The now defunct Chinese space station Tiangong-1 is enroute to crash into Earth – completing its“atmospheric reentry phase”. While experts have been aware that thiswould happen for more than a year,there has been huge uncertainty around the exact timing. As the station’sorbital altitude has decreased, however, this uncertainty has gradually reducedand it is now possible to determine that it will deorbit within a few days.
Most of the 8.5-tonne station will burn up anddisintegrate as it passes through the atmosphere, though some debris may hitEarth. And although we have the capability to precisely control a spacecraftsuch as Rosetta –which orbited a few km away from comet67P while being 405m km away from Earth and travelling at55,000km per hour – we cannot actually predict the time and place ofTiangong-1’s potential impact on Earth, despite it being only 200km above us. Butwhy is it so difficult, and will science one day help us nail such predictions?
Newton’s laws tell us that satellites orbit theEarth in perfectly circular orelliptical orbits, repeating their path again and again (assumingthat gravity is the only force acting on them). However, this is not true atlow altitudes, say below 1,000km, because the satellite is then moving throughthe Earth’s atmosphere. This causes “aerodynamic drag” (air resistance) – aforce that opposes the satellite’s velocity, which effectively turns the orbitinto a downward spiral towards the Earth’s surface.
In theory, we can calculate drag perfectly topredict the path of a satellite. This can be done using an equation thatdepends on the velocity of the satellite (v2), the density ofthe atmosphere (ρ), a numerical coefficient thatdepends on the shape of the satellite and its orientation with respect to theairflow (C), and the object’s area (A). For those whoare interested, the equation is: D = ½ × C × ρ × A × v2. But you don’thave to understand the equation to grasp why it is so hard to calculate drag.
理论上说,我们可以精确计算阻力并预测卫星轨道,这可以通过一个方程式来进行,它基于卫星的速度(v2),大气层密度(ρ),一个由卫星形状以及对气流的朝向决定的数值系数(C),以及物体面积(A)。有些人可能对这个方程感兴趣,它是D = ½ × C × ρ × A × v2。但是你不必弄懂这个方程来理解为何计算阻力如此困难。
The spacecraft’s velocity is easy to measurefairly accurately using observations. However, the other parameters are highlyuncertain – making it difficult to determine Tiangong-1’s path. For vehiclessuch as cars and aircraft, C can beestimated theoretically or with computational fluiddynamics and measured experimentally in a wind tunnel. The mainproblem here is that Tiangong-1’s shape is complex, and the object isuncontrolled and tumbling chaotically, resulting in a constantly changing C.
The other unknown is the density of theatmosphere, which decreases with altitude.However, particularly at high altitudes, this varies due to a number ofunpredictable factors – the most important of which is solar activity.
The solar magnetic activity follows an 11-year cycle,which results in a periodic increase and decrease of the amount of radiationand charged particles emitted. These interact with a part of the Earth’satmosphere called the ionosphere, changing its density. A good indicator ofsolar activity is the number of observed sunspots. Butwhile the solar cycle can be monitored, the level of activity also changesunpredictably, leading to unpredictable changes in the density of the atmosphere.
Another important factor is that the satellitewill disintegrate and burn during the final phases of reentry, adding furtheruncertainty to all terms of the drag formula.
This explains why it is near impossible topredict an impact point (or region) along the satellite path. That said, youcan get a rough idea of the areaof probable impact, based on the inclination of the spacecraft’sorbit. We know that Tiangong-1’s orbit only enables it to reenter between thelatitudes of -43 (north) and +43 (south) degrees around the equator. As you cansee in the map above, this leads to an extended band of probable impact, mainlysouth of the equator.
Technological improvements
To prevent accumulation of debris in orbitaround the Earth, which can pose a threat to spacecraft and satellites, it isnow recommended that satellites in low Earth orbit are commanded to reenterEarth’s atmosphere within 25 years ofmission completion.
It is therefore of growing importance to beable to avoid threats to population and objects on Earth as these spacecraftcrash. Models and experimental data for atmospheric drag are continuously beingimproved, but it is unlikely that they will ever reach the required accuracy toallow us to predict exact impact points.
Instead, future satellites need to be designedwith reentry as a crucial part of the mission. Active and controlled reentry –for example, by using drag sails or thrusters –could reduce uncertainties and ensure that the satellite burns completely inthe atmosphere while following a trajectory carefully calculated in advance.
Satellites should also be designed and testedsuch that, during reentry, they fragment in a desired way and not cause athreat to Earth. This concept, analogous to controlled deformations in cars toprotect the passengers in an accident, is known as “design for demise”.This is not something that is enforced today.
There can always be improvements in safety. Buteven though the spacecraft’s reentry isn’t controlled or predictable, weneedn’t worry about being struck by it. The odds of you being hit are next tozero, while the chances of it striking anyone at all are about one in 3,200.