中俄寻求抛弃美元,采用新的支付系统以避免制裁 [联合国媒体]


China and Russia look toditch dollar with new payments system in move to avoid sanctions


China and Russia aredrafting a pact to boost the use of their national currencies in bilateral andinternational trade, underscoring their intent to cut their reliance on the USdollar.
The development of anew international financial payments system aims to address rising concernsover additional US sanctions and trade tariffs.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during his visit to China earlier this month, said the two nations were discussing the launch of a new cross-border system for direct payment of trade invoices in the yuan and the rouble.
He also said discussions were under way to allow the use of China’s UnionPay credit card in Russia and Russia’s Mir card in China.


“No one currencyshould dominate the market, because this makes all of us dependent on theeconomic situation in the country that issues this reserve currency, even whenwe are talking about a strong economy such as the United States,” Medvedev said.
“I want to saysomething that may raise a few eyebrows, but I think some of these [US] sanctionsare good or useful because they forced us to do what we should have done 10years ago,” he said.
“But it is unclear tome why we have been trading oil and gas for dollars and euros all of theseyears without trying to involve the rouble.
“Trading for roubles is our absolute priority, which, by the way, should eventually turn the rouble from a convertible currency into a reserve currency.”


Russian imports from China replaced some of the EU imports that werecut off by Western sanctions, which increased China’s share of total Russianimports to 22 per cent from 17 per cent five years ago.
However, ING’s Dolginsaid several hurdles would need to be overcome before the full benefits of anew payments system could be realised.
China’s heavyintegration into global manufacturing supply chains means it has limited powerto set prices in its own currency.
And USdollar-denominated payments had long been used by oil exporters for their convenienceas well as for their faith in the dollar as a safe store of value, Dolgin said.


Daniel Lee
18min 54 sec ago
New world order. Good


5min 39 sec ago
How civilized are the Western countries whenthe USand its stooges have attacked over 50 countries since WW2? I bet China, Russiaand North Koreaare able to garner more support from countries around the world than the socalled civilized Western countries.


5hours 14 min ago
" but I think some of these [US]sanctions are good or useful because they forced us to do what we should havedone 10 years ago,"
Hear-ye, hear-ye, hear-ye


7hours 5 min ago
The u.s can no longer compete in the worldmarket and to stop other countries advancement and R&D,it imposes sanctionson them.( bullying). Europe is acting as aclient country of the u.s. There are only a handful of independent countriesleft in the world. China,Russia,Iran,North Korea,Venezuela,Cuba and Bolivia to name a few. Thesecountries are under the assault of western propaganda bullhorn on a dailybasis. I am shocked at the American response to the murder of Jamal khashoggi.Trump declared that he will sell weapons to Saudi Arabia no matter what. And nosanctions or tariffs on Saudi Arabia....WOW...Anybody else outraged ?

美国再也无力在世界市场上竞争了,为了阻止其他国家的进步和研发,美国对他们实施了制裁(欺凌)。欧洲扮演了美国代理国的角色。这个世界上只有屈指可数的独立国家了。中国、俄罗斯、伊朗、朝鲜、委内瑞拉、古巴和玻利维亚。这些国家每天都在遭受西方政治宣传的攻击,美国对于Jamal khashoggi遭谋杀的反应让我很吃惊,.川普竟表示无论如何它都将向沙特出售武器,而且也不会对阿拉伯实施制裁、加征关税。。。哇。。。还有其他人跟我一样愤怒么?

7hours 54 min ago
You have just won 10m USD tax free - Can we pay you in USD - Rouble orRMB? Hmmmmm I wonder which you would choose..

假设你刚刚获得了1000万美元的免税 -- 我们可以用美元、卢布或者RMB进行支付?呃,我很好奇,你会选哪个?
Kun King
53min 5 sec ago
The smart bet will be putting the money inRMB. Who wants currency that due as we speak...


8hours 1 min ago
Well done finally Putin is making his move.Salute to Russia.


8hours 18 min ago
2 worthless currency congrats


8hours 33 min ago
Very smart indeed. This will now force the US tostay competitive and promote global growth.


8hours 53 min ago
That racist bully is going down !!!
Karma is coming !!!


9hours 26 min ago
Death of the US dollar hegemony. No longerneeding to subsidize America'satrocious wars on innocent people around the world. Please hurry up China and Russia.


cliff by the sea
9hours 49 min ago
About time to shift away from Swift.


10hours 22 min ago


10hours 34 min ago
Since the EU is doing the same thing - andcurrency swaps between countries continues to increase - there will most likelybe a gradual shift.

由于欧盟也在做同样的事情 -- 而国与国之间的货币互换也在不断增加 -- 所以很可能会慢慢地出现转变。
