博客书评:英文版《死神永生》书评第一弹 [联合国媒体]




By Rachel Cordasco

The Three-Body Problem drew me completely into the universe Cixin Liu created,in which humanity had to come to terms for the first time in history with theexistence of an alien species. The Dark Forest absorbed me in its nuanced,fascinating discussion of the nature of the universe and the potentialintelligent life within it. So you can imagine how much I was looking forwardto the last novel in the trilogy, Death’s End.


Let’s just say, I was not disappointed.


Not only does this last installment take the series to a whole new level; itraises even more important questions about humanity’s ultimate survival, thepotential realities of the Dark Forest that is our universe, and the limits oftechnology. Liu doesn’t hesitate to launch into complex discussions ofscientific theories and macro-level debates about 
how humans should approach encounters with hostile alien intelligences. He evenputs us in the mind of an alien who’s job it is to “cleanse” the universe ofworlds deemed potentially threatening.


Death’s End is not just one book, though, but two: the frame, which isinterspersed throughout the book and called “A Past Outside of Time;” and thestory proper, in whcih we follow the remarkable journey of Cheng Xin toward thelimits of the universe. The frame story, supposedly written by Cheng herself,is formal in tone, suggesting an academic paper akin to something that Chengmight have written as a student. This intermingling of stories (one by Cheng,the other about her), invites the reader to view the entire tale from a doubledperspective, in which we are always aware of perspectives outside of our own.In the world of this trilogy, humanity lives with the knowledge that it isn’talone in the universe for centuries before actually encountering arepresentative of Trisolaris (Sophon).

《死神永生》不仅仅是一本书,而是两本:一本是基本架构,即散布在全书的称之为“时光之外的往事”的内容;另一本是正文,是读者跟随程xin直到宇宙尽头的非凡之旅。而作为架构的故事内容,推测是由程 xin自己所写,语气正式,应该是她学生时代所写的学术论文。这两本故事内容(一本是由程xin所着,另一本是关于她的生平)的混搭,邀读者从双重视角一窥整 个故事的究竟,而我们始终意识到这超出我们自身的视角。在本系列里,人类在真正遇到三体人的代表(智子)之前的几百年,认识到了人类在宇宙中并不孤独。 【《时光之外的往事》是书中作者以程心的口吻和视角写的若干篇段落】

Recalling Arthur C. Clarke’s sweeping timeline for humanity in 2001: A SpaceOdyssey, Death’s End takes us from the “Common Era” (to 201 CE) through the“Crisis Era” (201-2208) and far beyond, ultimately to a “Timeline for Universe647: 18906416-….” In between, we witness humanity’s struggle to stay one stepahead of the Trisolarans and other potential threats- launching a human braintoward the Trisolaran fleet in the hopes that it can serve as a spy forhumanity; constructing massive space-cities that can hide behind Jupiter,Neptune, and Saturn in case aliens decide to destroy the Sun, etc. Cheng Xin isboth a witness and a driving force behind the events of the novel, filling therole Luo Ji played in The Dark Forest.

让人联想起阿瑟·C·克拉克在《2001太空漫游》里人类漫长的时间线,《死神永生》带领我们从“公元纪元”到“危机纪元”,再到很久之后,直到“647宇 宙的时间线:18906416-…”。期间,我们见证人类试图领先三体人和其他潜在威胁一步的挣扎:向三体舰队发送人类大脑期望它能为人类刺探情报;在木星、海王星、土星背后建设大规模的太空城,以防外星人摧毁太阳,等等。程Xin既是事件的目击者,又是事件的推动力,取代了罗Ji在《黑暗森林》的位置。

Death’s End never lets the reader’s mind rest, constantly urging us to thinkoutside of our comfort zone. One of the most brain-twisty elements of the storyis its focus on shifting dimensions and the fabric of the universe. We’re shownwhat a four-dimensional universe might look like, and then what happens when itcollapses into three dimensions, and then into two dimensions. If you’re notused to thinking in these terms, you might need to reread some sections tounderstand them, but it’s worth the time.


As with the translation of The Three-Body Problem, Ken Liu brings Cixin Liu’sstory to life for those of us who cannot read the original Chinese. Translatingfrom Chinese into English is a complicated process itself, but making thescientific and theoretical elements understandable to a layperson like myselfis even more impressive. On every page, Ken Liu’s careful, nuanced, and eleganttranslation allows us to admire and wonder at the mind that can conceive ofsuch a story about humanity’s fate and its place in the universe.


Even while I was nearing the end of the book, I knew that I’d have to circleback and read the series again, just in order to wrap my mind around CixinLiu’s conceptualization of humanity’s future. This trilogy is sweeping andbrilliant, and it forces us to reconsider if we really should be blasting out agreeting to space, calling all potential alien species to check out Earth. Dowe really want to expose ourselves to the unknowable, the unfathomable? Are wereally so arrogant as to think that we might be able to hold our own in a fightagainst a superior intelligence? These are questions we need to think seriouslyabout.


No one should be surprised that this series has won awards both in China andthe U.S. And it is only right that Cixin Liu’s work has increased Americanreaders’ interest in Chinese science fiction. I look forward to reading more fromwriters like Cixin Liu, Chen Qiufan, and Hao Jingfang, thanks to Ken Liu andfellow translators.


Bottom line? Read all three books in this trilogy because you need them in yourlife and in your brain. Period.
