Britain faces being scarred by illegal rubbish mountains MPs have been warned.
China's decision to effectively stop taking waste from UK homes and businesses for recycling means huge stockpiles are building up producing fire pollution and health risks.
There is a particular problem with mattresses which are difficult to recycle creating a fly-tipping risk.
Up until this year Britain exported 66 per cent of plastic and 70 per cent of paper collected for recycling to China. At the same time huge numbers of junked cars and household appliances were exported to the Far East to be recycled.
However the Chinese have imposed draconian new restrictions on imports ? accepting only the most pure uncontaminated materials.
Britain exported 50000 tonnes of waste plastic to China in May 2014. That fell to 5000 tonnes last October and is down again this month. Waste firms which previously sold British rubbish to China now have no market which means huge stockpiles are developing.
Craig Curtis director of the Recycling Association told an inquiry by MPs on the environmental audit committee: ‘The ban is potentially the biggest problem the UK recycling industry has ever faced. We are now in a huge oversupply if there is no Chinese market.
‘We don't have any figures for the tonnes that are building up but it certainly is building up.'
Pat Jennings head of policy at the Chartered Institute of Waste Management said: ‘All of those working in the commercial environment are making contingency plans in the event they need to stockpile.'
废物管理研究所政策主管帕特·詹宁斯(Pat Jennings)说:“所有在商业垃圾处理业工作的人们都在制定应急措施以备垃圾堆积。”
The pressure is so great that there is an increased risk of fly tipping and the creation of illegal rubbish dumps.
She added: ‘There is a risk of illegal activity. Illegal waste sites are already a significant issue. The Government and the regulator need to be mindful of this. Ultimately it leads to a risk of fires and pollution incidents.'
Jacob Hayler executive director of the Environmental Services Association said: ‘Mattresses are very difficult to deal with and recycle. Particularly in the south of England you are finding a lot of mattresses piling up. It is a real issue.'
环境服务协会行政主任雅各布·海勒(Jacob Hayler)说:“床垫难以处理和回收利用。尤其在英国南部,你会发现大量堆积中的床垫。这是一个真正切实的问题。”
On the wider problem of stockpiles he said: ‘There is always surplus material at this time of year but the feedback we are getting is there is a lot more than in previous years.'
Ray Georgeson chief executive of The Resource Association said: ‘The shock that the Chinese ban will present to our system is dramatic. Over a period of time we have become comfortable -and to a degree complacent -that there was a ready and easy market for our economy to take advantage of.'
资源协会首席执行官雷·乔治森(Ray Georgeson)说:“中国的禁令将会给我们国家的体制带来巨大的冲击。在一段时期内我们已经适应了——甚至到了自满得意的程度——那就是我国经济曾有个能从中受益的现成的完全不费力的(垃圾回收)市场。”
Barry G Hau Hin Thailand 3 hours ago
Why are their rules draconian? Quite simply they don't want to take anymore of Britain's crap waste. Britain has to sought out it's own rubbish problem like other western countries.
no-no-no-no Mr Angryville South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands 2 hours ago
we are just sending back the crap they make and send to us that only lasts two minutes
Dunk2306 Buxton United Kingdom 9 minutes ago
no-no 1 so just don't buy it. So it's your fault!
oldbean bedfordshire United Kingdom 3 hours ago
This ridiculous idea peddled by the greenies that somehow sending our rubbish half way round the world on a ship belching out pollution was somehow good for the environment had to stop someday and should create an opportunity for some enterprising individual.
Dave B Ex pat Uxbridge Canada 2 hours ago
Unfortunately the ships which carry it are returning there empty because the EU does not allow Britain to make independent trade deals so sticking a bunch of garbage in there is carbon neutral. This will continue after BREXIT because some numpty thought it was OK to agree terms which forbids Britain from doing so for 2 years after BREXIT.
Idiothead White Rock Canada 4 hours ago
Why should China take our garbage?
Matt Hough Beograd Serbia 2 hours ago
Because they made most of it.
Kirsten.Richards71 Cheshire. United Kingdom 28 minutes ago
We are only returning all of their dodgy toxic made crap.
ugly words Waziland United Kingdom 2 hours ago
Could slate greenies but here's a thought. Bloody recycle it or safely burn it to generate electricity. What's the point in having green wheelie bins if all councils do is get paid to dump it. Can we get a council tax reduction... thought not.
lords1 Chatham United Kingdom 1 hour ago
Many years ago we had things called paper bags and paper carrier bags we had no problem's then with disposal last week we had more recycle than we had food bought all packing from the food WTF is going on.
Time to go home Bulawayo Zimbabwe 1 hour ago
Did you ever try carrying your shopping home in a paper carrier bag when it was raining?
AVGH Chelmsford 52 minutes ago
Time to go home: just get the chauffeur to put it in the boot of the limousine!
Time to go home(上条评论发布者):只要让司机把战利品放到豪华轿车的后车厢就不怕啦!
SensiblePerson2017 Oxfordshire United Kingdom 7 minutes ago
Time to go home - we seemed to survive and we had to carry them to the bus stop not just to the car park. String bags were used for vegetables and we just did not have the amount of food people buy nowadays. Grease proof paper was used for bread and butter and they are pretty water proof.
Time to go home(上上条评论者)我们好像能做到,还有我们以前得把东西提到公交车站,而不是只到停车场。以前用网兜装蔬菜,而且一次买的食物也不会像人们现在买的那么多。防油纸被用来装面包和黄油,它很防水。
stoptherot leicester United Kingdom 2 hours ago
For goodness sake incinerate them ban all plastic packaging etc... its not difficult!
Matt Hough Beograd Serbia 2 hours ago
so you want t breath in the fumes that come off do you. Maybe stop mackig plastic goods....
Dunk2306 Buxton United Kingdom 10 minutes ago
Matt - there are no fumes. Just fumes from the people who make up such a story.
sb4100 mk United Kingdom 1 hour ago
so put a ban on the amount of plastic packaging from China imports. soon change there mind.
Arlo Jones Hastings United Kingdom 1 hour ago
Of course we could stop buying plastics. do we need to have fruit sold in plastic trays and wrapped? Do biscuits have to be wrapped 3 times (plastic tray in cardboard sleeve in plastic wrap). Surely it's up to we consumers to make better choices.
SensiblePerson2017 Oxfordshire United Kingdom 6 minutes ago
How where do we find these things without the wrapping. The only turnips I could find the other day were wrapped in plastic! What is that all about.