
Well! That clarifies a few things, does it not? Trump's and his base of deplorables can't stand the fact that someone else is world leader in high technology. If China's technology is superior I'll sooner defer judgement to industry experts, rather than the pumpkins. Japan in the 60's produced a lot of junk, then by the 70's produced cars that Americans wanted. By the 80's, their luxury brands surpassed BMW, Mercedes, and Audi in sales. Toyota is the number 1 selling brand. The Korean brands Samsung and Hyundai is making huge leaps in engineering and manufacturing. Now Chinese technology is surpassing them. This is the real reason for the paranoia.

好吧! 这说明了一些事情,不是吗? 特朗普和他的支持者们无法接受这个事实,那就是其他人是世界高科技领域的领导者。如果中国的技术更优越,我宁愿听从行业专家的意见,而不是南瓜。 60年代的日本生产了很多垃圾,然后到了70年代生产出了美国人想要的汽车。 到了80年代,他们的奢侈品牌在销量上超过了宝马、奔驰和奥迪。 丰田是销量第一的品牌。 韩国品牌三星(Samsung)和现代(Hyundai)正在工程和制造领域实现巨大飞跃。 现在中国的科技正在超越他们, 这才是妄想症发作的真正原因。

Samran Zhao
Look, China coulda hava blamed the British, the Japanese or even the American for her poverty and stuck in poverty, but she chose to move forward and did very well, actually she did fantastically well, so you haven't learnt anything from China and her people? Not a chance maybe

你看,中国本可以责备英国人、日本人甚至美国人让中国陷入贫困,但中国选择了前进,做得很好,实际上她做得非常好,所以你没有从中国和她的人民那里学到什么东西吗? 也许没机会了

Mike Rodent
We should be thinking less about what we can do to stop competitors from being able to access our domestic market, and more about what we can do to improve our own high tech innovation (starting with the workforce - meaning education and encouraging skilled high tech workers to move here from elsewhere - and encouraging domestically-owned startups) in order to be competitive with China, USA, and other players. There's much we could do to improve.

少想想怎么去阻止竞争对手进入我们的国内市场,多想想我们怎样才能提高我们自己的高科技创新能力吧 (从劳动力开始- 这意味着强化教育和鼓励熟练的高科技工人向国内移民-并鼓励国内创业公司创新),以便与中国,美国和其他参与者竞争。 我们还有很多地方需要改进。

Murray Anderson
I understand what is so appealing to many countries, is that they are selling this tech at cost or even a loss. Trojan horse for sure.

我知道为什么对许多国家如此有吸引力,就是他们以成本价甚至亏本价出售这项技术, 肯定有特洛伊木马。

Benjamin Twine
One area not discussed with China and future tech is the control China is quietly gaining over all the raw materials need for this technology. Rare Earth elements, cobalt, lithium, vanadium, graphite and copper are more than 50% (up to 90% for REE) controlled by China and with out these commodities the future tech and battery tech cannot be manufactured.

一个没有与中国和未来科技讨论的领域是,中国正悄悄获得对这项技术所需要的所有原材料的控制权, 稀土元素、钴、锂、钒等等,石墨和铜资源占全世界储量的50% (稀土资源占全世界储量的90%) ,如果缺乏这些供应,未来许多技术包括电池技术将无法生产。

ross munro
Regardless of who the next boss is - without a total commitment to clean energy and cleaning up the mess already incurred, it will be a short-lived reign.


Tom McIntosh
If tRump starts to use the arrest as a trade bargaining ploy with China, the Canadian courts should release Meng on the first flimsy request by her lawyers. Watching that idiot president avoid all responsibility for his actions just confirms nothing he says involves the truth. It is all about Donald.

如果特朗普开始利用这次逮捕作为与中国讨价还价的手段,加拿大法院应该根据孟的律师提出的随便一个请求释放孟, 看着那个白痴总统逃避对自己行为的所有责任,只能证明他所说的一切都与事实无关。 一切都是关于唐纳德的。

Ross James
Trump and conservatism is a risk to the entire planet and all people on it. We need to end conservatism now and permanently. Education will solve the problem. Conservatives are allergic to knowledge.

