法国最奇葩的十五条法律 [法国媒体]



France has more than its share of old crazy laws... here are the weirdest ones.


There's no doubt France like most countries has its own share of seemingly crazy laws and decrees.


Indeed until recently legislation existed in France that banned Parisian women from wearing trousers unless they were riding a bike or a horse. In the name of égalité that law was only scrapped a few years ago but plenty of other bizarre ones still exist.


Here are some of the oddest and most interesting rules on the books in France although The Local cannot confirm whether some of them are still enforced rigorously by the long arm of the law.



1. It is illegal to carry live snails on a French high-speed train unless they have a ticket


A Frenchman was fined in 2008 when a ticket inspector caught him carrying the critters on board a TGV. Turns out any domesticated animal under five kilos must be a paying passenger. France’s state-owned rail company SNCF perhaps out of love for the tasty snail ended up waiving the fine.


2. It is illegal to fly over or land flying saucers in the southern French town of Chateauneuf-du-Pape


The town’s forward-thinking leaders passed a municipal decree in 1954 that is still on the books and upheld as recently as this week. It appears the law was a creative marketing campaign the son of the former mayor has said. The town is known worldwide for its strange anti-UFO legislation. 


The town of Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Photo: Aa77zz/Flickr



3. Illegal to kiss whilst train is at the platform


This old law was apparently introduced at the request of rail chiefs in order to prevent the amorous French from delaying the departure of trains. All kissing on the platform must be done before the train arrives.


4. It is illegal to have unlimited self-service ketchup in French school cafeterias


In 2011 French authorities banned it along with unlimited mayonnaise and vinaigrette salad dressing in an effort to promote healthy eating among kids. However the red stuff can still be served with certain meals such as chips (French fries). France is renowned for being a health conscious nanny state even though a study this week found that one in two French people over the age of 30 are overweight (and one in six are obese). 



5. French law requires that 40 percent of the music played on private radio stations must be of French origin


Since 1996 the country’s top media regulator the Conseil Supérieur de L’Audiovisuel has been charged with enforcing the rule. CSA also demands that half of the French music required by the quota be less than six months old.


6. Pig owners can't call their cochons Napoleon


This appears to be more myth than reality but worth including anyway we think. Former emperor Napoleon apparently introduced this law to avoid him being the subject of mockery.



7. A mayoral decree in the tiny northern French village of Lhéraule obliges a minimum level of politeness in the Town Hall


The rules say you can be tossed off the premises if you don’t use basic social graces like
After all "bonjour" is the most important word in the French language. 


8. It is illegal to drink any alcohol at work except wine beer cider pear cider and a fermented honey drink called hydromel


So that means pretty much every French company that has served anything else at a pot de depart (leaving drink) was breaking the law. However the rules also say bosses have to send workers home when they are drunk so please consume with moderation.



9. It is legal to marry a dead person


This law stems back to when a dam burst in 1959 and killed 420 people in southern France. A pregnant woman who lost her fiancé was so upset that former President Charles de Gaulle penned a law allowing them to be married. However the authorities require proof the couple planned to marry before one of them died.


10. It’s legal for French parents to prevent their adult children from getting married


Under a law that dates back to Napoléon Bonaparte’s days the rule says parents can file a statement of opposition for any reason. This actually happened in 2010 when a Frenchman’s family stepped in to block his marriage to a Chinese woman the parents believed was seeking to protect her immigration status.



11. Everyone must have a bail of hay at home


In case the French king passes with his horse... Now given there are no longer French kings and the current president does not travel by horse this old law is pretty defunct. But always good to know these things.


12. You can write a cheque on toilet paper... or any kind of paper


Unless your bank manager refuses to accept it. Which he probably will to be fair. But you would be within your rights to point out that you don't actually need a cheque book.



13. French law allows you to be divorced if you smoke too much or are too interested in football


France’s legal code obliges spouses to be faithful and if they aren’t it is grounds for divorce. However infidelity can also be “intellectual” as well as physical meaning excessive smoking playing too much football spending too much time with the local bishop and phone sex can all be grounds for divorce.


14. A woman needs permission from the police to dress like a man


So that's why Parisian women still wear skirts and high heels in winter they just can't face going to the prefecture de police to ask permission to wear jeans.


15. Bins and ashtrays are lethal weapons in Paris


At least that's according to the penal code in France. So let's all give thanks to the rubbish collectors whose job is clearly up there with bomb disposal units in terms of danger.



