化学武器出售:中国不受管制的麻醉剂 [新加坡媒体]



SHANGHAI (AP) — For a few thousand dollars Chinese companies offer to export a powerful chemical that has been killing unsuspecting drug users and is so lethal that it presents a potential terrorism threat an Associated Press investigation has found.


The AP identified 12 Chinese businesses that said they would export the chemical — a synthetic opioid known as carfentanil — to the United States Canada the United Kingdom France Germany Belgium and Australia for as little as $2750 a kilogram (2.2 pounds) no questions asked.



Carfentanil burst into view this summer the latest scourge in an epidemic of opioid abuse that has killed tens of thousands of people in the United States alone. Dealers have been cutting carfentanil and its weaker cousin fentanyl into heroin and other illicit drugs to boost profit margins .


Despite the dangers carfentanil is not a controlled substance in China where it is manufactured legally and sold openly online. The U.S. government is pressing China to blacklist carfentanil but Beijing has yet to act leaving a substance whose lethal qualities have been compared with nerve gas to flow into foreign markets unabated.



Think about that less then the size of a poppy seed is enough to be fatal and people are buying 2 POUNDS of this stuff at a time.
I can also see another angle to this that may happen....a drug abuser could save a lot of money if they bought 2 pounds of this it sounds like only a few granules is enough for a high imagine how long that would last a drug user. They would spend 2 thousand on Heroin in probably a few months and this stuff would probably last a few years.
I used to abuse drugs at one time and trust me people that abuse opioids would definitely do this. The problem is it is never enough so instead of taking a few granules to get mellow they figure if I take just a few more i will feel even better then the OD's start pouring in.
I really hope China gets this poison off the market asap.
Another possibility if a country like the Philippines wants to kill off drug users and sellers they could just have this stuff added to the drugs.



you know I read about the "U.S. pressing china to stop the import of this illegal drug" that is coolhowever the U.S. is sorta hypocritical and has done nothing really to stop the flow of what comes from mexico and nothing to get rid of Mexican poppy fields and marijuana fields what the U.S. and mexico do is hypocritically heap bureaucracy on all these situations so they don't have to do anything to curtail or stop such situations but continue to exploit and use for their own corrupt benefit the activity of cartels and their wares the U.S. should be called the B.S. of America now a days shame disgrace on the USA the country GOD blesses and the usa fhrows it back in HIS FACE

你知道我读到“美国迫使中国停止这种非法药物的进口”,这很酷。不过美国有点像夸张的伪君子,没做任何正事来阻止来自墨西哥的产品,来源于墨西哥的罂粟田 和大麻。美国和墨西哥在方面有大量的官僚,不做任何事情来减少或停止这种情况,以继续维护自己的腐败利。美国应该称为BS 美国。 今天的美国无耻下流。上帝的祝福被扔回他的脸上。

STLABMAN2 days ago
Guess what don't waste the ink on the article. If the Chinese can make a nickel off it it will be here. Doing the "right" thing falls behind getting ahead. Really for the US as well but particularly so for the Chinese.

猜猜谁不在文章上浪费墨水。 如果中国人能挣到一分钱,它就会在这里。 做“正确的”事情落后于领先。 美国人是这样,中国人更是这样。


When Britian was at the height of its Colonial Power prowess in the world it used opium heroin and cocaine as subjugating ploys throughout ' the Empire ' . Who controlled it who profited from it and as a means of subjugation by undermining traditional social structures with addiction. That's is what prompted the Opium Wars in the Far East and the Boxer Revolution in Colonial China . The US government did the same thing with alcohol and disease regarding the policies of genocide and subjugation of Native American people's . Then again with low income ( African American ) communities ( ghettos ) in the inner cities ; flooding them with illegal drugs and then incarcerating all sides of the addiction industry. Governments have done this throughout history China has just taken to a new modern level to undermine its enemies in the West !

当英国人还是日不落帝国的时候,它使用鸦片,海洛因和可卡因“帝国”作为一种手段控制和利用殖民地,破坏当地传统的社会结构。 这就是造成远东的鸦片战争和义和团运动的原因。 美国政府对种族灭绝政策和美洲原住民人民的奴役政策也做了同样的事情。 以及在低收入(非裔美国人)社区(贫民区)用非法药物淹没他们,用上瘾工业品包围他们。政府在整个历史中都做到了这一点。中国刚刚采取了新的现代水平,以削弱其在西方的敌人!


