【Depending on the particular type copper-based IUDs may not need to be replaced for five to 10 years.】
TORONTO — Teen girls who are considering contraception should look to intrauterine devices as their first-line choice as they provide the greatest protection against an unplanned pregnancy the Canadian Paediatric Society recommends.
The position statement the CPS's first on the issue was set to be released Thursday during the organization's annual meeting in Quebec City.
Known as IUDs or IUSs the small and often T-shaped devices are placed inside the uterus and are more than 99 per cent effective in preventing pregnancy compared to 91 per cent for birth-control pills and 82 per cent for condoms the CPS says.
IUDs or intrauterine devices typically incorporate copper in their design which is toxic to sperm; IUSs or intrauterine systems release a small amount of hormones over time. Both act continuously over the course of several years but can be removed at any time by a health-care provider.
"Intrauterine contraception and the long-acting reversible contraceptives in general ... those should be your first line because they're the most effective" said Dr. Giosi Di Meglio a co-author of the paper and an adolescent medicine specialist at the Montreal Children's Hospital.
蒙特利尔儿童医院青春期研究医学专家这篇论文的合着者Giosi Di Meglio博士称,“一般来讲,宫内避孕器和长效(可恢复生育能力的)避孕药.................这些应是你避孕的首选,因为它们更有效。”
That doesn't mean that young women shouldn't choose the pill or other forms of birth control like a skin patch or injectable contraceptive she said in an interview from Quebec.
"What we're saying is this should be an option and this should be something that we think about that leads our list of options."
Di Meglio said that depending on the particular type copper-based IUDs may not need to be replaced for five to 10 years while the protective lifespan of IUSs ranges from three to five years depending on the make.
Di Meglio说,取决于避孕器的类型,铜制宫内避孕器5-10年内可能都不需要更换,而宫内节育系统的使用寿命依据做工而定则是3-5年。
The devices do carry a small risk of tissue perforation during insertion through the vagina and doctors also monitor patients for possible bacterial infection for a few weeks after the device is implanted. But Di Meglio said such an occurrence is rare and can be treated with antibiotics.
这些装置在插入阴道时确实有很小的组织穿孔风险,而且医生也会在植入该装置几周后对患者进行潜在的细菌感染监测,但是Di Meglio说这种情况发生几率很小,而且可以给予抗生素治疗。
Studies suggest that intrauterine devices are not a direct conduit for infection and there is a theoretical possibility that IUSs may actually decrease the risk of infection she said.
Still the idea of having a device inserted may cause anxiety for some teen girls and Di Meglio concedes the procedure can initially be somewhat uncomfortable.
装置植入的想法仍然可能会引起一些少女的焦虑。Di Meglio承认这一过程开始可能会有一点点不舒服。
"You get a few pretty intense cramps but nothing more than you would have with a really bad period" she said. "It subsides pretty quickly and then for the next few days you might have a few cramps on and off."
Di Meglio said a girl can get an IUD or IUS any time after getting their first period and ideally prior to becoming sexually active. By age 17 about half of Canadian youth are having sex the CPS says.
Di Meglio说,女生在第一次例假到来后,就可以在任何时间装上宫内避孕器,最好是在性生活频繁之前。加拿大儿科协会声称,大约有一半的加拿大青年在17岁的时候会有性行为。
"We're not recommending that this be used the minute the kid has their first period but there are certain benefits in using the hormonal IUS — one of them being that it can reduce the amount of bleeding or also reduce cramping a lot" she said.。
"We have even used it for that reason instead of for contraception in kids who have not even had sex."
【Percentage of women using each form of contraception:
No contraception:36.4%——无避孕:36.4%
Male condom:7.7%——男用避孕套:7.7%
The pill:8.8%——药物:8.8%
Female sterilization:19.2%——女性绝育:19.2%】
Up-front costs higher
Andrew Townsend of Planned Parenthood Toronto welcomed the CPS recommendation saying the clinic gets a lot of questions from young people who "still view the pill as the first kind of birth control that they should start on or that they have to start on.
多伦多计划生育协会的安德鲁·汤森德(Andrew Townsend)对加拿大儿科协会的建议表示欢迎,他说,诊所遇到很多年轻人的问题,那些年轻人仍然认为避孕药是他们应该开始或者不得不开始的第一项避孕选择。
"Something like IUDs being a recommended option is great because different people have different needs" he said adding that a growing number of clients being seen in the clinic are opting for the implanted devices. The program provides information and health-care services to those aged 13 to 29.
