【以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》】儿童状态报告发现以色列1/3的儿童处在贫困线下 [以色列媒体]

根据这份报告,到2016年底,在以色列居住的儿童人数为2,851911,占总人口的33% 。以色列网友:这是内塔尼亚胡担任总理12年的结果。孩子们生活在贫困之中,因为他不关心那些工资太低而无法支付房租或购买食物的人。一个每月花5000美元抽雪茄和玫瑰香槟的人,怎么能理解以色列人的情况,他们必须工作和付房租呢?



According to the report, by the end of 2016 there were 2,851,911 children living in Israel, comprising 33% of the population.

根据这份报告,到2016年底,在以色列居住的儿童人数为2,851911,占总人口的33% 。

It is very difficult to discover such a bleak picture with difficult statistics regarding Israel's children, President Reuven Rivlin said upon receiving the annual statistical report on children in Israel from Vered Vindman, director-general of the National Council for the Child.

以色列总统鲁文·里夫林(Reuven Rivlin)在接受儿童全国委员会(National Council for the Child)总干事斯维德·温德曼(Vindman Vindman)的年度统计报告后表示,很难在有关以色列儿童的统计数据中发现这样一幅惨淡的图景。

According to the report, by the end of 2016 there were 2,851,911 children living in Israel, comprising 33% of the population. Between 1970 and 2016 the number of children in Israel nearly doubled, while the number of Muslim children more than tripled.

根据这份报告, 到2016年底, 居住在以色列的儿童有2851,911人, 占总人口的33% 。从1970年到2016年, 以色列的儿童数量几乎翻了一番, 穆斯林儿童的数量增加了两倍多。

The most startling findings in the report pertained to child poverty.


In 2016, 881,369 children were living in poverty– meaning one out of every three children. According to the data, this is a figure that has remained relatively steady for the past decade and reflects more than double the average child poverty rates in the OECD.


The results also showed that in 2016 nearly two out of three ultra-Orthodox children were living in poverty and 62% of Arab children were living below the poverty line.

调查结果还显示, 2016年, 近三分之二的 ultra-Orthodox(译注:极端正统派,犹太教)儿童生活在贫困之中, 62% 的阿拉伯儿童生活在贫困线以下。

In 2016 only 11% of poor children were able to escape poverty due to government transfer payments to reduce poverty.

到2016年, 只有11% 的贫困儿童因政府为减少贫困而支付的转移款能够摆脱贫困。

Large gaps were also reported in the geographic dispersal of poverty in Israel, with the Jerusalem district and the North reporting, 53% and 37% of children living in poverty respectively when compared to Tel Aviv, with 19% and the Center district, 14%. “A poor child is a child who goes to bed hungry. He is a child who comes to school without a sandwich. He is a child who finds it difficult to concentrate in school. He is in danger. He is a youth who goes out to work to help support his family,  who finds it difficult to escape the 'cycle of poverty'. It doesn't matter what his religion is or to what sector he belongs,” Rivlin said.

据报道, 以色列的贫困地理分布存在巨大差距, 耶路撒冷地区和北方的报告显示, 与特拉维夫相比, 分别有53% 和37% 的儿童生活在贫困之中, 其中19% 生活在贫困中, 中心区为14% 。"穷孩子就是饿着肚子上床睡觉的孩子。他是一个不吃三明治就来学校的孩子。他是一个在学校里很难集中注意力的孩子。他处于危险之中。他是一个年轻人, 出去工作, 帮助支持他的家庭, 他发现很难摆脱贫困的循环。他的宗教信仰是什么, 属于哪个部门并不重要," Rivlin 说。

The annual report comprised of statistics from the Central Bureau of Statistics, government ministries, and non-profit organizations, presented a picture of the state of the child in Israel across a number of aspects including, education, health, poverty, abuse and criminal activity.

由中央统计局、政府各部和非营利组织提供的统计数据组成的年度报告介绍了以色列儿童状况的一些方面, 包括教育、卫生、贫穷、虐待和犯罪活动。

“Our job - now - is to act; to do more for the future of our children. To allocate more resources in [the form of] funds and manpower to care for those who comprise more than a third of the State of Israel's population," Rivlin said, "To get to know them better, to protect them more, in all areas, at home, in educational institutions, on the streets and online." Other interesting statistics in the report pertained to Israeli children's use of technology.

