第三季度萎缩后新加坡下调GDP和出口预期 [新加坡媒体]

新加坡(路透社)-在唐纳德 特朗普当选美国总统以及新的全球贸易不确定的状况下,在证实第三季度产量萎缩增加了衰退的风险后,新加坡下调了对2016年经济增长和出口的预期。新加坡网友:只有当政府把脑袋从沙地里拔出的时候他们才会承认经济确实在衰退。到那时他们又会说,就业率上升了,工资上涨了需要更多的外劳。


SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore downgraded its forecasts on economic growth and exports for 2016 after confirming a contraction in output in the third quarter raising the risk of a recession amid fresh uncertainty around global trade under U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.

新加坡(路透社)-在唐纳德 特朗普当选美国总统以及新的全球贸易不确定的状况下,在证实第三季度产量萎缩增加了衰退的风险后,新加坡下调了对2016年经济增长和出口的预期。

The trade-reliant economy is expected to grow 1.0-1.5 percent this year compared with the previous projection of 1.0-2.0 percent the Ministry of Trade and Industry said in a statement on Thursday.



The economy shrank 2.0 percent in the July-September period from the previous three months on an annualised and seasonally adjusted basis the ministry said.


That compared with the government's initial estimate on Oct. 14 of a 4.1 percent contraction and a median forecast of a 2.5 percent slump in a Reuters' poll.


The affluent city-state's economy has been hobbled by dwindling exports amid stubbornly weak global demand while domestic consumption has also remained anaemic with entire floors at some central shopping malls empty.



Raymond 1 day ago
LHL should have see this coming... when he started carrying the Yanks' balls (which seen like he carried the wrong one)... & go against CHINA... Now the RED lizard is ALL out to destroy Sinkiapore economic... by... investing heavily in Malaysia & building of the Thai Canal... His old man tried very hard to stay neutral and yet he... However... I don't think he & his PAPaya(s) care anymore... If anything went wrong... They would be migrated out with the 1st class ministers' wages and living like a KING or QUEEN in some BVI...

李显龙选择报美国大腿对抗中国的时候(看起来像是抱错大腿了),应该就已经预估到了现在的状况,现在红色蜥蜴已经全部出动,通过大力投资马来西亚和建设泰国的运河来毁灭沉家坡(新加坡的调侃名) 的经济,他的老爹曾竭尽全力(使新加坡)保持中立,但是现在…我不认为他(李显龙)和他的呆瓜(内阁) 们还在意这个问题。如果出了什么状况,他们还可以移民,带着他们丰厚的部长薪酬,在某个英属岛屿上过得逍遥自在。

ALIEN 1 day ago
LHL does not know how to balance between China & USA unlike his father LKY who play it quite good for years.Singapore angers China especially on the SCS island issue is really a very very stupid move.Singpaore has no claim on the island talk so much and those countries that had claim never even make any noise.See how stupid is our government.



OneBeltOneRoad 1 day ago
1. Empty offices vacant shops oversupply HDB flats/condos 2. Businesses closing down 3. Job vacancies shrinking over-population due to virtually unlimited import of foreign talents citizenship in the past decade. 4. Sanction from China A. 80% lost of shipment (Chinese vessels) in PSA port after Gwadar (Parkistan) port opening by China-Parkistan joint venture. B. SG sandwiched between Johor Port and upcoming China-Malaysia deep sea Melaka Gateway Project. (Largest port in Malaysia expected to open in 2018.) 4. Dumped by USA Unless there's miracle SG is dead meat.

                                   B.新加坡做为三明治的夹心一样被夹在柔佛港与即将开放的中国-马来西亚 马六甲海峡皇京港口项目中间(2018马来西亚将建起最大规模的港口)

old bird 1 day ago
Looks like Christmas this year will be very gloomy for some people. Rumors has it that the financial sector is due for retrenchment. Brace ourselves for hard times ahead.



See Toh Hiap Seng 1 day ago
WHEN the going is good the smart ones would stay on. But when the going gets tough and rough the smart ones would switch from driver's seat to take a back seat.


Willie 1 day ago
Yup waiting for "smart" oppies' irresponsible comments bad assumptions & speculations !!!!!


thethethe 1 day ago
Singaporeans facing divided too Cos our LHL racist on next President. Our economy also mis-manage by PAP too. Singapore face too much problems and troubles cause by PAP influx tons of FT/FW. Singapore doom !!



Justme 1 day ago
The current crop of "leaders" are just like a bunch of 败家子 (wastrel). They are squandering away all the success built by the first generation Singaporeans (not just the first generation leaders but all Singaporean inclusive). Very soon the country will be doom because the group of self proclaimed leaders don't know anything other than praising themselves and paying themselves extravagantly. They used country reserved to give out to people in the name of "helping them" so that these people will continue to vote for them. How long more will the reserve we built up over the last 50 years last?



Trust 1 day ago
Only when the government pulls it's head out of the sand would they admit there's a recession. Till then they'll keep saying employment is up wages are up more foreign workers are needed...


albert 1 day ago
dear writer this morning one of your colleagues wrote that the recession is finally over? has it come to the point where we cant trust the news made in Singapore no more? hahahaha


BengTeck 1 day ago
Recession means recession why gave so many acronym?? Unless you are fool enough to think otherwise.....



Satorius 1 day ago
This has nothing to do with Singapore speaking out about the SCS. It sure is a poor attempt to lix the impending recession with the SCS issue. China's own economy is slowing and that affects countries in this region including a China-friendly Malaysia under Najib despite Malaysia showing more friendliness to China recently. Singapore should look to trade with more countries to offset the poor performance of trade with larger countries like the US and China.


Nancy Drew 1 day ago
Recession or not Singapore will definitely survive! Note that I said Singapore not local Singaporeans.



一带一路 1 day ago
Don't worry....Our PAP ministers is the world's highest paid ministers leh not just any tom #$%$ or harry leh. They definitely will prove to citizen that they are worth the million$ paycheck one. At least 70% of citizen believe their ministers are world's top elites and have the capabilities to recession-proof SG one.... We 30% just seat back and relax and see how these elites gonna revert the situation and prove their worth lor. Relac 1 korner lah....


Bill 1 day ago
China open ports in Gwadar Pakistan and in Malacca. PSA soon becoming a white elephant.

