中媒:加拿大住房市场崩溃将令美国相形见绌 [加拿大媒体]



Shots fired! While our media has been pointing out how Chinese buyers are driving up real estate prices the Chinese media has been dissecting our economy and government and warning Chinese buyers of the dangers of owning Canadian real estate.


We're always curious to know how other countries interpret our statistics political climate and what outside media is reporting about Canada's economy. Since China has been a hot-button subject in Canadian news recently we thought it was high time we took a look at how Canada is portrayed in China's state-regulated media.



While the Chinese media does acknowledge that Chinese buyers are a contributing factor to our prices -- and admit they have been capitalizing on it -- they also point out some interesting observations that our media has failed to cover. Here are the most interesting points we found from three major Chinese publications.


Worse Than The 2008 U.S. Crash
Real Estate As An Economy Booster
B.C. Government Saved This For The Election



John De Gruchy · Aug 5 2016 4:08pm 
I have never met anyone in my life who wants to move to China but many people including thousands of Chinese evidently wish to live in Canada.


Ari Litchfield · Aug 5 2016 4:40pm
True but it can change whith bad policies


Sam Diamond · Aug 6 2016 2:47am 
I remember back in 2007 there was this guy who had a Ferrari Porsche Turbo Maybach and a Benz and everyone wanted to be his friend. After he filed for bankruptcy and lost all the cool stuff he bought on credit no one wanted to hang out with that guy. Expensive things are expensive to maintain. If Canada is built on debt it's going to be hard to keep everything nice and shiny after the bubble pops.



Stephen Punwasi · Co-Founder/CEO at Better Dwelling · Aug 6 2016 5:29am 
Sam Diamond The last part of your statement being key. Corporate debt is one thing Canada's largest banks would undeniably get a bailout. Most people don't realize in the last decade they received over $114B in bailout money roughly $3400 per man woman and child in the country. Some were actually underwater previous to that. 

Sam Diamond陈述的最后一部分提到了重点。公司债务是加拿大几个大银行必定会得到紧急救助的项目。大部分人没有意识到上个十年他们总共得到了1140亿元的救助,平均到每个人身上大概是3400美元。在此之前,还有一些救助是不公开的。

Individuals usually aren't so lucky when they default on credit. So when people say Canada's banks could never go under sure – the the Big 5 never would. How does that impact the risk your friends family and neighbours are facing?


Peejay Gazebo · Gold River British Columbia · Aug 6 2016 1:18pm 
you must live in a sheltered world. I know of at least 1 dozen young people that have moved to China to teach english study or whatnot. China is the most visited country in the world and far more planes land there in 1 hour than land in Canada in a week. Just sayinig your quite close minded Canada has about 5% the number of people that wish to live there than does thailand does for instance.



Marianne Cote · Works at Kelowna General Hospital · Aug 6 2016 8:01pm
My husband and I lived in China (Chengdu city) for 4 months in 2009 and LOVED it! (We are white English speaking Canadians.) We met lots of other Canadians Americans and Brits who had travelled there for adventure or teaching English and stayed for years with no plans to ever return. My mother visited us and was shocked how different and wonderful it was compared to what we hear on the media. We seriously considered staying ourselves though ultimately chose to return to Canada.



Marianne Cote · Works at Kelowna General Hospital · Aug 6 2016 8:23pm 
Also while in China and talking to local Chinese people LOTS of people said they would love to come work in Canada. When we asked why we heard a lot of absurd misconceptions. A lot of Chinese people thought if they were trained professionals in China if they could just get into Canada they would be able to start working in their old professions for Canadian wages (engineers doctors teachers laboratory researchers... all licensed professions in Canada). Or that everyone in Canada was rich (they were stunned and horrified to hear my husband had grown up in Canadian poverty had no food to eat for several days each month and worked from age 13 shoveling snow from sidewalks of the hotel where his mother worked as a housekeeper to help put food on the table; many of his impoverished classmates did the same and child poverty and hunger is common in Canada). Some of what they believed was true (most working Canadians can afford to live in single detached homes and drive cars) but overall Chinese people seem to have as many flattering misconceptions about life in Canada as Canadians have unflattering misconceptions about life in Chengdu. (I don't know about other regions of China.)



Alexia Olson · University of Victoria · 17 hrs
Sam Diamond Worry about the death of the planet not maintaining toys.

Sam Diamond 相比保住玩具更担心这个星球的灭亡。

Brent Whiteside · NAIT · 13 hrs
I get those minimum wage English teaching emails all the time


James Williams · Lecturer at University of Toronto · 12 hrs
I have met numerous people who want to move to China. Considered it myself at some point. Of course there are young people who want to teach english overseas but China is quite a tempting country for entrepreneurs and researchers. Its expenditures on research are going to eclipse those of the USA shortly.



Dan Lion · Aug 6 2016 1:23am 
Governments aren't stupid they just want you to think they are. That is far preferable to you realizing they are evil and purposefully trying to bring down the economy.


Terry Sexsmith · Aug 6 2016 7:27am 
Better Dwelling That's why he quit politics and left harper's side.


Derek Dunham · E. L. Crossley Secondary School · 12 hrs 
Wow. Really? The expansion of zero-down 40-year mortgages began with measures contained in the first Conservative budget in May of 2006.


Paul Smith · York University · Aug 6 2016 4:02am 
I'm not an accountant but don't you have to pay capital gains tax on any profits from property sold that isn't your primary residence?

