新西兰游客哈萨克斯坦被捕,因为移民局官员拒绝相信新西兰是个国家 [英国媒体]


Kiwi tourist detained in Kazakhstan after immigration officials refused to believe New Zealand was a country - insisting it was a 'state in Australia'


A Kiwi tourist claims she was detained in Kazakhstan for almost two days after immigration officials refused to believe New Zealand was a country.


Chloe Phillips-Harris, 28, arrived in Kazakhstan in May for what was meant to be an exciting adventure exploring the mountainous country and working on farms.

今年28岁的Chloe Phillips-Harris五月份抵达哈萨克斯坦,本来高高兴兴的来这个多山国家游玩并且在那里的农场工作,却遇上了这事。

But when her flight touched down at Almaty Airport, immigration officers refused to let her into the country - insisting New Zealand was actually a state of Australia.   


'I got to an immigration booth and they asked me for an Australian passport, and told me I couldn't come in without an Australian passport,' she told the NZ Herald.


'They said New Zealand's clearly a part of Australia.'


The self-described 'intrepid adventurer' was barred from entering the country and ushered onto a plane flying to China, told she would need to leave immediately.


Making some phone calls to well-placed contacts she managed to make her way off the China-bound flight, but was whisked away into a tiny interrogation room.


To make matters worse, the small room had an old world atlas stuck on the wall - but New Zealand was excluded from it - making it even tougher for her to argue her case.


Ms Phillips-Harris said by this stage plain-clothes policemen, immigration police and airport officials were involved, meaning it was far too late to bribe her way out of it.


Still unconvinced with her argument that New Zealand was a separate country from Australia, she was locked in a guarded room for the next day and a half.


Luckily, her contacts pulled through the next day to provide her with a new visa and an American passport, and after letting go of some cash she was free to leave.


'The people I knew in Kazakhstan got me a new type of visa and paid the right people and got me out, that's probably the easiest explanation,' she told the NZ Herald.



bruther, down below, Australia, 2 hours ago
With more Kiwis living here than on their little islands it might as well be


MariaH, Kapiti, New Zealand, 27 minutes ago
Oh for gods sake find another insult. Just makes all of you saying the same thing on here seem a bit.... well thick.


Another SJW, QLD, Australia, 6 minutes ago
To be far MariaH, it's not really an insult, more just an exaggeration. It is a fact there is atleast 600,000 kiwis in Australia lol. That is a lot for a population of 4 million you must admit!


Monopthalmos, Sydney, Australia, 2 hours ago
US State department will be thrilled to hear how easy it is to obtain a fake American passport in Kazakhstan!


Sydneysider58, Now living in Taree, Australia, 45 minutes ago
This is done quite regularly as a diplomatic courtesy. She won't be allowed to keep the passport permanently.


Bogdan_, Siberia, Russia, 2 hours ago
Didn't DM run a recent story on how students from countries like Kazakhstan rate higher than Australia students when it comes to mathematics. Obviously they spend little time on Geography.


Peter, beverley, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
Yes, it did. Readers can decide how trustworthy those reported statistics are likely to be.


Tommy2, Rockhampton, Australia, 2 hours ago
Most of them live over here anyway we should just make them a state and be done with it.


Lochlinnie, Brisbane, Australia, 2 hours ago
Attention US IMMIGRATION, this woman has a fake US Passport.


LottieLondon, London, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Who said it was fake?


DarthLordTedious, Brisbane, Australia, 1 hour ago
"..next day to provide her with a new visa and an American passport" - hmmm - American passport? How? Anyway, it's hard to believe that they wouldn't have internet at the airport to be able to check that NZ is a country. So they either wanted to make some money off her or it isn't exactly how it happened.


lusha1, Melbourne, Australia, 1 hour ago
I agree, having lived there for a few years. Internet is fast and cheap. I met quite a few New Zealanders working in Kazakhstan and that was back in 2010 when I was last there.


Meh..., Northern Virginia, United States, 2 hours ago
When they had the Olympics in Salt Lake City Utah American citizens could pre-order tickets to the events. One lady from Albuquerque was told by the operator that she couldn't order the tickets because she wasn't from the US. "I live in New Mexico" ............ "New Mexico, Old Mexico it doesn't matter, your not from America!"