Cate Loveland R26; October 27 at 9:21pm 
I have been traveling to France and staying a month or so each time 1 to 2 times a year. Rudeness is extremely rare. On the other hand I have found consistently that people are willing to help always even insisting on it. I am older and someone always stops to help when I try to carry my bags up or down the interminable stairs in railroad and metro stations. Even trying to roll my suitcase up hills people have stopped and helped once even making sure I found the right door to my lodging cheerfully "practicing " their English along the way. Men and women both. Waiters are kind even in Paris. If I stop for breakfast more than twice several have remembered me and asked " Cafe creme et pain au chocolat?" I don't look aged and decrepit either and don't tip heavily. If it's not the right time to just have a kir they have found a spot to shoehorn me in anyway. Taxi drivers are downright chatty once I break the ice. I do speak French but am clearly American.



Monique Seccatore Correa R26; October 28 at 1:39am 
I agree. I have always found while visiting people to be very polite and respectful. I wish that I could say the same for the US where I live. Good manners is not a goal as it is in France.


Annie Campos Brooks R26; October 29 at 6:04am
Merci Cate je suis Française qui habite aux USA born and raised in France i appr eciate your love for France and i Will have un Kir Royal anytime


Florence Victoire R26; October 27 at 11:59pm
I know of rules 4 5 6 8 9 and 10. Rules 11 to 15 - That can' be real. Sounds too weird. After spending 24 years in France I can honestly say I have never heard of rules 1 to 3 and 11 to 15!

 我知道第4 5 6 8 9  10.条规定,但是11到15都不是真实的,听起来太荒谬了。在法国生活了24年的我可以很诚实的说,我从来没有听说过有1到3和11到15这些规定。


Maud Colette R26; October 27 at 9:18pm 
The snail law is not a French law per say. It's a rule of the SNCF (the national train company) like you would have a similar one at British airways or whatever.


Dan Kennedy R26; October 27 at 9:15pm 
#5 exists in Canada as well. They call it CanCon (Canadian Content) and it is a good way to help ensure a thriving local arts/music industry.

第五条加拿大也有。人们称呼为 CanCon(“加拿大内容”之意),而且有助于地方艺术/音乐行业的发展。

Rob Jenkins R26; October 27 at 11:00pm 
#6 makes me wonder if that's why George Orwell called the pig Napoleon in Animal Farm.


Kristiana Psi R26; October 27 at 8:58pm 
.....so if the snails die on the way are you then refunded their ticket money?😜


Elena Louvros R26; October 28 at 4:57am 
Valid question!👍🏼


SiMona Denis R26; October 27 at 8:43pm 
nr 14 is false. The law forbidding women to wear trousers was rescinded in january 2013


Kim Ngo R26; October 27 at 8:51pm
Wow that's still pretty recent!



SiMona Denis R26; October 27 at 8:53pm
Kim Ngo ..many countries still have old laws dating far back from the old books)) that s funny ))

Kim Ngo(楼上)……很多国家还保留着一些来自很久以前的古老书籍的法律,太有趣了。

Typhaine Carole Julliot R26; October 28 at 12:11am
yes so many old strange French laws as "it's forbidden to call your pig Napoléon" "to wear trousers (fpr women) only allowed in 2003.....


Richard Schatz R26; October 27 at 11:46pm 
3. Illegal to kiss whilst train is tracks


Whilst train is tracks...WTF language are you speaking!

“Whilst train is tracks...”,你在说哪国语言呢!(注:吐槽语病)

Elena Louvros R26; October 28 at 4:58am
Whilst is a word😀



Richard Schatz R26; October 28 at 7:52am 
Elena Louvros Jeebus Elena! I know Whilst is a word. TRAIN IS TRACKS is not English for god's sake!...and that's pronounced sake...like make...Not the Japanese alcohol!...Don't they teach you English grammar in Florida!


Sandra Cutter R26; October 27 at 9:21pm 
Bale not bail of hay for Napoleon's horse :)


Mark Aiston R26; October 28 at 2:38am 
Haha! Made me chuckle!


Ian Roscoe R26; October 28 at 6:12pm
To be fair most of those laws make sense!


Rebecca Louise Herbunot R26; October 28 at 5:16am
Number 14 isn't enforced at all lol


François Giron R26; October 28 at 12:02am
And Champagne is a wine!

