华裔移民准博士突然被美军开除 [新加坡媒体]


ImmigrantPhD candidate rocked by sudden US Army discharge


Immigrant PhD candidate rocked by sudden US Armydischarge

SANFRANCISCO (AP) — Growing up in eastern China, Panshu Zhao fell in love withAmerica. He read the Bible his parents gave him, watched Hollywood movies andstudied the ideals of democracy. He jumped at the chance to attend graduateschool at Texas A&M University.


In2016, Zhao enlisted in the U.S. Army as part of a special recruitment programoffering immigrants in the country legally a path to citizenship.
Thefuture, he said, was bright.


Now,he is one of the dozens of immigrant recruits and reservists struggling withabrupt, often unexplained military discharges and canceled contracts. Theytraded being willing to risk their lives for the prospect of U.S. citizenship,a timeworn exchange that's drawn linguists, medical specialists and thousandsof other immigrants to the military since the Revolutionary War.


"It'sjust like you're dropped from heaven to hell," Zhao told The AssociatedPress on Friday.


Itis unclear how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitmentprogram have been ousted from the Army, but immigration attorneys told the APthat they know of more than 40 recruits who recently have been discharged orwhose status has become questionable.


Someimmigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with apromised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the AP has learned.An immigration attorney said she's been inundated by recruits. (July 5)


Somerecruits say they were given no reason for their discharge. Others said theArmy informed them they'd been labeled as security risks because they haverelatives abroad or because the Defense Department had not completed backgroundchecks on them.


ThePentagon said Friday that there has been no policy change since last year, whenDefense Secretary Jim Mattis said no one could enter basic training withoutcompletion of a background investigation.
AndArmy spokeswoman Cynthia O. Smith said that any enlistee entering the militaryundergoes security screenings. "Each recruit undergoes an individualizedsuitability review and the length of time for the review is dependent upon eachindividual's unique background," Smith said.


Zhao,31, said his "ship out" date to basic training was delayed for twoyears as he underwent background checks, counterintelligence interviews andrigorous reviews added as requirements for immigrant enlistees. He continued topursue his PhD in geography at Texas A&M but also hit the gym, prepping forboot camp. And he trained — in uniform — with his unit. He had militaryidentification and health care, he said.


InApril, Zhao visited Washington, D.C., for the first time, touring the WhiteHouse and visiting the Republican National Committee. That same month, he gotword from his unit commander: He was being discharged. He was told simply thathis discharge was "uncharacterized," he said.


"I'mnot a national threat," Zhao said. "On the contrast, I'm a nationalmerit because people like me with higher education and critical skills, we wantto serve this great U.S. Army. I'm a good scientist no matter what."


ThePentagon announced last October that in order to apply for citizenship,immigrant recruits were required to have gone through basic training and servedhonorably for either 180 days or a year, depending on their Armyclassification. But that requirement has been challenged in court.


Immigrationattorneys told the AP that many immigrants let go in recent weeks received an"uncharacterized discharge," which is neither dishonorable norhonorable.


ABrazilian reservist, Lucas Calixto, filed a lawsuit in Washington, D.C., lastweek contending that he was booted without the Defense Department giving him achance to defend himself or appeal.


PresidentGeorge W. Bush ordered "expedited naturalization" for immigrantsoldiers in 2002 in an effort to swell military ranks. Seven years later, theMilitary Accessions Vital to the National Interest program, known as MAVNI,became an official recruiting program. The program came under fire fromconservatives when President Barack Obama added DACA recipients — youngimmigrants brought to the U.S. illegally — to the list of eligible enlistees.In response, the military layered on additional security clearances forrecruits to pass before heading to boot camp.


DonaldTrump's administration added even more hurdles, creating a backlog within theDefense Department. Last fall, hundreds of recruits still in the enlistmentprocess had their contracts canceled. A few months later, the militarysuspended.


RepublicanCongressman Andy Harris of Maryland, who has supported legislation to limit theprogram, told the AP that MAVNI was established by executive order. "Ourmilitary must prioritize enlisting American citizens, and restore the MAVNIprogram to its specialized, limited scope," he said.


Accordingto Air Force Maj. Carla Gleason, a Pentagon spokeswoman, the "overwhelmingmajority" of MAVNI candidates are from Asia and Africa because those arethe critical language skills needed in the military. As of April, 1,100immigrant recruits were awaiting basic training while undergoing securityreviews, the Pentagon said.


