新的统计数据表明, 大约百分之80的法国女性会在生产时选择硬膜外麻醉(无痛分娩)。 这一数字让法国女性成为世界上最依赖止痛剂的女性。 但是, 这背后的原因到底是什么呢?最新统计结果显示百分之77的法国女性选择了硬膜外麻醉是为了缓解生产时的疼痛感。
Why do so many French women have epidurals?
So why exactly are epidurals so popular in France? Photo: AFP
The Local
[email protected]
4 September 2015
16:55 CEST+02:00
照片由法国本地人报(AFP THE LOCAL) 提供
文章发表于2015年9月4日, 下午4点55分 , 欧洲标准夏令时间下午6点55分
Almost 80 percent of French women will have an epidural during childbirth, new statistics show, ranking them among the most dependent on the pain killers in the world. But why?
新的统计数据表明, 大约百分之80的法国女性会在生产时选择硬膜外麻醉(无痛分娩)。 这一数字让法国女性成为世界上最依赖止痛剂的女性。 但是, 这背后的原因到底是什么呢?
Fresh stats show that 77 percent of French women will have an epidural injection to help ease childbirth pain.
The research was carried out by the French national institute of health and medical research, Inserm, in an effort to find out why so many women were switching to the procedure when they had initially requested not to have it.
这项研究是由法国国家健康与医疗研究所——INSERM实施进行的 ,目的是为了研究为什么众多原本要求不使用此项麻醉手术的产妇改变心意转而采用了无痛分娩术。
Inserm noted: "France is one of the countries - perhaps THE country - where epidurals are the most common."
Indeed, around the world the statistics are usually much lower with rates closer to 40 percent in the UK and between 50 and 70 percent in the US.
事实上, 世界各国的统计数据通常比这一数字(百分之77)要低很多。 英国的无痛分娩比率接近百分之40, 而美国的比率在百分之50到百分之70之间。
So why are French women so keen on the procedure?
Béatrice Blondel, the researcher behind the study, said that there were a large number of reasons behind the fact and that she didn't know which was the most important.
比崔西 布朗德奥(Béatrice Blondel),是这项调查背后的研究人员。 她说这一现象的背后隐藏着很多因素, 不过她不清楚哪个因素是最重要的原因。
"For some aspects of childbirth, French hospital staff are very much more active than in other countries," she told The Local.
“在生产过程的很多方面, 法国医院的医护人员跟其他国家的同行相比有着明显更为主动的态度,” 比崔西对法国本地人报(THE LOCAL)说。
"We pay a lot of attention to aspects of care, we can have anesthesiologists on site 24/7 in many maternity units around the country and have an active management of labour policy."
“我们对医护的方方面面都非常关注。 在全国的很多产科病房里, 都有一周7天, 一天24小时随时待命的麻醉医师。 另外, 我们在对待分娩的政策上有着非常主动的管理方式。”
"And we prescribe ocytocine in 60 percent of women, meaning we have to administer an epidural on them as most women have very painful contractions as a result," she added.
她又补充道:“另外, 我们会给百分之60的产妇使用催产素——这意味着大多数妇女会因此经历非常痛苦的宫缩, 因此我们必须要给她们使用硬膜外麻醉。”
Ocytocine is a labour-inducing drug that is used in slow childbirths.
催产素是一种在产程缓慢的情况下使用的催产药, 它可以加快生产的进程。
Blondel added that "a shortage" of midwives in France meant that those on the job were typically too busy to share out there time to women choosing to undergo natural childbirth.
布朗的奥又提到, 法国的产科护士存在“供应短缺”的状况, 这意味着那些在职的产科护士通常因为工作繁忙而无法抽出时间来照顾那些选择自然分娩的产妇们。
Other experts suggest that the "boom" in the procedure's popularity was thanks to a female empowerment surge in the 70s and 80s.
"Women were saying: 'There's no reason that I should suffer as much as my mother and grandmother'," anesthetist Dan Benhamou told L'Express newspaper.
“那时的女人们提出:‘我找不到让自己必须像妈妈和祖母外祖母一样承受那么多痛苦的理由’, ”麻醉师丹 本哈莫(Dan Benhamou)对L'EXPRESS报的记者如此说到。
And ever since 1994, epidural procedures in France have been 100 percent reimbursed with health insurance.
自从1994年开始, 法国的医疗保险可以对无痛分娩的费用报销百分之一百。
Then again, similarly to what some experts in the UK have suggested, maybe the women going into childbirth just "want to avoid the pain".
As one French woman wrote on an online pregnancy forum: "In France they assume you're going to want an epidural because why on earth would you suffer for no reason?"
正如一名法国妇女在一个线上孕妇论坛上写的那样:“在法国, 大家想当然认为你想接受无痛分娩麻醉手术——因为你干嘛非要无缘无故去受那份罪呢?”
The Inserm study concentrated on French women who had unplanned epidurals, discovering that while 26 percent of women don't want or plan to have an epidural, 52 percent of these women end up having one anyway.
INSERM着重研究了那些原本没有打算使用硬膜外麻醉的法国产妇。 他们发现尽管百分之26的产妇原本不希望或没有计划使用麻醉术, 百分之52的产妇在分娩过程中还是选择接受了这项服务。
The data showed that the French women who typically requested to not have the injection were under the age of 25, had previously had children, were not highly educated, or were foreigners.
研究数据显示, 通常那些要求不使用硬膜外麻醉的法国产妇一般年龄在25岁以下, 并且之前已经生过孩子, 她们要么教育程度不高, 要么是外国人。