A Chinese village is naming and shaming people who do not care for their parents plastering their pictures on billboards and rolling out plans to broadcast details of their “crimes” on loudspeakers.
The village drew up the rulesafter local elderly people raised concerns that they were not being treated well by their offspring.
Caring for parents is considered the most sacred of Chinese virtues but decades of economic growth have led many of today’s generation to focus more on their careers than caring for parents.
Huangfeng village in the south-western Sichuan province drew up regulations to shame those considered guilty.
“Filial piety is China’s greatest virtue” said Zhang Yiping local party village secretary. “And Chinese people also hate losing face so making their bad behaviour public will make them ashamed and persuade them to change their ways.”
Zhang said village chiefs “try to talk” with offending children to persuade them to improve.
If they continue to treat their parents badly the village puts their personal details their photograph and the specifics of what they have done wrong on a public billboard.
The village is also preparing to take the campaign for the elderly a stage further next year.
“We are planning to shame villagers who don’t fulfil filial duties on loudspeakers from January” Zhang said.
The village leader denied the rules violated people’s rights to privacy.
“The rules were approved at the village committee by our representatives so it is perfectly legal” he said.
China is one of a handful of countries to have laws that allow the elderly to force their adult children to take care of them.
More than 1000 elderly Chinese people have reportedly gone to court to force offspring to pay assistance costs.
AJ Jordan R26; 17 hrs +1
How about Canada?
Les Hildebrandt R26; 17 hrs +1
AJ Jordan Glad you brought it up i come from at-least 9 generations of where i can trace back my family supporting the past and even building homes etc than relying on social services for everything. But this sad silver spoon generation is going to get a wake up call in the way they raised there children and get sent off to the HOME of forgotten people.
AJ Jordan,我很高心你提到了加拿大,在那我的家族可以往上追溯至少9代,我的家族奉养长者甚至起房造屋等所有事情都是依靠家族支持而不是依靠社会服务。但是悲催的是生于物质丰富的这一代将发现他们抚养子女长大成人,年老后却被送到老年之家成为被遗忘的人。
Right now i am installing solid values in my children that i pray stick and go on to the next generation. Unfortuniatly the gov will have to pass some law of family support and will be much contriversal on any gov platform in passing..... Not much different than the origional health care act but it did pave the way for universal life and health care in the end....
Mundek Edmund R26; 16 hrs +1
Les Hildebrandt I like "home of forgotten people" because it's so true. Those old are often forgotten by children who only sued the care providers if somethings happens to their forgotten relatives. Than they remember!
Les Hildebrandt,我喜欢“被遗忘者之家”这个说法,因为它是如此的真实。这些老年人经常被他们的子女忘记,他们的子女只是在老人发生什么事情时候起诉继承遗产,这个时候他们想起老人了。
John Fisher R26; 11 hrs
Thankfully we live in a free country and can't be forced into slavery against our will...
Joe Ng R26; 3 hrs
Why would you want to that here in North America? Here you sues your parents for inheritance before they even hit the ground.
Dave Sanderson R26; 16 hrs +4
When we lived in Japan they had a national holiday called Respect for The Elderly Day ...which I could use about now!
Meghan Villeneuve R26; Account Assistant. at Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Ltd. R26; 10 hrs +2
I think this would be the best least intrusive way we could celebrate our elders here in Canada. Make it a federally mandated holiday; elderly people would be encouraged to set up booths or hold events where they can share stories of the past. I have a son now and I think one day I'll have to explain to him how it was when there was no internet and then I remember I only have to ask my grandma that thankfully is still here about the times when there was no electricity.
Gertrude Taylor R26; 2 hrs
I'm not sure that I would like to be cared for by someone who was forced by law to do it.
Krista Willis Afonso R26; Toronto Ontario R26; 14 hrs
Barb Paul - further to our conversation this weekend (!)
Barb Paul-这个周末的谈话更近一步。
Perry Reibling R26; Works at Oak Manor Farms - Organic Flour Mill R26; 13 hrs +3
It's a shame how money ruins so many virtues.
AJ Jordan R26; 17 hrs
Wow... what would Canadians say!
Les Hildebrandt R26; 16 hrs
Bonnie J Miller Sad in summing it up but i see so much of that in my daily travels and living by a resort lake where elderly and youth collide so differentially
Bonnie J Miller,总结起来很悲观,但是我在旅行中见到那么多的现实,我住的一个度假村里年轻人老年人之间的冲突很大。
Bryce Powell R26; 16 hrs +1
Canadians don't have to say anything because we have the CPP and other social nets to help. That way if your children say died in a war you would still be alright. It's the grown up thing to do.
Cheryl M. Hawkes R26; 12 hrs +1
Hey I asked my eldest son of 42 to call me once a week and he can't even do that. The last time I saw him was father's day. His father is not longer alive. Go figure. He certainly did not learn that from either his mom or dad.
AJ Jordan R26; 12 hrs
Bryce Powell
It's about money!