While intrauterine contraception may be the most effective means of preventing unplanned pregnancy the up-front costs of the devices are high compared with the pill and other methods said Di Meglio.
然而,宫内避孕器可能是最有效的也意味着,和避孕药以及其他方法相比,该装置的前期成本会更高,Di Meglio表示。
One hormone-releasing IUS that lasts five year costs the Quebec government's prescxtion plan about $325 while copper-based IUDs run from about $60 to $100 she said. For those not covered under private insurance the provincial plan covers 65 per cent of the cost of birth control pills and IUDs.
Coverage by public insurance plans varies across the country. In Ontario for instance long-acting reversible contraceptives are fully covered for women under age 25 along with the physician's fee for implanting one of the devices.
Di Meglio said that over time IUDs and IUSs are actually more cost-effective than most other birth-control methods because of how long they last before needing to be replaced.
Di Meglio说随着时间的推移,实际上铜制避孕器(IUD)和释放激素的宫内避孕器(IUS)的价格比其他的避孕方法更划算,因为在被更换之前,他们持续的时间更长。
The CPS statement also recommends that practitioners adopt a collaborative approach that empowers youth to make informed decisions about their birth control options weighing the benefits risks side-effects and suitability of each method based on individual preference.
"At the end of the day we just want to facilitate whatever contraceptive they choose" Di Meglio said.
Di Meglio称“不管最后他们选择哪种避孕方式,最终我们只是想要起到帮助作用。”
Yvonne Peters4d Leader 3likes
From what I understand the design has changed somewhat to cause less pain and side effects but some of the women I know who have used it in the past have reported terrible pain and other side effects that made them regret using it. Others have had good experiences with it though. I am all for giving teen girls tools to avoid pregnancy but am not sure this would be ideal for all girls. I think it's up to the individual and their level of comfort. I would love to see something more that boys can do as well besides using condoms.
Nicky GriffinLeaderYvonne Peters4d 1 Like
As soon as I read this article I imagined having this conversation with my daughter who is all grown up along with my ex-husband. It would not have been easy but would have greatly reduced the fear and anxiety we suffered as we raised our headstrong fiery redhead. Getting her into sports early and repeating the mantra “your body is not a playground” helped but many of her friends were not so lucky.
Rebecca RossiniLeaderYvonne Peters4d 2likes
I would love to see something more that boys can do as well Yvonne. I have two grandsons four granddaughters and do not want all the responsibility to ladies only. My grandkids would agree.
George Rudolfo Leader 4d 2Likes
Don’t anyone tell Doug Ford about this. He’ll have a heart attack.
别告诉道格·福特(Doug Ford)这个,他会心脏病发作的。
Melita Vega4d Leader 2 Likes
It's astounding how backwards North America is when it comes to IUDs. The issues with the infamous Dalkon Shield were due to faulty design back in the 1970s. Even the first round of the Pill in the 1960s was known for its severe side effects. Today's formulations and designs have vastly improved. Of course not everyone will adjust to the IUD or even the Pill which is why these discussions should be had with a gynocolgist (not a family doctor). In Latin America and Europe IUDs are far more common and are often the first method of contraception recommended by doctors - especially for young women and teenagers.
(如图:节育环史上的冷血杀手“达尔康盾”诞生于七十年代,其上面带有侧尖峰和尖锐的尾部。它是从一种成功率很低的节育环发展而来,而其独特的侧尖峰和尖锐的尾部(看起来像只会带来不祥之兆的螃蟹)是为了增加成功率,然而这一设计却会使得“达尔康盾”刺入子宫壁,在造成感染时极难取下。 事实上,在第一次实验时,使用“达尔康盾”的女性里,有百分之六十的人选择了中途放弃,但这一重要情况却未被记录进最后的研究报告,于是“达尔康盾”被投入生产,为250万美国女性所使用。随后,18名女性死于其造成的并发症,超过二十万女性因此严重感染,甚至失去生育能力。最终,美国食品药品监督管理局在1974年召回了该产品,而“达尔康盾”的设计者也收到了来自受害人将近一万两千多起诉讼。因为这个事件,节育环的名声一落千丈,很长一段时间在市面上销声匿迹了。)
Jean RoyLeaderMelita Vega4d 3 Likes
Never forget that USA is the most primate country in the world towards sex due to their over zealous religious beliefs towards sex. They can kill children in schools due to gun problems but dont you dare talk of simple condoms or birth control.
