一份由Abacus Data进行的新的调查表明相比于中国,加拿大人对美国政府的印象更糟糕。加拿大网友:事实上,在翻译特朗普的言论时总是存在问题。当许多翻译者一字不差地翻译他的话,而不是他想要表达的最受欢迎的版本时,问题就出现了……
Canadians Have Worse ImpressionOf U.S. Government Than China: Abacus Poll
A new survey from Abacus Data says Canadians have aworse impression of the U.S. government than its Chinese counterpart.
一份由Abacus Data进行的新的调查表明相比于中国,加拿大人对美国政府的印象更糟糕。
And this was before President Donald Trump promisedNorth Korea "fire and fury" on Tuesday.
The polling firm's survey asked Canadians for theirimpressions of several foreign governments. Respondents were most favourable ofthe government of Japan, followed by Mexico. At the bottom of the list isRussia with the U.S. doing just slightly better:
A big(league) finding here is that 49 per cent ofrespondents said they had a "very negative" impression of the U.S.,while 40 per cent said the same about Russia. Twenty-two per cent said they hada similar impression of China's government.
This development seems to have dumbfounded one ofthe survey's authors, David Coletto.
这一结果似乎令调查者之一David Coletto大为惊讶。
"The Trump era continues to confound," hesaid in a release accompanying the survey. "I can't recall a time, atleast in my life, when more Canadians would have had a more negative view ofthe U.S. government than of the Russian government."
Co-author Bruce Anderson said it was"remarkable" to see Canadians having more favourable views of Chinaand Russia than of the "passionate defender of individual freedoms"down south.
另一位调查者Bruce Anderson认为加拿大人对中国和俄罗斯印象比南方“个人自由的狂热捍卫者”更为正面这一点令人惊讶。
"While we haven't measured exactly the samequestion in the past — it seems reasonable to assume that the current Canadianpublic view of the Trump administration marks a significant break with pastattitudes," he said in the release.
Previous polls measuring Canadian attitudes towardthe U.S. in the Trump era have returned similarly unflattering sentiments.
In May, a poll from Environics Institute found only44 per cent of respondents had a positive view of Canada's neighbour. That'sdown from 77 per cent in 2012.
And in April, just three months into Trump'spresidency, a survey from Abacus found that 80 per cent of respondentsdisagreed with the notion that "Canada should try to be more like theUnited States."
That same poll also had some revealing insightsinto Canadian attitudes toward the U.S. and China. Check them out in thegraphic below:
The latest Abacus poll was conducted online betweenAug. 4 and 7 with 2,000 adults chosen from a representative panel of more than500,000 Canadians. Abacus says a similar poll would carry a margin of error ofplus or minus 2.2 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
[–]van_creeper 9 points 6 days ago*
If you don't do what the American governmentdemands of you, they fund a color revolution, arm terrorists, or invade yourcountry and destroy as much infrastructure in the process as possible. I trustChina more than I trust the gang of looters in DC.
America: Invade the world, loot the world,brainwash the world, bully the world, invite the world, and indebt yourself tothe world
China: we just want to make money and rise to powerpeacefully.
[–]critfistBritish Columbia 5 points 6 days ago
You'd be a fool to think that China isn't spreadingit's influence.
[–]van_creeper 3 points 6 days ago
I'm not sure what 'influence' China has. Theymostly build infrastructure and buy minerals and oil. Productive rather thandestructive.
[–]critfistBritish Columbia 0 points 6 days ago
The US does the same. China isn't the only countrylooking for foreign resources.
A good example of their aggression is with theSouth China Sea. China wants to claim a major shipping line as their own in anattempt to strong arm economic dominance. Even if they have to enforce it withbattleships.
[–]van_creeper 1 point 6 days ago
it's still nothing close to the evil that americahas perpetrated in the last 50 years.
[–]critfistBritish Columbia 0 points 6 days ago
For some reason I doubt that, but regardless I'drather be a citizen in a country that didn't kill you or imprison you for notbeing communist.
[–]van_creeper 1 point 6 days ago
America is actually veering in the same direction.
[–]critfistBritish Columbia 1 point 5 days ago
I'm in greater doubt that America is becoming acommunist dictatorship.
[–]TOMapleLaughs 80 points 6 days ago
Don't Americans also have a worse impression oftheir own government than China's?
Meanwhile, China's youth views America veryfavourably.
[–]shabi_sensei 5 points 6 days ago*
I lived in China and people in general love theWest. They buy western goods whenever possible, watch english movies with chinesesubtitles, the only weird thing is that their "Western" food has beenadapted for Chinese tastes so everything is a little off. I still shudder tothink about how they eat salad with different flavours of mayonnaise.Strawberry mayo on a salad, ugh. Even fruit salad = mayo.
[–]eejiteinstein 2 points 6 days ago
Well, they speak English too...
There is actually a problem with translating Trump.Many translators run into trouble when they accurately translate him so insteadthey translate the most favourable version possible of what Trump wasattempting to say...
[–]er0gami2British Columbia 1 point 6 days ago
Of course the Chinese have a favorable view of theUS.. The firewall blocks like half the internet.. They dont know any better
[–]EpicDanB 10 points 6 days ago
And that's exactly our problem.