特朗普和保守主义对整个地球和地球上的所有人来说都是一个风险, 我们现在需要永久地结束保守主义, 教育会解决这个问题, 保守主义者都对知识过敏。

Sam Sharpe
".....but they're graduating five times as many STEM graduates," says Gordon Houlden, director of the University of Alberta's China Institute..." While in north america we have spent the last three or so decades graduating more lawyers, banker types etc. to work on wall street or bay street who just give the illusion of growth or creating anything by moving money around and creating ponzi schemes which collaspe every 7-8 years. Now the chickens are about to come home to roost, regardless of what China has illegally done in stealling technology & intellectual property (Nortel comes to mind) to leap frog themselves foward. We have been our own worst enemy only focusing on short-term gains.

阿尔伯塔大学中国研究院院长 Gordon Houlden 说:"在北美,过去的三十年里,我们毕业了更多的律师、银行家等等,他们在华尔街或卑街工作,他们只是通过转移资金和创造庞氏骗局来给人们带来幻觉,以为经济增长了或者创造了什么。 如今,不管中国在窃取技术和知识产权方面采取了何种非法手段(让我想起北电网络) ,他们都在不断前进, 我们一直是自己最大的敌人,只注重眼前利益。

Jamie Robins
He needs to be impeached now!


Neil Gibbard
"economic interdependence helps prevent wars." Didn't stop WWI ... Economics are an intellectual reason not to go to war. Emotions are much stronger. If people get stupid and want to start a war, intellectual arguments will be ignored.

"经济上的相互依赖有助于防止战争" 并没有阻止第一次世界大战...经济学是不发动战争的一个理性原因, 但情绪要强烈得多, 如果人们变得愚蠢,想要发动一场战争,理性的争论将会被忽略。

Jamie Robins
Everything about Trump is a risk to Canadians, Americans and the whole world, every single day!!!

特朗普的一切对加拿大人、美国人和整个世界来说都是一个风险,每一天都是! ! !

Robert Thomson
"China is graduating five times as many students in science, technology, engineering and math as the U.S. (Aly Song/Reute)". Don't worry about this America because you are graduating five times as many from right wing religious institutions as is China. In the end while China grows its economy through education you will always always have people to move you back to the dark ages through religious myth. Its all about balance.

"中国在科学、技术、工程和数学方面的毕业生数量是美国的五倍"。 不要担心这个,美国,因为你们从右翼宗教机构毕业的人数是中国的五倍, 最终,当中国通过教育发展经济的时候,总会有人通过宗教神话把你带回到黑暗时代, 这一切都是为了平衡。

Ray Davies
First Russia was demonized. Looks like China will be as well. That just leaves Brazil, India and South Africa. Developing countries must never be allowed to develop, we Westerners don't like competition in the global market.

首先,俄罗斯被妖魔化, 看起来中国也会如此, 只剩下巴西、印度和南非了, 绝不能允许发展中国家发展,我们西方人不喜欢全球市场的竞争。

Charlie Luciano
There is no doubt that China is a rising star in the technological areas, but it will never rival the US. You see scientific development relies on free thought, or some semblance of free thought. That is something that has never existed in China. Remember how Japan was going to be miles ahead of everyone. Well China is no Japan, and try as they may, the Japanese cannot generate the overall innovation that exists in the US and the west as a whole.

毫无疑问,中国在科技领域是一颗冉冉升起的新星,但它永远无法与美国匹敌。 你看,科学的发展依赖于自由的思想,或者说某种自由思想的假象, 这在中国是前所未有的, 还记得日本是如何走在所有人前面的吗, 中国不是日本,不管他们怎么努力,日本不可能产生美国和整个西方存在的总体创新,中国也不能。