"我们现在的工作是采取行动; 为我们儿童的未来做更多的事。为了分配更多的资金和人力, 用于照顾占以色列人口三分之一以上的人,"Rivlin 说,"为了更好地了解他们, 在家庭、教育机构、街道和网络上,在所有的领域更好地保护他们。" 报告中其他有趣的统计数据是关于以色列儿童使用技术的。

The findings indicated that the average age in which children began making online purchases in Israel stood at 13 years old.

调查结果表明, 儿童开始在以色列网上购物的平均年龄为13岁。

Furthermore some 60% of youth aged 7-17 surf the web for more than 4 hours per day.

此外, 大约60% 的7-17岁青年每天上网时间超过4小时。

In an international comparison of 40 countries, Israel was ranked 4th in the percentage of youth aged 11, 13 and 15 who use the computer for four or more hours every day and ranked 2nd among youth who watch television for four or more hours every day.

在对40个国家进行的国际比较中, 以色列在11岁、13岁和15岁的青年中排名第四, 他们每天使用计算机4小时或更长时间, 在每天看电视四小时或更长时间的青年中排名第二。

As such, 90% of Israeli children aged 13-17 are active on WhatsApp, 75% are active on Facebook, and 61% are active on Instagram. The findings also found that Israel ranked first among 40 countries in the percentage of children in the same age group that did not participate in any physical activity for at least 60 minutes during the past week.

因此, 90% 的13-17岁的以色列孩子活跃在 WhatsApp 上, 75% 活跃在 Facebook, 61% 活跃在 Instagram 上。调查结果还发现, 以色列在过去一周至少60分钟没有参加任何体育活动的儿童中,在40个国家中排名第一。

The report also highlighted some positive findings, such as an increase in the number of 12th grade students eligible for matriculation certificates and a decrease in the number of students involved in violent incidents.

报告还强调了一些积极的结论, 例如有资格获得大学入学证书的12年级学生人数增加, 参与暴力事件的学生人数减少。

In response to the statistics, Vindman said that in many aspects childrens' situation in Israel is worsening or at the very least not improving. "This in the rates of unthinkable poverty that have not changed over the last few years, so with the growing rates of children at risk and children who are victims of sexual assaults, and so with the growing inequality among different groups of children," she said.


Vindman called on the government to make the welfare of children a top national priority, something she stated, has unfortunately not been the case to date.

Vindman呼吁政府把儿童福利作为国家的首要任务, 不幸的是, 到目前为止, 情况并非如此。

If many families have 7 children and both parents don't work, how can it be otherwise?


Here in Poland only alcoholic and outcast families have more than 5 children. Unfortunately number of alcoholics in Poland is lower than number of orthodox Jews in Israel, hence we have a low birth rate.


Aren't those alcoholic and outcast families the current settlers dropshipped into Palestine to complete the zionist colonziation project?


This is -the result of 12 years of Netanyahu as Prime Minister. Children living in poverty because he does not care about people whose salaries are too low to  pay the rent or buy food. How could a man who drinks and smokes for 5,000 USD in cigars and pink champagne every month understand the situation of Israelis who have to work and pay the rent ?


That is because shekels all go to the killing of Palestinian kids


Are the zionist trying to pull a quick one on the goyim with this article? Where does the 3.8 BILLION DOLLARS stolen from US taxpayers go?


Red8 Ball: Most of it goes to purchase American-made weapons, which supports your defense industry and provides jobs to American workers. You can thank us later.


So the US gives you money so you can buy American weapons with it? And then have a zionist terrorist say "You can thank us later" for the money, you've given us? Can't they just keep the money at home and invest it in US projects instead of giving it a round trip across the Atlantic


"Can't they just keep the money at home..." You'll have to go to an American website for the answers to your questions. Or do you restrict your racism and prejudices only to the Israeli sites?


And that doesn't include children under Israeli occupation.


You mean arab vermins?


Make the lazy bastards work.You know which ones they are !!


I give to an Israeli child association 100 -200 a month, from my 700 Swedish pension. It hurt not to be able to give more.


Hard to believe that a Jew can be so generous. Are you sure that you are Jewish?


Shut up and keep sucking. And don't bite or else!


" Between 1970 and 2016 the number of children in Israel nearly doubled, while the number of Muslim children more than tripled." - hum... the sentence make a difference between "children" and "Muslim children"... back to the 30ies

