Hostility toward rich Chinese newcomers has left many asking the same question: Why is Canada willing to take our money but then belittle us? Frances Bula talks to a hesitant community
At an ornately decorated Chinese café on a back road in suburban Richmond three dozen people are picking at cheese and tomato sandwiches. They are dressed in plaid shirts and windbreakers jeans and runners and the kind of business suits aspiring bank managers might wear.
They are waiting to hear from speakers who want to persuade them to hand over some of their presumed wealth. But not for residential real estate. These recent immigrants from mainland China are awaiting pitches to invest in biotech high-tech smartphone apps and commercial real estate.
“I am trying to show them some other things they can think about” says Jason Liu one of the organizers of these seminars and a shareholder in the 1029 Café which operates as a kind of informal community centre. “We know the Canadians don’t like everyone buying houses.”
These people hear plenty of criticism in Vancouver’s mainstream media and on social media about buying and selling houses and condos. Many Vancouverites say people like them are driving up real estate prices in the region to the point where locals are shut out.
Resentment reached a fever pitch this week when the province acted to put a check on investors by adding 15 per cent to the property transfer tax for buyers who are not citizens or permanent residents. At the same time new data showed 10 per cent of sales in the Lower Mainland were to foreign buyers – most from China.
NDP MLA David Eby has called for an investigation into the phenomenon of immigrants who live in multimillion-dollar homes but appear to have no income. Yet again that has fuelled suspicions about mainland Chinese immigrants in general.
加拿大联邦新民主党立法大会的David Eby呼吁调查针对没有任何收入的移民却能住百万豪宅这种现象展开调查。这再次引发了对大陆移民的怀疑。
Many of the new arrivals and are baffled by the controversy wondering why they are the focus of anger over a housing market in which Canadians are realizing sale prices beyond their wildest dreams. And in particular they are divided over whether the new tax is an understandable response or another indication they are not welcome.
hawknbee 2 days ago
Nothing to do with Chinese immigration per se and everything to do with decades of mass immigration. Too much immigration too quickly is turning Canadians off newcomers and the reason why the next election will be fought on immigration and why the party who promises a referendum on immigration will be swept to power. Canadians are genuinely concerned about the erosion of their culture and the future face of Canada.
beemishgirl 2 days ago
Immigration was never meant to balkanize Canada. Too many areas of the country have large ethnic pockets that do not integrate into the mainstream.
formerlyrbfromcalgary 2 days ago
"...Many of the new arrivals and are baffled by the controversy..."
Sure they are.
But I'll bet they're not baffled regarding why their first destination of choice the USA was closed to them.
The yanks look at money laundering a wee bit more negatively.
WestVan2 2 days ago
Money laundering is massive and that is the root of the issue. If you are only able to take $50000 out of the country legally then disrespecting the rules a 2nd time buying $3 million houses on the west side. The other issue is a large percentage don't work so no taxes collected yet huge burden on infrastructure medical costs and education. Why should hard working middle class have to pay for additional resources in public schools to bring their English to an acceptable standard. The article was polite but really didn't really raise or engage the issues that concern people with the mass immigration from mainland China.
Let me tell you 2 days ago
"Someone recently yelled on the street to Bing Thom one of Vancouver’s most prominent architects that he should go back where he came from. And at the offices of HQ Vancouver president Yuen Pau Woo gets messages almost daily along the same lines."
They both like to tell this "story" a lot of playing the victim and creating sympathy. Both of their incomes are derived from property and keeping the current unregulated inflows of offshore money open. They told the same "story" to the guardians of social justice the CBC months ago.
Vote4Me 2 days ago
"Why is Canada willing to take our money but then belittle us?"
Why raze a perfectly good house and construct a monstrosity that conflicts with the surrounding community.
mandering 2 days ago
Welcome to Orwell's 1984 where the media has become the corporate/government propaganda machine and refuse to tell stories about crisis in our first people's or tell stories about the biased consultation on immigration being conducted by the federal government who states that immigration's purpose is suppress wages or to tell the stories of the hard working taxpayers whose cost of living has skyrocketed while making less and less or tell the stories of our teens who are increasingly shut out of post-secondary education because the subsidized spots are going to international students and also cannot find work because the TFW programs.
Sotiriosc 2 days ago
Sorry no hostility do not expect a free ride people. They clearly state in the article a host of reasons why they want to come here. Well its going to cost you money and part of why you are coming here is because fairness and our government. Well do not expect them to abandon their tax payers the real owners of this country. If you want to stay here there isn't hostility your welcomed. Just know its not free and if you want to stay follow the rules. No one is forcing you to give us your money!
The Tory Way 10 hours ago
Foreign nationals are not "immigrants." Please stop misleading readers by calling them that. Immigrants have citizenship status of one kind of another. Foreign nationals DO NOT. They do not pay tax here. They are not residents. Many do not live in the homes they are buying but are using the homes to either launder illegal money or evade taxes in China.
Terminalcityman 2 days ago
So in other words Bula just prooved few of these wealthy immigrants are earning a living and paying taxes here?
所以换句话说 Bula仅仅证明少数的富有的移民谋生和纳税吗?
Meanwhile screw the middle class in Vancouver eh francis? Why is Bula so intent on destroying poor people?
Beans Maroc 2 days ago
"“We think of ourselves as environmental refugees and political refugees”
They I'm sure helped create the disastrous environment.
Me-myself-and-I 2 days ago
These are one kind of foreign buyers they did move here not certain what revenues they have other than whatever money they have brought with them and whether they even pay any taxes other than property taxes that would be another discussion.
The other kind of foreign money is the ones where they (mostly Asians) buy properties at any price and then leave these properties empty because China is still too good to them. These buyers want money out of China for the day the Chinese government decides to crack down. They do not care about the economic effect on Vancouver or its residents do not participate in the economy of BC. These buyers are affecting housing more than the first kind and a lot more negatively for residents.
Burnt Norton 12 hours ago
The unprecedented number of shares suggests that this is a thinly-disguised piece of propaganda.
Ironically readers being directed to the article will also be exposed to the comments that not only expose the absurdity of the claims in the article but are actually more logical and better argued than the article itself.
A fail for the enemies of the Canadian middle class. A win for the popular uprising against the housing bubble and its rotten causes.
Pally1 1 day ago
So most of the house buyers interviewed are not paying taxes here?! That's an eye opener.
That should definitely not be allowed when it's having the effect it's having on the housing market and forcing out people who do work here.
Ultimately the economy in Vancouver will collapse if that continues.
JC12345 1 day ago
Strange that members of HALT who appear to be mostly Asian were not interviewed. They seem to have quite a different perspective on what is going on in Vancouver.
Catou1403 2 days ago
Too bad the writer didn't include 75% more quotes about what's on these immigrant's agenda/minds.
Instead we get a bunch of 1 line quotes that are clearly edited.
The author has interspersed them in the same old click grabbing drivel about $$.
No wonder they feel uncomfortable here if this is how superficially their stories are portrayed.
Makes us look like a lot of "money oriented cultural Hillbillies".
As for the whole "housing issue"...50000 or so new condo units would help...but there is more $$ to be made re re flipping the housing that already exists...go figure.
Lamont Cranston 2 days ago
Years ago the articles all said "we got here and the Canadian business environment is soooooo slow my husband/dad had to go back to Hong Kong - he could earn more there in a few months that he could earn here.."
They why come here and condemn your children to a slower less opportunistic business environment?
I know I know the education systems the environment politics... but if making money is still #1 Canada ain't the place...