Free trade is so great isn't it people? China has been killing Americans for the past few decades now with their great products they make and sell to us for cheap. I believe the first was led paint in kids toys second was tainted sheetrock that just killed and tarnished everything and then there were shredded glass in some of their candy and now it's drugs. When are we going to stop buying their cheap garbage and bring our factories from that country back to the United States? For all of you who say you don't buy anything made in China needs to look at their Apple products and see the made in China sticker stamped on the phone.

自由贸易如此伟大 不是吗? 中国在过去几十年里一直在杀害美国人,以他们制造的伟大产品,并廉价卖给我们。 我相信第一次是在孩子们的铅镀玩具,第二是污染的石膏灰夹板,然后是他们糖果里的碎玻璃,现在它的毒品。 我们什么时候停止购买他们的廉价垃圾,并把我们的工厂从那个国家带回美国? 对于所有说你不买任何在中国制造的人,请看看你的苹果产品,是否有中国印章盖在手机上

This is for the payback for the Opium Wars.



Years ago China tried to ban opium but when that happened. Western powers forced China at the barrel of a gun to allow them to sell opium to the Chinese (the Opium Wars). This is just karma coming back.


This corrupt money addicted government could get us ALL poisoned by ANY NUMBER of possible enemies.
Aren't ya PROUD?


That which they cannot sell is mixed into the plastic used for making all sorts of everyday items such as bottled water container for the bottled water that we drink. Didn't you know that the bottled water that you drink is placed inside a plastic bottle made in China? Toxins from the plastic leach into the water.


darby2 days ago
Who are the people ordering this stuff? Identify them and go after them.

谁订购的这些东西! 人肉他们。


If the US government can convince China the Chinese government can clamp down on this overnight !
The Chinese way is rather simple... put it on their hit list and make an example of a violator.
The real question is why the Chinese government has failed to address this problem.


Ah when you pay over $1000 a pound so you could CUT production costs...


Don't say you haven't been warned. This is just the beginning of China's intent upon world conquest.


Dazed and Confusedyesterday
Ain't greed grand? In order to maximize profit at all cost we do business with the devil. To he11 with Americans. They don't need jobs. Gotta keep those shareholders happy. And the downward spiral continues.
Made in China.



Well it will be flying off the shelves now from all the evil people way to enlighten them idiots!


Cutting it with all that stuff from Afghanistan.


Charles R.yesterday
The United States is the Number #1 consumer of (legal & Illegal) Narcotic's in the World. It is only a matter of time before the BODIES will be stacking up as the American Consumer's will be using these drugs from China. Who needs Bombs and Nukes when the demand to get and stay wasted 24 hours a day by all outweighs the survival of life...


Tom2 days ago
You want to stop drug users from using heroine and other illegal opioid drugs this should accomplish that.



Hu Jin Tao2 days ago
Relying on the Chinese or any other country to stop the flow of these kinds of products into the USA will prove futile.
The woman quoted in the article is correct. It would be virtually impossible for China to eliminate the manufacture of this product as they lack the regulatory and enforcement infrastructure to do so. There is a huge underground economy and corruption is endemic.
Despite harsh drug laws marijuana use is not uncommon. Endangered species are captured or eaten. Remember the milk contamination stories? Today tainted recycled cooking oil is used in some restaurants. Counterfeit money is common and citizens regularly watch for it. China is barely able to protect its own citizens and seems incapable of protecting its environment.
The USA has very strict laws regarding importation transport and sale of opiod compounds and a very aggressive enforcement mechanism. Yet all three continue because unscrupulous people are willing to do illegal and immoral things to make money.
If the USA wants to keep this chemical out of the country it is encumbent on America to do so. Articles blaming China for American failure won't help.



China have come as destroyers they bring an infection. Landru seeks tranquility peace for all. The universal good. The good must transcend the evil it shall be done. So it has been since the beginning. China will be absorbed. Their individuality will merge into the unity of good. And in their submergence into the common being of the Body they will find contentment and fulfillment. Chinese will experience the absolute good...Despite the world's effort to save China they have invaded the Body and are causing great harm........Obliteration is necessary the infection is strong. For the good of the Body China must die. It is a great sorrow. All who saw you or know of your presence must be excised. The health of the planet will be cleansed

中国已经成为毁灭者,他们带来了感染。兰德鲁寻求所有人的安宁和平。普世共赢。好的必须超越它所做的恶。就像它一开始一样。中国将被吸收。他们的个性将被融入好的一体。在他们融入共同体后,他们会感到满足。中国人将会体验到绝对的好...尽管世界在努力拯救中国,他们入侵了共同体,并正在造成极大的伤害........ 如果感染很强,必须被除掉。为了公共体中国必须死。这很令人悲伤。所有看到你或知道你的存在的人都必须被除掉。地球的健康将被净化

S2 days ago
People are responsible for their own actions. If they OD then so be it. Stupid is stupid does


The law of supply and demand is working against those trying to keep these dangerous drugs from druggies. "The law discourages illegal drug use but druggies demand them --- unscrupulous profiteers supply them."