Rebecca RossiniLeaderJean Roy4d 2 likes
So true.
Jake Roberts3d Leader 1 Like
The Condom should be the first recommendation imo.
Mike NikeLeaderJake Roberts3d
Some people would rather drive off a cliff eating a dirt sandwich...than wear a condom. They are uncomfortable.
Carey Finding 3d
Jesus.. I had one of these torture devices put in. I've broken my leg been bucked off horses blown out both my knees and taken a slapshot to the crotch - NONE of them hurt as bad as having this thing put in. I actually went into shock felt nauseous and was so dizzy I had to remain lying down for almost a half hour afterwards. If you haven't had a child having one of these things pushed into your cervix is PAINFUL. Not only that I had what can only be described as debilitating cramps for months afterwards and bled for almost four months straight. When I complained to my ob/gyn I was told 'it's normal' while your body adjusts to the thing. NO. That is not normal.
Maybe that was just my experience with an IUD but I will never have another and would never recommend them to anyone who hasn't had a child.
Mike Nike
As a male I would like a "few hours before" pill so I can control my own reproduction and take the choice away from females. I can't wear a condom. I Can't orgasm wearing one. Have tried many times.
Mark Boyle
Makes sense. Tough to forget to use these once they're in.
Pamela Farber Leader 1 Like
While I can respect that sure it would be a great solution unfortunately the main factor for me is the percentage of women/youth that cannot have one. That's $500 down the toilet when you need an emergency removal due to unimaginable pain it can cause if your body is not the ideal structure. When I was in the emergency room for the 4th time (as general ER doctors will not remove it) the nurses made plenty of remarks about their concern for how frequent this is happening. Its not an exact science.
Jean RoyLeaderPamela Farber4d
Guess nothing is perfect.
Garbriel Longfordo Leader 4d 2 Likes
Considering the long history of IUDs causing damage to women's reproductive systems you would have to be out of your damn mind putting one of those things in your teen daughter. I have yet to ever hear of a condom that shreds the wall of a cervix.
Nicky GriffinLeaderGabriel Longfordo4d 6 Likes
I don't know where you get your information or if the words "toxic to sperm" triggered you but if anything can reduce the chances of teen pregnancy I would consider it. Too often we hear them saying: "but it was just one time" before their lives are ruined at 15 or 16 and never get a chance to finish high school. Can you imagine boys having to pay child support at that age?
Tim HindsonLeaderNicky Griffin4d 4 Likes
Anything that can safely reduce the cases of unwanted pregnancies are something that I wholeheartedly support as they also result in the reduction of medical costs associated with medically terminated pregnancies as well as the stress that accompanies them.
Nicky GriffinLeaderTim Hindson4d 1 like
And that's the other angle.
Ian Monteith LeaderGabriel Longfordo4d 6 Likes
You may be thinking of the old Copper T which was a very bad design. Today's devices are far safer. They also don't rely on the cooperation of a hormonally lobotomized teen boy to function.
tbLeaderGabriel Longfordo4d 4 Likes
Yeah 'history' being the main word here. These have changed a lot in the past few years. My wife recently had hers removed and she is now pregnant with our first child. No harm to the cervix defintely didn't 'shred the wall of a cervix' as you politely put it.
Melita VegaLeadertb4d
Congrats! You've touched upon another reason why IUDs are a good option: they don't mess with a woman's fertility like the Pill does (specifically the copper IUD). Assuming the woman is in good health and has no pre-existing conditions that would hinder her fertility pregnancy after an IUD removal is fairly easy.
Lauraine Howatt4d 1 like
No No. A child would not know how to manage the thing inside of them. Copper is toxic to sperm. What happens to that toxicity in her body over time?
Melita VegaLeaderLauraine Howatt4d 3 Likes
There is nothing to manage. I had my first IUD implanted at 19 and I've had 4 replacements over the last 20 years. I've never even felt it in my body. The one I'm on now will last me until menopause and there have been no adverse side effects with the copper. I just went to see my gyno today and have a clean bill of health. The Pill does far worse damage.