Plans to import power from India stalled
ISLAMABAD: A plan to import up to 4,000 megawattsof electricity from across the eastern border to overcome Pakistan’s energyshortfall has stalled amid rising extremist sentiments in India following theascension of Narendra Modi.
“How can we push for electricity import [fromIndia] when those at the helm of affairs in India are taking an extremelyanti-Pakistan posture,” a senior official from the Ministry of Water and Powertold Dawn.
The Modi administration is not only taking ahawkish stance against Pakistan, but is also refusing to come to thenegotiating table and is encouraging extremist groups to attack Pakistanivisitors, including singers, writers and sportsmen, he said.
KEYPOINTSOct 21, 2015 07:01am
Wonder who has business interests to be pushing forsuch an agreement with india? No need to increase dependency on india. Havesome respect for kashmiri muslims getting killed in india? Please some diginityfirst, business interests later. Time to show patriotism.
NADEEM AHMED Oct 21, 2015 07:05am
after reading this article. I feel shamed andsurprised that we Pakistani are not be able to generate electricity. we are notbe able to build dams. we are not be able to installed winds power plants.
SATTOct 21, 2015 07:06am
Electricity is made of running electrons and not ofany sentiments and it help people and brings progress.Why keeping people inpenury when you are getting electricity low cost.
ALTAFOct 21, 2015 07:07am
Another Governmental psycho talking India talks.What happened to Governmental energy projects? Previous government wasinvesting on many energy projects on daily basis and so is this government. Isanyone keeping a watch what projects are approved and where money beendispersed? Nuclear plants, solar plants, further Dams for Hydroelectricity?Many coal and gas power plants were ordered by this and previous government.Who is running the government? Ayub Khan alone made many dams and energyefficient Pakistan in no time, what has happened to current Government? May beits time to outsource Governance of Pakistan to outside corporation, they willrun Pakistan more efficiently in no time, roads, dams, electricity and foodissues will resolve in no time. Pakistan has issues with Governance and civilservice. These two branches be out sourced as soon as possible. No need forthese provincial and Federal cabinets, just draining the economy.
SAMOct 21, 2015 07:24am
create ur own power
ZUBAIROct 21, 2015 07:45am
Pakistan should generate and is capable ofgenerating the Power What it needs, provided it wills strongly. Give a freehand and incentive to Engineers and see. There will be no reason of Powershortage in the country.
INDIAN MUSLIMOct 21, 2015 08:03am
Are you joking, Bangalore where I live haspowercuts 12 hours a day and due to attacks on muslims , i am planning to seekasylum in pakistan and settle down in GB/Azad Kashmir.
STRANGEROct 21, 2015 08:19am
What is needed is reform in power sector andreduction in line losses (that is, theft) in the country. There are swathes ofareas where electricity bills are not paid. Then import of fuel and localgeneration of electricity seems to be better choice than importing electricalpower from Central Asian countries due to transmission losses owing to longdistance.
INDIAN DALITOct 21, 2015 08:28am
India has huge power shortage and if India plans toexport power then it is the biggest joke of the millennium.
DOREMONOct 21, 2015 08:29am
A Nuclear power signing deal for 30MW of power.Pathetic! This amount can be generated by gwadar citizens with rooftop solarpanels.
ROHITOct 21, 2015 08:40am
Good....what the hell is the Indian central/stategovt doing offering electricity to Pakistan.....we still have places wherethere is no/little electricity
SACHINOct 21, 2015 08:55am
“How can we push for electricity import [from India] when those at thehelm of affairs in India are taking an extremely anti-Pakistan posture,”.Providing electricity to Pakistan will be a pro-Pakistani step by Modi, let himdo it.
MATHUOct 21, 2015 08:55am
Please avoid getting blackmail for 4000 MW ofelectricity because India will simply shut it down whenever there will be somefresh issue between the two countries. Pakistanis are better with outelectricity than it,s import from India.