供求规律对那些试图使危险药物远离瘾君子的人起作用。 “法律阻止非法毒品使用,但吸毒者需要毒品 - 无良的牟利者供应它们。


John2 days ago
The devil is up to something: Why doesn't the US Congress pass a law prohibiting sending illegal product into the US? And WTO laws?

魔鬼正在做什么事:美国国会为什么不通过禁止向美国发送非法产品的法律? WTO的法律呢?

TD2 days ago
Eh let 'em sell it. Maybe it will get rid of a few more junkies. Natural sextion.


Jeff2 days ago
As I get older and more savvy on the world issues I am sickened by the idea that our own government is controlling so much information from its citizens that people from other countries know as common knowledge. We are told that certain knowledge is kept quiet to protect us. This information should be front page news not buried. And now one of our candidates has been shown to favor open trade and open borders for our hemisphere. Where is our protection then? People I have met from other countries like Great Brittan Mexico Germany Israel Ireland and many others have told me how much our government and press have diluted our news and are not being truthful to its own citizens. That my friends is sad.

随着我越来越老,对世界问题也越来越清楚。我感到困惑的是,我们自己的政府控制了公民获得那么多信息,而其他国家的人都当作常识。 我们被告知,某些知识不可以获得,以保护我们。 这些信息应该是头版头条而不是被掩盖。 现在我们的一个候选人显示为了我们的半球赞成开放贸易和开放的边界。 我们的保护在哪里? 我从其他国家,如英国墨西哥德国,以色列爱尔兰和许多其他认识的人告诉我,我们的政府和新闻界如何稀释了我们的新闻,不把真实告诉自己的公民。 我的朋友,这很令人伤心。


TT2 days ago
Obama worries about climate change Hillary Clinton runs around the world saying that she's put the best deals together to protect the United States all the time china and Russia and all the Middle Eastern countries for the most part continue to do the most horrific things. India is burning coal at a rapid rate it's the only's cheap source of fuel they have for a country that has such a huge population it's unbelievable they're never going to stop doing that we can afford to. Look at the drug cartels along the Mexican border and how many years they been going on and look at the horrible drugs they been bringing in this country for decades. Anybody really think they're gonna be able to stop at Chinese from doing it.

奥巴马担心气候变化。 希拉里在世界各地说,她达成了最好的协议来保护美国的利益,但是中俄和所有的中东国家依然在做着最可怕的事情。 印度正在以快速的速度燃烧煤炭,它是唯一一个拥有如此庞大人口的国家的廉价燃料来源,令人难以置信,他们永远不会停止这样做。 看看墨西哥边境的毒品卡特尔,以及他们经历了多少年,看看他们几十年来在这个国家带来的可怕药物。 任何人真的认为他们将能够停止中国这样做?

carlo2 days ago
Why do we have to have everything we own made in China it is our own gov't that let's this happen!
I mean how hard would it be to stop this stuff from coming into the country?



Anonymous2 days ago
This is an area in which common sense dictates that all countries should work together to eliminate these man-made drugs from public availability.
Another area where the West and China should be cooperating is in space travel. Currently the ISS and the Chinese space stations use different types of docking apparati and cannot make emergency docking maneuvers with each other. Even during the cold war the USA and the USSR agreed to make their different space vehicles able to dock with each other.

西方和中国应该合作的另一个领域是太空旅行。 目前国际空间站和中国空间站使用不同类型的对接设备,不能进行紧急对接。 即使在冷战期间,美国和苏联也同意让他们不同的航天器能够相互对接。

j b2 days ago
Confiscated carfentanil sounds like the perfect drug for executing criminals on death row. Free and assured of working properly.

没收的卡芬太尼听起来像是在死囚牢中执行死刑的完美药物。 免费并且确保有效。

oneluckyguy2 days ago
Chinese greed American greed but we get the label.