Eligiblerecruits are required to have legal status in the U.S., such as a student visa,before enlisting. More than 5,000 immigrants were recruited into the program in2016, and an estimated 10,000 are currently serving. Most go the Army, but somealso go to the other military branches.


Zhaois now rethinking his future, but said he wishes he had a chance to appeal.
"Ineed justice," he said. "This is America. This is not China. This isnot the Middle East. This is not a dictatorship. And that's why I loveAmerica."


Timothy7hours ago
From82-88 the Navy had an awesome program and thousands of Phillipeen Citizensenlisted. Awesome people and what a way to vett... You live with them! There'smuch more to this story than has been reported, I have a lot of questions...


Linda7hours ago
Atthe battle of Yorktown, the final battle of the Revolutionary War, 3/4 of thesoldiers were French. Yes, three out of every four soldiers fighting forAmerican independence was French. That's why so many Americans volunteered tofight during WWI before America joined the war, to say thanks to the French forwinning the Revolutionary war for us. People from other countries have alwayshelped the American military. Even during the Revolutionary War it was hard torecruit enough American soldiers.


jons7hours ago
Inthe Roman republic and empire, non citizens could earn it by serving 25 yearsin the Auxiliaries (calvery)


carl6hours ago
Armyvet 83 - 92, if they signed up for a job (MOS) that requires a certain level ofclearance and the FBI cannot verily them then out they go. Been this way for along time. If they wanted to be an 11B infantry they would be fine


ME6hours ago
Whyweren't their background checks done BEFORE they were allowed to enlist?


Wesley3hours ago
Everyone whom applies to enter the U.S. Armed Forces have to clear a BI (BackgroundInvestigation) security check by the FBI/DHS, period.


Caroline7hours ago
Ihave a few friends from when I was in the military (1976-1995) that enlisted,and 6-10 months later, they were out. The reason was that they were giveninterim clearances, but the full check found something that wouldn't allow aclearance. I know a lot of contractors that worked government contracts for6-10 months, and then were released for the same reason. This is not a racialthing, this is a that's the way we've always done it thing.


Bill4hours ago
Thesenumbers are very small. Someone found something in the background of thesefolks that hadn't been revealed before and it may well have had something to dowith the MOS they had requested.


dsi8hours ago
Thisstory is like a movie trailer. Entertaining but hardly the whole story


Steve7hours ago
Nowhat's the other side of this story?


Screenwriter6hours ago
Thesekids got a tough break, no doubt about it. But here's the thing: I served 21years, 1980-2001. If you can't pass the background and security checks, you getdischarged. It's as simple as that. Doesn't matter if you're man, woman, black,white, straight, gay, citizen, or immigrant. It's the same standard for ALLrecruits. I'm feeling very sorry for these recruits highlighted in the article,having their dreams dashed, but the standards are the standards. And if forwhatever reason you cannot meet those standards, no matter who you are or whereyou come from, then you're gone. Period.


your23hours ago
Whydo we allow Americans to join the Israelis army ?


Terrance7hours ago
Thereis a definite need for native speakers of foreign languages to serve in themilitary. Some of them likely have complex family situations that impactsecurity clearances. Clearly the rationale for the about face has not beenarticulated.


John9hours ago
Ithink we are seeing only half the story.


Parrothead7hours ago
Hmmm... okay, he has been waiting for 2-years ... which means he enlisted underPresident Obama ... 
Hmmm ... more than 5,000 immigrants recruited in 2016 with 10,000 currentlyserving ...
The numbers just don't add up ...


johnc4hours ago
SANFRANCISCO (AP) — Growing up in eastern China, Panshu Zhao fell in love withAmerica. He read the Bible his parents gave him, watched Hollywood movies andstudied the ideals of democracy. He jumped at the chance to attend graduateschool at Texas A&M University
Buthe's not an American citizen


MelvinPainter7 hours ago
Somethingisn't right, and I bet it's the AP not telling the whole story.


Carl6hours ago
Whenyou are in basic training you can be let go for any reason and the militarydoesn't owe you an explanation. It's not like getting released from yourenlisted commitment is some kind of crime.


MobBoss5 hours ago
ifthey cant pass a background check, they have to leave..the ARMY isnt a socialclub


Anonymous5hours ago
they'dbeen labeled as security risks because they have relatives abroad or becausethe Defense Department had not completed background checks on them.


老芋仔7hours ago
Goto French foreign legend forces my brother, they’ll offer citizenship and allyou can eat cuisine.

